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SMI 321BB的量产工具的使用说明及操作说明等等.欢迎阅读-SMI 321BB of mass production tools and instructions for use and so on. Welcome
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 726016 Publisher : 黄飞

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库存管理子系统帮助企业的仓库管理人员对库存物品的入库,出库,移动,盘点,补充订货和生产补料等操作进行全面的控制和管理,以达到降低库存,减少资金占用,避免物料积压或短缺现象,保证生产经营活动顺利进行的目的。库存管理子系统是一个多层次的管理系统,可以通过灵活的设置实现不同层次的管理。采用Java+SQL Server开发的,为C/S架构系统,本文主要介绍本系统的设计和开发过程。-Inventory management subsystem to help enterprise storage management on inventory storage, a library, mobile, inventory, ordering and production of supplementary feeding and other operations to conduct a comprehensive control and management so as to minimize inventory, reduce the capital occupied, to avoid material backlog or shortage of production and operation activities to ensure the smooth conduct of purpose. Inventory management sub-system is a multi-level management system that can realize through a flexible set of management at different levels. Used Java+ SQL Server development for C/S-based systems, this paper introduces the system design and development process.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 97280 Publisher : 何培

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本方案是一款低成本ip phone方案。具备高端IP电话的多网口和路由功能;采用ARM9E单芯片处理所有语音和网络功能,便于升级和移植;ARM9作为业界标准芯片,便于大规模生产,未来成本更加优势明显;采样独特软件优化方法,降低系统消耗;语音性能优,网络接口稳定可靠-The program is a low-cost ip phone programs. IP phones with high-end multi-network I and routing functions using ARM9E single chip to handle all voice and network features, easy to upgrade and transplantation ARM9 chips as the industry standard for large-scale production, more obvious advantages of future costs sampling unique software optimization method to reduce the system consumption voice performance excellent, stable and reliable network interface
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 185344 Publisher : walky

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生产管理系统,是一个数据库开发的案例分析,希望给大家带来帮助-Production management system is a database development case studies, I hope to help everyone
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 785408 Publisher : yangzi

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.net以其强大的功能,人性化的界面,容易调试而受到人们欢迎,asp.net也是一样的,对于制作网页的朋友们是不错的选择,有的人认为做网站容易,因为不需要多少编程知识,学了asp.net后,你会觉的C#语言也学了,这个是本人收藏的asp.net文档,谢谢捧场-. net with its powerful functions, user-friendly interface, easy to debug and popularity, the same, for the production of my friends page is a good choice, and some people consider website easy to do, because the number does not need programming knowledge, learn, you will feel the C# language to learn, this is my collection of files thank you to join in
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8608768 Publisher : 马庆利

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CLIPS是一个专家系统,它用C语言编定。全称是The C Language Integrated Production System. 它可以应用到很多的系统上,如Microsoft Windows,Macintosh,VAX 11/780等。事实上,由于CLIPS 由C语言编写,所以理论上,只要有C语言的编绎器,我们可以将CLIPS移值到任何的系统上。 专家系统是将某领域专家们的知识与经验,经过知识加工服务的过程,建立一套以推理的方式来解 决问题的系统。它就像某一领域的专家一样,能够对该领域的一系列问题进行判定。比如医学疹断 专家系统(疹断各种疾病),农业分析系统等。 -CLIPS is an expert system, it is using the C language fix. The full name is The C Language Integrated Production System. It can be applied to many systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, VAX 11/780 and so on. In fact, because of CLIPS by the C language, so in theory, as long as the C language has made browser unravel, we can shift the value of CLIPS to any of the system. Expert system is to a certain area of the experts knowledge and experience, through the process of knowledge processing services, the establishment of a set of reasoning methods to solve the problem system. It
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : jindong

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金士顿U盘量产工具,制作成CD-ROM 主要用于U盘制作启动盘-Kingston U disk volume production tools, to create CD-ROM disc is mainly used to make a boot disk U
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13382656 Publisher : mfklrgw

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C#实现的生产管理系统,适用于大多数企事业的生产管理。包括数据库与代码部分,是C#,数据库实现的一个经典例子。-C# to achieve the production management system, applicable to most enterprises and production management. Including database and code part of the C , databases realize a classic example.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 782336 Publisher : junwoo

消防管理系统,使用该系统可以高效的制作、保存、管理和查询各种标准的消防...使消防监督检查更加规范,案件卷宗更加整洁。通过查询分析可以帮助单位领导进行监督管理和指挥决策-Fire management system, the use of the system can be cost-effective production, preservation, management and access a variety of standard fire ... so that more standardized fire supervision and inspection, case files more tidy. Through the query analysis unit leadership can help to monitor the management and command and decision
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8150016 Publisher : 李伟

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在本系统的设计制作中,我们用到了菜单的制作方法和菜单在新的主界面中(不是由向导生成的主对话框)的过程代码的编制方法,这是一个多页面的管理工程的典型方案,来完成多个对话框的制作实现对科研项目的多方面的管理.此外,我们还用到了状态条控件的使用方法. 在本系统中,用户先进入一个系统封面,该系统启动封面出现后再确定是否进入系统主控界面. 系统封面可以控制系统的进入,如果进入系统,则出现一个系统主控界面,通过系统主控界面可以调用系统的各个功能模块 -In the system design, we used a method of making the menu and main menu in the new interface (not by the wizard to generate the main dialog) the process of the compilation method of the code, which is more than one page of a typical project management program, to complete the production of a number of dialog to achieve a wide range of management research. In addition, we also used the state controls the use of articles. In this system, users first enter a system of cover, the system appears to start the cover and then determine whether access to the system control interface. system can cover the entry control system, if we went into the system, a system control interface, through the system interface control system can call the various functional modules
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2942976 Publisher : hanjiankun

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环骏制衣厂生产管理软件 见里面的用户指南.-Central Chun garment factory production management software, see the user guide inside.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 758784 Publisher : 倪楚洽

学生成绩管理系统,使用C++,MFC制作。-Grade student management system, the use of C++, MFC production.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4383744 Publisher : 张晴丽

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今天为网友提供的是JAVA源码,全球著名IT公司ILog的APS高级排产优化引擎,就连SAP、Oracle等ERP中的物料需求计划与生产计划算法都来源于ILog。APS高级排产系统我研究了好久,中间的性线求解算法可真谓难呀。其中tutorialcndlg.htm是帮助文件,src下是源代码。-Provided for users today are JAVA source, the world' s leading IT company of APS Advanced ILog scheduling engine optimization, and even SAP, Oracle and other ERP' s MRP and production planning algorithms are derived from ILog. APS advanced scheduling system for a long time I have studied, the middle line of algorithm that can be really difficult for me. Are one of tutorialcndlg.htm Help file, src is the source code.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4198400 Publisher : justinchan

ERP系统,生产计划,生产排程,进销管理-ERP systems, production planning, production scheduling, sales management into
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5120 Publisher : whc

计算稠油热采油藏水平井吞吐单井经济极限累积产油量的程序,原理是根据动态经济评价法以及结合生产动态求解得到。-Calculation of the level of heavy oil thermal recovery wells possession limit cumulative throughput single well oil production economy of the process, the principle is based on the dynamic economic evaluation method for solving the dynamic combination of production to be.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 41984 Publisher : 高达

用于ERP系统和PLC控制器之间的数据交互,将ERP生产计划下载到PLC控制器中,控制生产节拍。-For the ERP system and the PLC controller of the data exchange between, ERP production planning will be downloaded to a PLC controller to control the production of beats.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 19456 Publisher : Ljx

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提供了教务管理系统、人力资源管理系统、生产管理系统和财务管理系统的数据库建模脚本,供读者参考使用。-The Senate provided a management system, human resources management system, production management systems and financial management system database modeling scripts for readers to use and reference.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 16384 Publisher : 雨薇

Production and decompile CHM
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2097152 Publisher : jiakang

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企业生产管理系统,包括产品管理、原料管理、生产规划、统计报表、系统维护等-Production management system, including product management, materials management, production planning, statistical reports, system maintenance, etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 92160 Publisher : 刘永良

企业生产管理系统 提供对企业的日常生产管理-production management system
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 520192 Publisher :
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