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基于网络的多播实现代码。需要commmom.rar的支持(见本人上传附件)-Web-based multicast code. Commmom.rar support (see my attachments) is required
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 26624 Publisher : 哲思

基于网络的组播讨论会实现代码,需要commmom.rar的支持(见本人上传附件)-Based on the network multicast discussions will achieve code needs commmom.rar support (see my post attachments)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : 哲思

DL : 0
基于网络的组播客户端实现代码。需要commmom.rar的支持(见本人上传附件)-Network-based multicast client-side implementation code. Commmom.rar support (see my attachments) is required
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 27648 Publisher : 哲思

DL : 0
关于UDP组播编程,有客户端跟服务端,调试运行成功-Client with the server, UDP Multicast programming, debugging and running successfully
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3040256 Publisher : jiatao

DL : 0
模仿飞鸽传书完成飞鸽传书的大部分功能(主要是发送组播信息,传送文件等功能)。 实现技术 使用DatagramSocket、DatagramPacket传递UDP数据。 使用MulticastSocket发送、接受组播消息。 使用ServerSocket、Socket发送接受文件。 使用DefaultTableModel定制需要的JTable。 使用SystemTray、TrayIcon制作托盘图标。-Most of the functionality of the IP Messenger mimic IP Messenger (send multicast information, transfer files, and functions). Technology use DatagramSocket, DatagramPacket pass UDP data. Use MulticastSocket send and receive multicast messages. ServerSocket, Socket and sending and receiving files. To use DefaultTableModel custom need JTable. SystemTray, TrayIcon making tray icon.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 11495424 Publisher :

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1. 创建一个用于发送和接收的MulticastSocket组播套接字对象 2. 创建一个指定缓冲区大小及组播地址和端口的DatagramPacket组播数据包对象 3. 使用组播套接字joinGroup(),将其加入到一个组播 4. 使用组播套接字的send()方法,将组播数据包对象放入其中,发送组播数据包. 或者 使用组播套接字的receive()方法,将组播数据包对象放入其中,接收组播数据包 5. 解码组播数据包提取信息,并依据得到的信息作出响应String s = new String(dp.getData(), 0, dp.getLength()) 6. 重复过程4和5,即在while循环中实现。 7. 使用组播套接字的leaveGroup()方法,离开组播组;关闭组播套接字 -java udp multicast java udp multicast java udp multicast java udp multicast
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : sure

DL : 0
PIM-SM是最重要的多播路由协议了,值得研究,虽然很多地方都有介绍。-PIM-SM is the most important multicast routing protocols, and worthy of study, many places have introduced.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 465920 Publisher : chenxu

此程序实现了Java局域网多播功能、类似于QQ的局域网聊天功能。-This program implements the Java LAN multicast function, similar to the LAN QQ chat feature.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 23552 Publisher : ChenDongming

A Point to Point multicast audio client and server
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1812480 Publisher : pggood

Delphi 在局域网内多播稳定传送大文件-Delphi multicast LAN stable transfer large files
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 125952 Publisher : tzz

QoS组播路由问题的蚁群算法通用Matlab源码。输出参数列表为:最优组播树最优组;播树所有的边;最优组播树的费用-QoS multicast routing problem ant colony algorithm General Matlab source code. The list of output parameters: the optimal multicast tree optimal group multicast tree all sides optimal multicast tree cost
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 谢贤

DL : 0
C++\CLI编写的基于UDP协议的组播完整项目,包括发送和接收双线程-C++ \ CLI written based on UDP multicast complete project, including sending and receiving dual-thread
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 27648 Publisher : 向阳

对单播地址,多播地址,广播地址进行检查,其中对多播地址的检查用于哈希算法-The unicast address, the multicast address, a broadcast address to be checked, wherein the inspection of the multicast address is used for hashing algorithm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 周勇勃

DL : 0
模拟IP电话组播,可实现模拟电话的单人通话和多人群组通话功能-The analog IP telephony multicast, single analog phone calls and more than group call feature
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13865984 Publisher : 蒋公子

DL : 0
vxworks上开发的twl 轮转定时器,用于大规模定时器的使用,特别适合组播模块-The vxworks developed the twl rotate the timer for the large-scale use of the timer, especially for multicast module
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 金银

DL : 0
mptsd receives mpegts streams from multicast (udp/rtp) or http and combines them into one multiple program stream that is suitable for outputing to DVB-C modulator. It is tested with Dektec DTE-3114 Quad QAM Modulator and it is used in production in couple of small DVB-C networks.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 156672 Publisher : Georgi

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影视转帖工具,可以直接获取比较热门的影视网站里面的资源链接,包括百度影音地址,迅播地址,快播地址,FTP,快车地址等-Television Viewed tools, direct access to the inside of the popular film and television websites links to resources, including Baidu audio and video address, the fast broadcast address, fast multicast addresses, FTP Express address, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 21504 Publisher : 王新林

DL : 0
介绍路由器组播原理的实现,基本方法的简介以及介绍方式-To introduce the realization of the principle of routers multicast profiles as well as the introduction of the basic methods
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 327680 Publisher : uuu

DL : 0
Create and manage unicast, broadcast or multicast socket to send and receive datagram packets over the network.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 55296 Publisher : lorak

DL : 0
现在的快播电影站数以万计,但是99 都是靠采集而获得资源。采集,百度收录效果是很不理想的(因为大家的资源都是属于同一地址)。与其靠采集为生,还不如踏踏实实做个快播搜索站。百度一下,你会发现这样的站点现在很少(但是这类站点是喜欢用快播的网友常去的地方)。正所谓:一站在手,万站无忧! 所以,想做站的朋友,赶快行动(机不可失失不再来哦)! 此类站点安装复杂,没耐心的朋友绕道,不想认真做的绕道-Now fast broadcast movies Station tens of thousands, but 99 are relying acquisition and access to resources. Acquisition, Baidu, the effect is far from ideal (because all resources are part of the same address). Their living by collecting, not as good as the down-to-earth to be a fast multicast search station. Baidu, you will find that this site is now rarely (but such sites like places frequented Nora users). As the saying goes: a standing hand, Wan Station worry-free! So, want to be friends of the station, and act quickly (or never lost longer oh)! Such sites install complex impatient friend Bypass, and do not want to seriously do Bypass ...
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2889728 Publisher : dsfwwo
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