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这两个程序都可以正常运行的,都是我从网上下的并做了一些改动。 你都须在E盘下建个PICTURE的文件夹。 其中SNAKE-TEMP 需要一个TEMP2。BMP的灰度文件,你放在这个文件夹下。你得提供一个图像和 一个初始轮廓。把一个图像的初始轮廓取出我也写了程序,但最后一步没完成。你先用PHOTOSHOP取一 大概的轮廓即可。 另一程序需要的格式是RAW。你看一下就能明白,我对细胞图像做都不好。-these two procedures can operate normally, I am from the Internet are under and made a number of changes. You have to be under the E site to build a PICTURE of the folder. Which Snake-TEMP need a TEMP2. Gray BMP file, you put this folder. You have to provide a picture and an initial outline. Put an initial outline of the image removed, I wrote a procedure, but did not complete the final step. You use Photoshop for a rough outline can be. Another procedure is necessary RAW format. You see what we can understand, I do images of cells not so good.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 946176 Publisher : wxqbzty

读寄存器内容的源代码环境是WINXP+MASM5.0通过编译生成可执行文件,双击,提示写入文件成功,按任意键推出。在程序的同一目录下的TEMP.TXT中已经写入了:-Reading Register contents of the source code WINXP MASM5.0 environment is generated through the compiler executable files , click, suggesting that writes the document success, launched by the Anykey. The same procedures in the directory TEMP.TXT has written :
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : lele

这个系统中,可以添加雇员,添加部门 查看所有的部门信息和雇员信息 可以管理部门的雇员,例如:添加或删除雇员. 有以下约束:一个雇员只能在一个部门,如果雇员从部门删除,它将被放到一个ID为temp的部门中,在temp中的雇员表示还没有分配部门.每个部门都有一个部门管理员. 开发工具:JBuilder X. 数据库:mysql. 数据库名:user. 两张表:(1)employee,(2)department -this system, employees can be added, Add all the departments View sector information and employees can manage information sector employees, such as : add or remove employees. have the following constraints : only one employee in a sector, if the employee deleted from the department, It was placed in an ID for the temp sector, in the temp employees said that it had not yet allocated departments. Each department has a department administrator. Tools : JBuilder X. database : mysql. Database Name : user. Table 2 : (1) employee, (2) department
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2577408 Publisher : 李逵

这是Small RTOS 51 在DP-51下载仿真实验仪上使用CAT24WC02驱动程序的例子。本例程序按照相应的的通讯协议接收一个数据,并将接收到的数据显示到LED数码显示器上。然后将接收到的数据写入Cat24Wc02中,再在同一位置将数据读出,并将读出的数据通过串口发送回来。通讯协议参考rtos随想曲和test.ini。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有4个警告,可以忽略. (3)DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。-This the Small RTOS 51 DP-51 download simulation NG use CAT24WC 02 Driver for example. The cases in accordance with the relevant procedures of receiving a communication protocol data and receiving the data shows that the LED digital display. Then sending the data into Cat24Wc02, again in the same position will be read out data, will be read out through the serial data sent back. Communication protocol reference rtos test.ini and Capriccio. Note : (1) in KEIL C51 project, I have incorporated the output directory in e : \ temp. You can Project-
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12288 Publisher : 李强

这是Small RTOS 51 DP-51下载仿真实验仪上实现一个闹钟的源代码。它可以使用k1~k4调整时间,使用串口设置一个报警时间。由于仅仅是一个例子而非产品,有一些细节没有完善。如调整完时间后第一次显示的时间是错误的(由于共享TimeData引起);没有使用串行eeprom存储多个报警时间等;删除报警代码没有编写。不过,程序已经可以使用,读者可以自行完善它。通讯协议参考rtos随想曲和test.ini。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有6个警告,可以忽略. (3)除与pcf8563相关的跳线和蜂鸣器的跳线外,DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。-This the Small RTOS 51 DP-51 download simulation device to achieve a clock source. It can be used k1 k4-time adjustments, the use of a serial set alarm time. As just one example, not products, some of the details not perfect. End adjustment time as the first time the show is wrong (due to shared TimeData lead); not using serial eeprom storage alarm over time; Alarm delete code compiled. However, the procedure can be used, the reader is free to perfect it. Communication protocol reference rtos test.ini and Capriccio. Note : (1) in KEIL C51 project, I have incorporated the output directory in e : \ temp. You can Project-
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15360 Publisher : 李强

这是Small RTOS 51 DP-51下载仿真实验仪上编写的一个键盘驱动例子。在DP-51下载仿真实验仪上运行本程序后,有两个发光二极管每秒闪动一次。当按下某个按键时,LED数码显示器会显示相应的键值。 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for Objects...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有4个警告,可以忽略. (3)DP-51下载仿真实验仪的所有跳线选取默认值。-This the Small RTOS 51 DP-51 download simulation experiments on the preparation of the instrument a keyboard-driven cases son. The DP-51 download simulation NG run this procedure, there are two LEDs flashing once per second. When pressed a button, the LED digital display shows the corresponding keys. Note : (1) in KEIL C51 project, I have incorporated the output directory in e : \ temp. You can Project-
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : 李强

DL : 0
基于AT89C52的八路温度巡检仪表源程序-based on the Eighth Route Army AT89C52 Temperature Measuring Instruments source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 志刚

一套DELPHI开发的指纹应用源码,可作为指纹应用整合使用!-a fingerprint application source code, can be used as application integration using fingerprints!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 232448 Publisher : aHang

DL : 0
温度测量系统源码 通过A/D0809数模转换 LED显示温度
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : iviney

Get Internet Temp Folder
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 56320 Publisher : minseok

CMMI开发模板,用于软件工成开发管理,办法可以班主任好比学西-CMMI development of templates for software workers into the development of management, could be likened to the class teacher school in West
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 332800 Publisher :

单总线和i2c总线结合实现数字温度计的程序,使用c语言编写,开发环境为keil。-Single-bus and bus i2c combination digital thermometer, the use of c language, development environment for keil.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 53248 Publisher : 欧阳

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推荐:将数据通过WebServer发布成PDF格式(iText)-Recommendation: The data released through the WebServer into PDF format (iText)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 389120 Publisher : mayi

DL : 0
一款采用DS18B20的温度采集汇编程序,本程序为完整的操作实例,方便大家参考-A temperature acquisition using DS18B20 compilation process, the procedures for the complete operation of examples to facilitate reference to U.S.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : wang tie gang

DL : 0
DS18B20温度计 采用4位LED共阳显示器显示测温值,显示精度0.1度,测温范围-55度至+125度 * 用AT89C2051单片机,12MHZ晶振,设计日期2004.02.27-DS18B20 thermometer used a total of four LED displays show the temperature value of Shenyang, showing the accuracy of 0.1 degrees, temperature range of-55 degrees to+ 125 degrees* Use AT89C2051 Singlechip, 12MHZ crystal, design date 2004.02.27
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 思考

DL : 0
DS18b20完整源码,带CRC较验,可直接使用-DS18B20 complete source code with CRC than the post-mortem can be used directly
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 梁星

DL : 0
Radon 算法的实现及原理讲解,个人整理的重要资料.-Radon algorithm and explain the principle, personal collation of vital information.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 300032 Publisher : opalus413

DL : 0
讲解C++代码被转换为C代码的实现方式,这是一本非常经典的书籍.-On C++ Code was converted to C code realize the way, this is a very classic books.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1361920 Publisher : chen

DL : 0
一键清理系统垃圾文件,可以让你通过最简单的方式清除系统临时文件,网上下载垃圾文件等-One key clean-up system junk files, can let you through the most simple way to clear system temporary files, downloaded files, such as garbage
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 44032 Publisher : 曾晖

DL : 0
FMC实现密码探测器功能FILE *input,*output char temp if(strcmp(infile,outfile)!=0 && ((input=fopen(infile,"rb"))!=NULL) && ((output=fopen -Password realize FMC detector functions FILE* input,* output char temp if (strcmp (infile, outfile)! = 0
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 王国栋
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