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这个软件的功能是实现多播协议,方便简单。-function of this software is multicast protocol, easy to use.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 62753792 Publisher : www

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It support IPv4 and IPv6 unicast and multicast and contains a trivial sender and a trivial receiver that can be used to send or receive arbitrary data over RTP. An implementation of generic forward error correction is planned, t-support IPv4 and IPv6 Unicast and multic ast and contains a trivial sender and a trivial r eceiver that can be used to send or receive arbit rary data over RTP. An implementation of generi c forward error correction is planned, t
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 22528 Publisher : 浪子

一个p2p Streaming的原型系统,基于树状结构的应用层组播开发。完整的寻径和平衡树算法。-a prototype system, based on the tree structure of the application layer multicast development. Integrity of the routing and balanced tree algorithms.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2117632 Publisher : JimmyW

rtp 在multicast 機制下傳送和接收avi檔-rtp multicast mechanism in the transmission and reception of avi file
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 315392 Publisher : huw

VC下基于winsock2的组播程序,包含有服务器端和客户端,可以将客户端拷贝的不同机器上测试组播。含有详尽的注释和调试说明。-VC-based Multicast Winsock2 procedures, contains a server-side and client, you can copy the client on different machines to test multicast. Contains a detailed description of the Notes and debugging.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 16384 Publisher : yuewei

java语言开发的P2P流媒体系统,“Stream-2-Stream implements multicast+, a next generation streaming protocol. Multicast+ is more efficient and requires less bandwidth than direct streaming (e.g. shoutcast/icecast). Stream-2-Stream (abbreviated "s2s" or "S2S") stations have no user limit stations can be set up without paying a fortune for bandwidth. Stream-2-Stream saves bandwidth by passing streams from one peer to another through multicast and unicast p2p, rather than everyone getting a stream from one central server (Shoutcast/Icecast). ”更多: -java language developed P2P streaming media system,
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 734208 Publisher : zhaorongchang

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高等院校计算机应用技术硕士研究生课程,高级计算机网络程序设计实例子代码,multicast部分.包括server , client. -Master of Computer Application Technology tertiary post-graduate courses, advanced computer networks, programming examples of sub-code, multicast part. Including server, client.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 罗一

实现组播功能!这是个封装好的,用于实现组播功能的类!从网上找到,拿来和各位共享-Realize multicast! This is a good package for the class realize multicast! From the Internet to find, use and share that
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 李天顺

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移动Ad hoc网络多播路由协议及OPNET仿真研究-Mobile Ad hoc network multicast routing protocol and OPNET Simulation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3456000 Publisher : guogang

一篇很好的论文,组播协议在OPNET中的建模与仿真-A very good paper, multicast protocol in OPNET s modeling and simulation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 103424 Publisher : guogang

使用三块无线网卡在两个嵌入式板子,和pc机之间进行组播测试的测试程序。通过224.0.0.1发送UDP包,两个接收端分别从此地址拿到组播的数据,然后分析丢包率。-The use of three wireless card in the two embedded board, and between pc machine multicast test test procedures. to send UDP packet through, the two receiving end, respectively, obtained from the address of multicast data, and analysis of packet loss rate.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 朱天山

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mpeg2 Transport stream流组播发送工具-mpeg2 Transport stream flow Multicast Send tool
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 183296 Publisher : ddd

详细记载了组播实验中的相关参数,为新手使用multicast快速入手提供好的参考资料-Multicast experiment documented in detail the relevant parameters, for the novice to use multicast to provide a good quick start reference
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1089536 Publisher : shiner

一个用java做的组播程序,很好用的,实现聊天室的功能,欢迎大家下载交流-Using java to do a multicast procedures, very good use, and realize the function of the chat room, welcome everyone to download the exchange of
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 智伟

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多播协议通信程序,用于测试在局域网或者在三层交换机架构下进行通信测试-Multicast Protocol communications procedures, for testing in the local area network or switches in the three-tier framework for communications test
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 45056 Publisher : 李文协

This a Client/Server example for using JRTP in a console program in the Visual Studio environment. Once both the client & the server are started, pressing enter in the server console will broadcast data to the multicast (addresses & ports have been hardcoded in the examples). You should see the proper amount of data received on the client side.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8914944 Publisher : fadg

网络多播是现在研究的热点问题,本程序使用免疫蚁群算法优化网络多播路由-Multicast network is now a hot research problem, the ant colony algorithm using the immune network optimization multicast routing
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : zhaojie

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包括一个监控文件,发送文件,接收文件.地址浏览文件.-Includes a monitoring documents, send documents, receiving documents. Address browsing documents.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : lili

个服务器程序,一个客户机程序,双方通过组播方式传输 数据。-A server program, a client program, the two sides through the multicast transmission of data.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 19456 Publisher : 李明

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局域网即时通信软件,使用组播协议自动发现邻居,并有传送文件和聊天表情的功能-LAN instant messaging software, the use of Multicast Protocol for automatic discovery neighbors, and have to send files and chat functions of facial expression
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 568320 Publisher : 王然之
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