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关于java虚拟机很好的资料-java virtual machine on good information
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1642964 Publisher : 张磊

机器学习ppt,给出一个概貌,适合初学者!-machine learning ppt, is a picture, suitable for beginners!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 618501 Publisher : 刘平

机器学习的中文版本,作者Tom M. Mitchell。这本教材的目标是展现机器学习中核心的算法和理论。机器学习从很多学科吸收了成果和概念,包括统计学、人工智能、哲学、信息论、生物学、认知科学、计算复杂性和控制论等。-Machine learning of the Chinese version, the author Tom M. Mitchell. The teaching objective is to demonstrate the core of machine learning algorithms and theory. Machine learning from many disciplines to absorb the results and concepts, including statistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, information theory, biology, cognitive science, computational complexity and control theory.
Update : 2009-05-19 Size : 874212 Publisher : kengibon

Data Mining using MLC++ A Machine Learning Library in C++
Update : 2010-10-21 Size : 308531 Publisher :

this documents main for the some homework solutions about the machine learning class
Update : 2010-12-01 Size : 4875922 Publisher : lxl99868

This leading textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates or first-year PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners. No previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts is assumed. This is the first machine learning textbook to include a comprehensive coverage of recent developments such as probabilistic graphical models and deterministic inference methods, and to emphasize a modern Bayesian perspective. It is suitable for courses on machine learning, statistics, computer science, signal processing, computer vision, data mining, and bioinformatics. This hard cover book has 738 pages in full colour, and there are 431 graded exercises (with solutions available below). Extensive support is provided for course instructors.
Update : 2011-03-02 Size : 7775130 Publisher : arcanesky

support vector machine
Update : 2012-01-12 Size : 387526 Publisher :

machine learning 中文版 Tom
Update : 2012-02-24 Size : 785860 Publisher : gongzhenjiang

Bayesian-machine-learn-data for robot
Update : 2012-07-05 Size : 303855 Publisher : yhaald

DL : 0
Boltzmann Machine Optimization 人工智能人工神经网络源码-Boltzmann Machine Optimization of artificial neural network artificial intelligence source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 33792 Publisher : 站长

kaffe是一个java虚拟机的源代码。里面包含了一些java例程和标准的java包。-kaffe is a java virtual machine source code. Which contains some java routines and standards java package.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4241408 Publisher : 林楠

一个C++封装的,基于状态转换表设计的有限状态机实现例子-a C Packaging, based on state transition table design Finite State Machine example
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 23552 Publisher : 王斌

DL : 0
C/C++虚拟机的实现的window版本-C/C virtual machine on the realization of the window version
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 331776 Publisher : 付斌

PC游戏编程(人机博弈) 国内少有的人机博弈的书-PC game programming (man-machine game) domestic plane Game rare books
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1526784 Publisher : 梁勇

DL : 0
图灵机模拟程序源代码-Turing machine simulation program source code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 朱麟

一个BP算法的C++实现-an algorithm to achieve C
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : 张磊

多机调度问题要求给出一种作业调度方案,使所给的n个作业在尽可能短的时间内由m台机器加工处理完成。 这个问题是NP安全问题,到目前为止还没有有效的解法。对于这一类问题,用贪心选择策略有时可以设计出较好的近似算法。-machine scheduling problems required to give a scheduling program, so as to the n operations in the shortest possible time by the m-machine processing completed. The problem is NP security issues, so far no effective solution. For this type of issue, greedy strategy can sometimes choose to design a better approximation algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 姚翊

DL : 0
VB鼓机的音序器-VB drum machine audio sequencer
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 26624 Publisher : 音乐

总述:本代码属于机器视觉研究对一些传统方法进行了演示和突破(颜色的辩认) 建议:{强烈建议用程序打开“ 视觉分析\色度分析图1.bmp”而后按“视觉分析\颜色分析软件1-7”} 局限:但本演示只针对24位位图本代码包含两个部分1、视觉分析 (代码的主要思路[包括一些使用方法、结论图象、程序机制(使用AUTOCAD打开分析观看)、研究结论(matlab编写)])2、forimage(原代码vc7.0编写)-Overview : This code is machine vision research on traditional methods of presentation and breakthroughs (color identification) : (strongly recommended that the procedures to open the "visual analysis \ color analysis of 1.bmp" then by the "visual analysis \ color analysis software 1-7 ") limitations : the demonstration but only 24 against the bitmap code consists of two parts one, visual analysis (code the main ideas [including the use of methodology, conclusions image, procedural mechanisms (open analysis of the use of AutoCAD to watch), the conclusion of the study (prepared Matlab)]) 2, forimage (formerly code vc7.0 preparation)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6993920 Publisher : 蔡先生

DL : 0
瑞星2005扫号器,可以扫描装有瑞星的机子的瑞星序例号和ID。忘记了ID的朋友试试啊-So, that can scan the machine with Rising Rising sequence of cases and ID. Forget the ID of a friend try ah
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 177152 Publisher :
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