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多线程SPIDER:本实例使用多线程技术实现了网络蜘蛛应用程序,可以自动搜索HTML页面并下载指定文件。-multithreading SPIDER : examples of the use of the multithreading technology to achieve a spider network applications, it will automatically search HTML pages and download a specific file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 93707 Publisher : zhu

另外一个网络机器人spider源码(java).rar 另外一个网络机器人spider源码(java).rar -another network robot spider source (java). Rar anot her network robot spider source (java). Rar anot her network source robot spider (java). rar another network robot spider source (java). rar
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8377 Publisher : 李校

java网络蜘蛛 java网络蜘蛛 java网络蜘蛛 java网络蜘蛛-java network spider web spider java java Web Spider java network spider web spider java java Web Spider Web Spider Web Spider java java Web Spider
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 144407 Publisher : 陈伟

网页抓取器又叫网络机器人(Robot)、网络爬行者、网络蜘蛛。网络机器人(Web Robot),也称网络蜘蛛(Spider),漫游者(Wanderer)和爬虫(Crawler),是指某个能以人类无法达到的速度不断重复执行某项任务的自动程序。他们能自动漫游与Web站点,在Web上按某种策略自动进行远程数据的检索和获取,并产生本地索引,产生本地数据库,提供查询接口,共搜索引擎调用。-web crawling robots - known network (Robot), Web crawling, spider network. Network Robot (Web Robot), also called network spider (Spider), rovers (Wanderer) and reptiles (Crawler), is a human can not reach the speed of repeated execution of a mandate automatic procedures. They can automatically roaming and Web site on the Web strategy by some automatic remote data access and retrieval, Index and produce local, have local database, which provides interfaces for a total of search engine called.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20429 Publisher : shengping

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spider(java) spider(java) spider(java)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10931 Publisher : jiaozi9811

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1900789 Publisher : 孙铭鸿

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3512 Publisher : 王文荣

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 53175 Publisher : alfred

用java编写的实现蜘蛛纸牌的源代码和打包发布程序的jar文件,界面采用java Swing-Prepared with the realization of java source code Spider Solitaire and jar packaging procedures documents released, the interface using java Swing
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 129024 Publisher : lijin

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This a web spider-This is a web spider
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8192 Publisher : Missier

Spiders are programs that can visit Web sites and follow hyperlinks. By using a spider, you can quickly map out all of the pages contained on a Web site. This article will show you how to use the Java programming language to construct a spider. A reusable spider class that encapsulates a basic spider will be presented. Then, an example will be shown of how to create a specific spider that will scan a Web site and find broken links.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 30720 Publisher : haha

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网络蜘蛛即Web Spider,是一个非常形象的名字。把互联网比喻成一个蜘蛛网,那么Spider程序就是在网上爬来爬去的蜘蛛。网络蜘蛛是通过网页的链接地址来寻找网页,从网站的某一个页面(通常是首页)开始,读取网页的内容,找到在网页中的其它链接地址,然后通过这些链接地址寻找下一个网页,这样一直循环下去,直到把这个网站所有的网页都抓取完为止。如果把整个互联网当成一个网站,那么网络蜘蛛就可以用这个原理把互联网上所有的网页都抓取下来。-Web spider that Web Spider, is a very image of the name. Likened to a spider' s web the Internet, then the procedure is Spider spider crawling around on the Internet.网络蜘蛛是通过网页的链接地址来寻找网页,从网站的某一个页面(通常是首页)开始,读取网页的内容,找到在网页中的其它链接地址,然后通过这些链接地址寻找下一个网页, This has been circulating go to this site until all of the pages are crawled last. If the entire Internet as a Web site, then the web spider can use this principle to the Internet all the pages are crawled down.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 219136 Publisher :

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Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2764800 Publisher : 张弦

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别人用易语言写的蜘蛛纸牌游戏 这是源码,有些小缺陷,但可以玩-Others written in easy language with Spider Solitaire is the source, some small flaws, but can play
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 399360 Publisher : 黄梦良

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Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2281472 Publisher : 王亮

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蜘蛛"(Spider)是Internet上一种很有用的程序,搜索引擎利用蜘蛛程序将Web页面收集到数据库,企业利用蜘蛛程序监视竞争对手的网站并跟踪变动,个人用户用蜘蛛程序下载Web页面以便脱机使用,开发者利用蜘蛛程序扫描自己的Web检查无效的链接……对于不同的用户,蜘蛛程序有不同的用途。那么,蜘蛛程序到底是怎样工作的呢? 蜘蛛是一种半自动的程序,就象现实当中的蜘蛛在它的Web(蜘蛛网)上旅行一样,蜘蛛程序也按照类似的方式在Web链接织成的网上旅行。蜘蛛程序之所以是半自动的,是因为它总是需要一个初始链接(出发点),但此后的运行情况就要由它自己决定了,蜘蛛程序会扫描起始页面包含的链接,然后访问这些链接指向的页面,再分析和追踪那些页面包含的链接。从理论上看,最终蜘蛛程序会访问到Internet上的每一个页面,因为Internet上几乎每一个页面总是被其他或多或少的页面引用。 -Spider "(Spider) is the Internet, a very useful procedure, the search engine spider programs will use to collect Web pages to the database, business process using spider to monitor a competitor s site and track changes in individual users to download Web pages using spider programs to off machine use, developers use Web spiders scan your check invalid links ... ... for different users, different use spider programs. So in the end is how the spider program work? Spider is a semi-automatic procedure, as the reality of which the spider in its Web (web) on the same trip, spider also follow a similar approach in the Web link woven into the online travel. Spider is a semi-automatic procedure is, because it always requires an initial link (starting point), but then the operation will start from its own decision, and the spider program will scan the start page contains the link, and then visit these links point to the page, and then analyze and track those pages contain links. In theory, the
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 24576 Publisher : webuser_cn

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工具说明: 1.类文件的作用是监控搜索引擎爬虫对网站的操作。 2.本类为php代码,只适用于php系统的网站。 3.代码没有使用到数据库,直接把记录写在文本文件中,请在根目录建立spider文件夹。 4.代码产生的记录,仅供参考,并不保证包含所有的记录,因为没有运行到本代码的文件是不会记录的。 5.本代码为免费代码,可以随便复制,修改使用,但是希望能保留一点我的版权信息。 使用方法: 请将需要统计的页面加入以下代码,并调用,一般修改在全局调用的文件中。 require(ROOT_PATH . ‘本文件目录/cls_spider.php’) $spider=new spider() 除此文件外还包含一前台统计文件,前台文件名可随便修改,但是请注意下里面调用本文件的路径。 前台访问密码请修改下面的 $viewpass 值。 -Tool: 1. Class files is the role of monitoring the site search engine spiders operate. 2. This class is php code, php system is only applicable to the website. 3. Code not used to the database, write directly to the records in a text file, built in the root directory Li spider folder. 4. The code generated records, for reference only, does not guarantee that contain all of the records, because there is no transport Line to the code file is not recorded. 5. This code is free code that can be easily copied, modified to use but want to preserve that My copyright information. Usage: Please need to add the following code in the page statistics, and calls generally modify the text in the global call Parts of. require (ROOT_PATH. the file directory/cls_spider.php ) $ Spider = new spider () In addition documents also include a statistics file front, front desk can not tamper with the file name, but please note Think of it which is called the path of the file.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7168 Publisher : 陆飞

網路爬蟲, 可爬各式網站, 只要寬帶夠, 可爬大量數據. 測試時用的一台512K的ADSL上網機器,512K說的是位(bit), 轉換为字節速度是512/8 = 64k字節/秒。 而這個爬蟲的平均下載速度達到76k/s, 說明已經把帶寬耗盡了。按照這個速度,這台機器一天能爬 76*86400 = 6.6G -Internet Spider, it wrote by CSharp. It wil exhaust a lot of internet traffic, crawling any site data.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9057280 Publisher : john

black spider自动化渗透工具,爆破,子域名,EXP漏洞利用,C段,旁站都有了/(Black spider automated penetration tool, blasting, sub domain name, EXP vulnerability, C segment, stand by.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 14735360 Publisher : toomy

Spider strategy, best strategy for binary options on Timeframe 1
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 642048 Publisher : Kikinha
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