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数字毫伏表的设计方案,有原理图,并设计制作通过,请放心使用。-figures Millivoltmeter design, drawings, and design through production, use Please be assured.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 89411 Publisher : 田军卓

实训的小作品 关于后台SQL知识的 简单制作!-small works on background knowledge of SQL simple production!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 567981 Publisher : 唐帅

DL : 0
强大的后台在线管理功能,能够在线管理和维护信息,只需要登陆后台,完全傻瓜式的管理,无需专业的网站制作知识,只要您会使用鼠标,轻轻一点,就可以建成属于个人或企业的网站。 主要功能如下: 企业概况:新闻中心:产品中心:在线商城:资料中心:网上订单:在线留言:联系方式: 后台账号:admin 密码:admin-strong background online management functions to manage and maintain online information, only landing background, complete fool of managed without professional knowledge of the production site, as long as you use the mouse, a gentle, can be completed on personal or corporate websites. Following major functions : Enterprise Profiles : News Center : Products : Online Mall : Information Center : Online orders :-mail : Contact : background account : admin Password : admin
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 653691 Publisher : james

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chm工具 一个非常好的CHM帮助文件制作工具!具有友好的人机界面!非常方便的帮助制作向导!可以让你仅需一步就可以制作非常不错的CHM电子书。-chm a very good tool to help CHM documentation tool! With a friendly interface. Very convenient guide to help produce! You can just step on the production of very good CHM e-books.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1370401 Publisher : axsdf

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多维颜色直方图::文中利用Matlab软件对真彩色图像高堆直方因数据的可视化进行了实践研究,并给出了 制作高雏直方图的相应程序。高雒直方图的可视化对真彩色图像分割中正确选择合适的彩色模型研 究起到了很好的作用。-multi-dimensional color histogram : : The authors use the Matlab software for true color images directly to the high rockfill for data visualization of practice, and given the high production of child histogram of the corresponding procedures. Luo high histogram visualization of the true color image segmentation correct choice of color model played a very good role.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 131734 Publisher : 杨致远

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旭日网络的网站源代码。公司网站制作必备。asp书写!-sun of the network's web site source code. Terms of the production company required. Asp writing!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1290243 Publisher : 刘叶

DL : 1
java 新闻系统 本系统特色: 1、前台完全生成静态HTML 2、栏目是无级分类的,您可以随意设置栏目,只要您能想到的,多少都可以:) 3、制作简单,由于本人以前曾经使用过动易网站管理系统,所以在功能方面向动易文章管理系统靠拢, 前台制作采用标签制,分为系统标签和用户自义义标签两种,系统标签是自代的,用户不可以修改,而自定义标签则是用户根据相应的功能自己定制出来的,固此,可以自行删除或修改! 4、秉承JAVA开源理念,本新闻发布系统开源-java news system characteristics of the system : 1, prospects completely static HTML Generation 2, columns is not the classification level, you can set up random columns, as long as you can think of, the number can be :) 3, the production of simple, As I previously hyperactive easy to use site management system, the functions easy to move closer article management system. Making use labels prospects system, and labeling system is divided into user-two meanings labeling, the labeling system is the generation, Users can not be amended, and custom labeling is based on users their corresponding functional customization out of the solid of this, free to delete or modify! 4 uphold JAVA revenue ideas, the news release system revenue
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3745004 Publisher : 王光雨

DL : 0
用EVC开发的,食物管理软件,可以在智能家电的终端上直接应用.显示菜谱及菜肴的制作方法等-with EVC development, food management software. in the smart home appliances directly to the terminal application. show cookbook and food production methods
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 890964 Publisher : 王东

类似于驱动向导的程序(函代码),可以方便的生成驱动的框架!-similar to the wizard-driven procedure (honor code), to facilitate the production-driven framework!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24931 Publisher : 刘用

测试版H.264编码器:基于TI公司TMS320DM642芯片开发的编码器; 该编码器只适合测试其各种编码功能,不适合产品生产。 该编码器版权归本公司所有,下载该编码器后只能用于测试该编码器的使用说明参考基于<<DSP的Vis264视频编解码器V1.2>>(本网站可下载) -test version of H.264 coding : Based on TI TMS320DM642 development of the encoder; The encoder is only suitable for testing of its coding functions, not suitable for production. The encoder all the property of the Company, download the code converters could only be used for tests of the encoder reference to the use-based
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 922955 Publisher : jiwen

渐变,火焰效果制作源码。能够显示渐变颜色选取等类似photoshop的工具。-changed and the flame effects production source. Can select the color gradation show similar photoshop tool.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 81286 Publisher : gozhhu

DL : 1
对话框程序,图章的制作-dialog box procedure, the production of the stamp!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 715210 Publisher : 知遇

一个用AJAX+ASP制作的简单的个人通讯录-ASP AJAX with a production of simple personal contacts
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25910 Publisher : 十一狼

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制作linux root/boot启动盘的工具,按照里面的说明使用可以为您的系统定制一个启动盘,启动后相当于一个小型的迷你型linux启动盘。一般在嵌入式系统中使用比较多。-production linux root / boot startup disk tools, According to the note which can be used to customize your system a startup disk. after commencement of a small mini - linux startup disk. Embedded systems generally use more.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2368035 Publisher : 暗暗啊

DL : 0
教学课件---刻度的认识 小学数学课件 本人制作-courseware -- Calibration of Primary Mathematics I courseware production
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 307147 Publisher : 孙伟人

DL : 0
精彩vb编程实例, 包括屏幕保护的制作源程序等! 要下的快了!-brilliant vb programming examples, including screen protection, such as the production source! To the quick!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 40296 Publisher : rocky

DL : 0
站长计数器功能: 1.计数器数字图片和文字两种机制共存。 2.页面显示计数和IP防刷新计数两种计数模式。 3.s cript脚本方式调用计数器代码。 4.共5种图片样式任您选择使用,并且可以方便地增加计数器图片样式。 5.稳定性、安全性、速度上表现都很优秀,功能齐全,代码集成程度高、完全公开,专业制作,完全免费。 6.适合网站设计人员在制作企业站时使用。 -head of counter functions : 1. Counter Digital Photo and text coexistence of the two mechanisms. 2. Counting pages show high anti-IP and two counts count mode. 3.s at 5 Call counter script code. 4. A total of five types of photo format as you choose to use, and can easily increase counter Photo pattern. 5. Stability, security, speed performance is excellent, complete functions, a high degree of integration code, totally open, professional production, completely free of charge. 6. For web design in the production of enterprises station use.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23934 Publisher : candy

无线传感器的服务器端的Demo.实质上是数据库的编程。人工智能的产生式体现在数据库的字段当中。-wireless sensor server-Demo. Essentially is a database programming. Production of artificial intelligence embodied in the database field them.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86675 Publisher : 陈东

众所周知,一般而言,在 Flash5 中是无法制作透明动画的,除非把 SWF文件放到网页上去,但那样形成的透明效果是HTML代码的功劳,与 Flash无关,所以这篇文章介绍的Flash透明效果也不是指把SWF文件的背 景弄成透明,而是指动画中的物体自身的透明,具体地说,就是制作一个旋 转的地球仪,并且使得地球仪在旋转的过程中,地球的正面和背面都得以同 时展示。 -known, in general, the Flash5 is not transparent animation production, Unless SWF files on the website up, but did create a transparent effect is the HTML code of the credit, has nothing to do with Flash, Therefore, this article describes the effect of transparent Flash is not SWF document refers to the background of making transparent, but the animation itself transparent objects, specifically, the production of a rotating globe, and the Earth rotating instrument in the process of the Earth, the positive and the back are able to display the same time.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7057 Publisher : hc

生产排程计划的一份源码.JAVA.B/S结构的。希望对一部分人有帮助-production scheduling of a source. JAVA.B / S structure. Hope to help some people
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4208979 Publisher : jlfsdj
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