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一个神经网络工具箱,包括Support Vector Machine等。-a neural network toolbox, including Support Vector Machine other.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1632256 Publisher : cp

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虚拟机的设计与实现, 用c/c++开发.讲述原理和开发指导,有实例.-Virtual Machine Design and Implementation, c/c development. On principle and the development of guidance, and with examples.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 12538880 Publisher : 魏刚祥

利用Verilog编程实现状态机的例子。很不错的。-use Verilog Programming state machine example. Very good.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 183296 Publisher : 张厂

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own Java code. WEKA 是一个机器学习运算法则,它是为解决真实世界中的数据问题。它用java写成并且几乎可以在任何平台上运行。运算法则能够被直接应用到数据集上或者从你自己的java 码中调用。-own Java code. WEKA is a machine learning algorithms, it is to solve the real-world data. Using java can be written in almost any platform. Algorithms can be directly applied to the data collected on or from your own java code call.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4892672 Publisher :

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一个银行自动柜员机模拟程序,主要实现对帐户的查询和修改功能!-a bank automated teller machine simulation program, the main account of the inquiries and change the functional!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 黄红滔

双馈电机数学模型,基于simulink,如果需要可以提供S函数的模型-Doubly-fed machine mathematical model, based on simulink, if necessary can provide a model S function
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 10240 Publisher :

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推荐下载,verilog状态机实例.体现了流水线思想的应用 -recommend downloading Verilog state machine example. Pipeline reflects the thinking of the application
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 陶玉辉

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这是一个自动售货机的vhdl源码,曾经是eda比赛的题目,供大家参考。-This is a vending machine in VHDL source code, the game had been sown topic, for your reference.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 534528 Publisher :

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洗衣机控制器 做课程设计的同学可以下了看看 用vhdl语言做的 -washing machine controller design courses so students can see where the use of the VHDL language
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 李莫普

可预设式全自动智能洗衣机设计,主要用单片机实现洗衣控制过程,用外围电路来模拟操作和显示洗衣过程-presets automatic washing machine intelligent design, the main laundry MCU control process, using the external circuit to simulate operation of the laundry process and display
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 45056 Publisher : 张勤

在MAXPULS II环境下,采用Verilog开发的自动洗衣机的控制程序,在MAXPULS下可以直接通过编译-in MAXPULS II environment, using Verilog development of the automatic washing machine control procedures, the MAXPULS can be directly through the compiler
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 282624 Publisher : 余远恒

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主要用于机器视觉和模式识别的一些源代码,非常有用-mainly for machine vision and pattern recognition of the source code, very useful
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1277952 Publisher : 李国平

设计一个自动售货机控制程序,它的投币口每次可以投入1元、2元、5元,且规定投入1元或2元后不得再投入5元。当投入总值等于或超过设定值(4元),售货机就自动送出货物并找回多余的钱。-design a vending machine control procedures, it can slot into each one yuan, the two yuan, 5 billion there are provisions into one yuan or two yuan may re-enter after five yuan. When the input value equals or exceeds the set value (4), the vending machines will automatically send the goods and retrieve extra money.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 215040 Publisher :

数据挖掘的一个研究方向,此书中介绍了数据挖掘的基本概念以及weka的用法-a data mining research, the book introduces the Data Mining and the basic concept of the usage weka
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5420032 Publisher : 无影

This method entails a machine learning approach for visual object detection, which is capable of processing images extremely rapidly and achieving high detection rates. -This method entails a machine learning app Roach for visual object detection, which is capable of processing images extremel y rapidly and achieving high detection rates.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7168 Publisher : 肖雪

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本程序为多机通信,本人已经测试成功,朋友们可以下载起来用!-procedures for the multi-machine communication, I have tested successfully, and friends can download feet!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 44032 Publisher :

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一种用于 MDB 介面的主机通讯程序. MDB 是一种国际标准的自动售货机内部通讯协议-MDB interface for a host of communications procedures. MDB is an international standard internal-vending machine-- Agreement
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 15360 Publisher : zxluo

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svm(support vector machine)的训练识别算法程序-svm (support vector machine) training procedures Recognition Algorithm
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 813056 Publisher : 李啸

一些机器学习的文档.有贝叶斯,决策树,ga,ann,规则学习,增强学习等ppt介绍文档-some machine learning documents. A Bayesian, decision tree, ga, ann, rule learning, to enhance learning ppt documents introduced
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 613376 Publisher : zj

自动售货机 l 设计要求: 1.机器有一个投币孔,每次只能投入一枚硬币,但可以连续投入多枚硬币。机器能识别的硬币金额为1元,5角和1角。顾客可选择的饮料价格有1元,1元5角,2元三种。每次只能售出1瓶饮料。 2.购买饮料时先选择饮料价格再投币,当投入的硬币总金额达到或超过饮料价格后,机器发出指示信号并拒收继续投入的硬币。顾客投币后,按动确定键,机器将发出饮料和找零硬币,若所投金额不足,则发出欠资信号指示。在欠资情况下,顾客可以继续投币购买,也可按取消键,机器将退出所投入的全部金额。 3.顾客投入硬币之后,如果未按确定键而按取消键,机器也将退出所投入的全部金额。 4.找零或退币时,按由大到小原则处理,即总金额超过1元时,先退出1元硬币,超过5角时,先退5角,不足5角,才退出1角。-vending machine design requirements : 1. Slot machines have a hole when they put a coin, but can invest more consecutive coin. Machines can identify the amount of coins to one yuan, 5 cents and 10 cents. Customers can choose the beverage prices one billion dollar five cents, three two yuan. Every time they can sell a bottle beverage. 2. When buying drinks first choice beverage prices again coin, once the total amount of coins or more drinks prices, machines issued instructions signals and continue to invest rejection of the coins. Coin customers, identify key activated, the machine will issue a drink and have sought coins, and if the vote is insufficient. issued less-signal instructions. In less funding, customers can continue to buy coin can also be canceled button, the machine will have
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : zy
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