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该程序为基于粒子滤波的一种新算法,综合MCMC Bayesian Model Selection即MONTE CARLO马尔克夫链的算法,用来实现目标跟踪,多目标跟踪,及视频目标跟踪及定位等,解决非线性问题的能力比卡尔曼滤波,EKF,UKF好多了,是我珍藏的好东西,现拿出来与大家共享,舍不得孩子套不着狼,希望大家相互支持,共同促进.-the program based on particle filter for a new algorithm, Integrated Bayesian MCMC Model Selection MONTE CARLO that Ma Erkefu chain algorithm, which can be used for target tracking, multi-target tracking, and video tracking and positioning. solve nonlinear problems of capacity than Kalman filtering, EKF, UKF much better, and I treasure the good stuff, now up with the share could not bear children, she sets the wolf, we hope that support each other and work together to promote.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14805 Publisher : zhang

粒子滤波器指南,学习粒子滤波器的基础文章,英文版a-tutorial-on-particle-particle filter guide, learning the basis of particle filter articles, English a-tutorial-on-particle
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 280480 Publisher : liushan

Update : 2010-10-14 Size : 176571 Publisher : ctgu000

Update : 2011-03-22 Size : 154027 Publisher :

Update : 2011-05-18 Size : 1720724 Publisher :

计算机图形学作业,质点系统的实现,效果f非常好-Computer graphics operations, the realization of the particle system, the effect is very good f
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1697792 Publisher : 余进松

基于CVI的图像粒子分析,可以显示直方图、二值化-CVI image-based particle analysis, you can display the histogram, thresholding
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 116736 Publisher : 苹果

微粒群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO算法)源于鸟群和鱼群群体运 动行为的研究,是一种新的群体智能优化算法,是演化计算领域中的一个新的分支。它 的主要特点是原理简单、参数少、收敛速度较快,所需领域知识少。该算法的出现引起 了学者们极大的关注,已在函数优化、神经网络训练、组合优化、机器人路径规划等领 域获得了广泛应用,并取得了较好的效果。尽管粒子群优化算法发展近十年,但无论是 理论分析还是实践应用都尚未成熟,有大量的问题值得研究。 -Particle swarm optimization (Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO algorithm) from groups of birds and fish movement behavior, is a new swarm intelligence algorithm, in the field of evolutionary computation is a new branch. Its main feature is simple in principle, few parameters, convergence is faster, less domain knowledge required. The algorithm brought the scholars are of great concern, has been in function optimization, neural network training, combinatorial optimization, robot path planning has been widely used applications, and achieved good results. Despite the development of particle swarm optimization nearly a decade, but both theory and practice applications are not yet mature, a large number of issues worth studying.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 602112 Publisher :

这些都是关于粒子滤波的外文资料,我读过了,觉得很有用,希望也可以帮到你们。-These are some articles about the Particle Filter from the world i ever read, i think maybe they are also useful for you.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8312832 Publisher : yumengzhou

本程序含标准的粒子滤波,以及对其改进的辅助粒子滤波,包括一些重要的研究仿真。-This program contains the standard particle filter, and its improved auxiliary particle filter, including some important research simulation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : longerpamth

该代码用于实现粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(PF)、卡尔曼粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(KPF)、无迹粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(UPF)。它们是本人这两年来编写的核心代码,用于实现鲁棒的视觉目标跟踪,其鲁棒性远远超越MeanShift(均值转移)和Camshift之类。用于实现视觉目标跟踪的KPF和UPF都是本人花费精力完成,大家在网上是找不到相关代码的。这些代码虽然只做了部分代码优化,但其优化版本已经成功应用于我们研究组研发的主动视觉目标跟踪打击平台中。现在把它们奉献给大家!-These codes are used to realize particle filter based visual object tracking (PF), kalman particle filter based visual object tracking, unscented particle filter based visual object tracking. Their robustness is far beyond the classical visual object tracking algorithms such as Mean-Shift (MeanShift) and CamShift。The codes of KPF and UPF for visual object tracking cost a great of my energy, and you can not find any relating algorithm codes on internet! Our research group have optimized these codes and applied them to develop a platform for active visual object tracking. Now, I dedicate them to you and wish you love them!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 396288 Publisher : 朱亮亮

空间等离子体磁零点附近的实验粒子模拟,主要方向是空间物理中地球磁尾磁零点附近的粒子动力学研究!-particle dynamics around magnetic null in space plasma magnetic reconnection
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1178624 Publisher : 魏强

D3D下实现的粒子系统,动态的缓存管理,CPU,GPU协调工作,提高了效率,有详细的注释-D3D achieve particle systems, dynamic cache management, CPU, GPU coordination, improve efficiency, detailed notes
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2283520 Publisher : 张杰

一种自适应粒子滤波方法的英文文献,用在很多工程上面-An English literature of adaptive particle filter method
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 205824 Publisher : 静静

粒子效果实现,请参照学习,这里面有值得借鉴的内容-particle effect
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 694272 Publisher : riyu

Particle Filter Localization for a 2D robot(Particle Filter Localization in 2D scope)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : yue93

一篇很好的无线通信方面的文档。particle filtering(A good document on wireless communications. particle filtering)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1317888 Publisher : 杰泽

particle swarm optimization matlab code
Update : 2018-02-11 Size : 2783 Publisher :

DL : 1
正则化粒子滤波器 可以参考看看,新手可能有些难度(Regularized particle filter)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 121856 Publisher : 肉包

量子粒子群的案例,比较新颖的算法,有效的解决局部极小等问题,进行分析学习(Quantum particle swarm, easy case analysis)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12288 Publisher : 槑子你好
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