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Sphider是一个轻量级,采用PHP开发的web spider和搜索引擎,使用mysql来存储数据。可以利用它来为自己的网站添加搜索功能。Sphider非常小,易于安装和修改,已经有数千网站在使用它。-Sphider is a lightweight, developed using PHP web spider and search engine that uses mysql to store data. You can use it to add search functionality to your site. Sphider very small, easy to install and modify, there are already thousands of sites using it.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 102400 Publisher : c0

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Z搜引擎带蜘蛛,改自奋搜,主要是二次开发,修正了再搜索结果下不能继续搜索的BUG,并且进行了一些优化,删除一些隐藏的统计的代码,因为不知道那些二次开发者搞这些统计干嘛,怕他们做坏事,ZL人品第一嘛。感谢大家的支持 后台帐号密码分别为admin/admin-Z search engine with spider, adapted Fen found mainly secondary development, and then revised under the search results can not continue to search the BUG, ​ ​ and carried out some optimization, delete some hidden statistical code, because they do not know what the secondary development why do these statistics are, they are afraid to do bad things, ZL character first thing. Thank you for the support background account password are admin/admin888
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1476608 Publisher : iig

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1.类文件的作用是监控搜索引擎爬虫对网站的操作。 2.本类为php代码,只适用于php系统的网站。 3.代码没有使用到数据库,直接把记录写在文本文件中,请在根目录建立spider文件夹。 4.代码产生的记录,仅供参考,并不保证包含所有的记录,因为没有运行到本代码的文件是不会记录的。-1. The role of the class file is to monitor the search engine crawlers to site operations. 2. This class php code php system applies only to site. 3. The code does not use a , writing directly to the records in a text file, at the root folder establish spider. 4. Record the generated code, for reference only, not guaranteed to contain all the records, because the code does not run to this document will not be recorded.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : tu

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用jsoup实现爬虫,无需正则表达式匹配网页-Jsoup achieve with reptiles, no regular expression matching the page
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : Denise

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1.在模板页加入: (互动百科可以加到 dataviewfooter.tpl.php 或加在页尾模板里,其他程序请自己查找模板) 2.上传dinmo.php到根目录 3.有蜘蛛访问以后 输入http://你的网站/dinmo.txt 就可以看到蜘蛛了 如果404 就是蜘蛛还没来 -Enter http (dataviewfooter.tpl.php interactive encyclopedia may be added or applied to the footer template, look for other programs at your own templates) 2. Upload dinmo.php to the root directory 3. A spider visits later: 1. In the Template page to : // your site /dinmo.txt you can see if the spider 404 spider is yet to come
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : ce

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蜘蛛群算法,新型算法,matlb程序,可以测试,里面还包含很多最近出现的新型算法-Spider Swarm, the new algorithm, matlb program, you can test, which also includes many new algorithms recent
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : dfds

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简单的爬虫的实现,适合初学者的了解,实现最基础的爬虫。-Simple crawler implementation, suitable for beginners to understand, to achieve the most basic reptiles.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 李晓阳

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将访问记录添加至mysql数据库中,方便用户每日统计蜘蛛爬行记录,这样可以对百度等搜索引擎收录有一个大概的了解。 使用方法: 1.创建数据库 ,将 zhizhu.sql 导入数据库中 2.在需要统计蜘蛛的页面上加入 include dirname(__FILE__). /robot.php 3.为保护本站数据安全,演示页面已将“删除”功能去掉。但压缩包内的源代码中是有此功能的,请放心使用 -Will visit records added to the mysql , user-friendly daily statistics spider crawling records, so you can Baidu and other search engines include a general understanding. Usage: 1. Create a , zhizhu.sql into the 2. In the need for statistical spider pages include include dirname (__ FILE __). / Robot.php 3. To protect the data security site, the demo page has been Remove the delete function. But the compressed source code in the package is to have this feature, please rest assured that use
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : wvi

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1.增加蜘蛛访问记录查看(授权版可用) 1.后台可方便设置伪静态开关,缓存开关,蜘蛛访问记录开关。 2.设置动静态合并为一个模板(之前1为动态模板,2为静态模板)。 3.优化全站广告管理(改为js调用,后台添加广告)-1. Increase the spider access record view (licensed version available) 1. Background can be easily set up pseudo-static switch, cache switch, spider access record switch. 2. Set the dynamic and static merged into a template (before 1 for the dynamic template, 2 for the static template). 3. Optimize the whole station advertising management (to js call, add ads in the background)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 306176 Publisher : tnp

百度蜘蛛爬行跟踪统计2.0版本新增功能: 对比1.0版本,我们增加了其它搜索引擎蜘蛛的跟踪记录,主要有 百度,谷歌,搜搜,搜狗,雅虎,Bing搜索引擎蜘蛛,能准确抓取并记录。 为了防止数据库占用空间,同时新增了清空数据的功能。 同时增加了搜索引擎蜘蛛的分类查看列表。 系统后台用户名密码admin2 -Baidu spider crawling tracking statistics version 2.0 new features: contrast to version 1.0, we added other search engine spider tracking records, mainly Baidu, Google, Sogou, Sogou, Yahoo, Bing search engine spiders can accurately capture and record . In order to prevent the space, at the same time adding a new feature to clear the data. While increasing the search engine spiders to view the list of categories. System background user name password admin2
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 32768 Publisher : xyp

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阿西文章管理系统V4.0 新增功能: 进一步优化首页及文章页面,新增了搜索功能。 蜘蛛爬行记录新增了SOSO图片蜘蛛及百度图片蜘蛛的抓取记录! -Axi article management system V4.0 new features: to further optimize the home page and article page, the new search function. Spider crawl records added spider images and spider crawl spider crawl records!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 488448 Publisher : puu

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本程序为yahoo英文问答网 采集目标站为 正式版为采集原目标站 正版版功能 1.带后台管理 2.伪静态+伪原创 3.自定义模板+自定义伪静态路径 4.动态与静态模板切换功能 5.缓存功能 6.蜘蛛来访记录查询功能 7.文章ID屏蔽功能 8.php探针查看 -This procedure for the yahoo English Q & A network for the acquisition of the target site official version of the original target station for the acquisition of the original version of the function 1. With background management 2. Pseudo-static+ pseudo-original 3. Custom templates+ Custom pseudo-static path 4. Dynamic and static template switching function 5. Cache function 6. Spider visit record query function 7. Article ID shielding 8. Php probe view
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 68608 Publisher : j2

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即刻搜索小偷体验版 1:强大的搜索效率 2:彪悍的PHP语言开发 本人需要空间赞助如果哪位兄弟是搞主机的或者有空间的能长期的提供我!本人会免费长期提供搜索技术同时赠送本人开发的给力搜索PHP版本带蜘蛛引擎 -Instant search thief experience version 1: powerful search efficiency 2: sturdy PHP language development I need space sponsorship If which brothers are engaged in the host or have the space to provide long-term me! I will provide free long-term search technology at the same time I presented the development of the force to search PHP version with spider engine
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 46080 Publisher : sua

贤诚文章管理系统是一款采用PHP+Mysql开发的程序,前台采用DIV+CSS布局,PHP模板分离技术。主要功能有蜘蛛爬行统计器、无限分类、后台多框架小窗口操作。-Xian Cheng article management system is a use of PHP+ Mysql development process, the front using DIV+ CSS layout, PHP template separation technology. The main function of a spider crawler statistics, infinite classification, the background multi-frame small window operation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 495616 Publisher : ph

抓取百度百科的内容,并保存本地分析。适合大数据分析-spider the content of baidubaike
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 王先冬

此版功能说明,只要别人的网站做上你的自动链网址,并点击一次进入,系统将自动收录对方网站. 本程序采用了蜘蛛技术,自动识别网页编码,自动分析网页标题,自动处理html代码,保留有用的文字信息,像百度搜索面页那样.-This version of the function description, as long as other people s Web site to do your automatic chain Web site, and click once to enter, the system will automatically include each other s Web site.This program uses a spider technology to automatically identify the page code, automatically analyze the page title, , Retain useful text information, like Baidu search page as.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 256000 Publisher : gsq

大佬美女美图小偷程序 功能简介: 1.采用php小偷技术自动同步更新. 2.程序采用伪静态,全站伪静态.收录最有利。(动态浏览与静态后台自由切换!) 3.支持二级目录,二级域名。程序自带后台,页面缓存, 图片缓存 4.搜索引擎蜘蛛访问记录-The use of PHP thief technology automatically synchronize updates. 2. procedures using pseudo-static, full station pseudo-static. Included the most favorable. (Dynamic browsing and static background free switch!) 3. Support two directory, two domain names. The program comes with background, page cache, picture cache 4. Search engine spider access record
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 739328 Publisher : mzc

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蜘蛛记录器免费版V1.1 使用限制: 个人用户在不修改程序的前期下,永久免费使用,后台保留版权 后台: adminx.php 默认密码:cnbluetu 前台: 适用环境: PHP网站-Spider Recorder Free Edition V1.1 Restrictions: Individual users do not modify the program in the early period, the permanent free use, the background reserved Copyright background: adminx.php Default password: cnbluetu Reception: Applicable environment: PHP website
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher : tha

对于站长来说查看搜索引擎蜘蛛抓取的频率了解蜘蛛抓取的深度,能够快速了解搜索引擎抓取问题,从而更快的优化网站,而对于站长来说每天去查看网站日志肯定会很麻烦,所以这款wordpress插件就能解决wordpress站长优化分析的麻烦!-For webmasters to view the frequency of search engine spiders crawl to understand the depth of spider crawl, to quickly understand the search engine crawl problem, thus faster optimization of the site, and for webmasters daily to view the site log will be very Trouble, so this wordpress plug-in will be able to solve the trouble of WordPress webmaster optimization and analysis!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 756736 Publisher : dmo

这是一个新浪微博爬虫,每天可以抓取新浪微博的数据1600万条,并且提供了爬虫优化策略,包括代理IP,缓存-weibo spider
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1074176 Publisher : 曾李阳
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