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科学与工程数值算法用到的积分类-science and engineering numerical algorithm used in the integration category
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3778 Publisher : 王少卿

清华大学2002年出版的《科学与工程数值计算算法Java》配套源码,包括复数计算、矩阵运算、插值计算、线性非线性方程组求解、数值积分、数值拟和与逼近等算法和类,对于科学和工程数值计算很有参考价值!-Qinghua University, in 2002 published "Science and engineering numerical algorithm Java" complementary source, includes the plural, matrix computation, interpolation, linear solve nonlinear equations, numerical integration, and the proposed numerical approximation algorithms and other categories, science and engineering numerical computation of great reference value!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 137745 Publisher : 方正

清华大学2002年出版的《科学与工程数值计算算法VB》配套源码,包括复数计算、矩阵运算、插值计算、线性非线性方程组求解、数值积分、数值拟和与逼近等算法和类,对于科学和工程数值计算很有参考价值!-Qinghua University, in 2002 published "Science and engineering numerical algorithm VB" complementary source, includes the plural, matrix computation, interpolation, linear solve nonlinear equations, numerical integration, and the proposed numerical approximation algorithms and other categories, science and engineering numerical computation of great reference value!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 194325 Publisher : 方正

清华大学2002年出版的《科学与工程数值计算算法VC++》配套源码,包括复数计算、矩阵运算、插值计算、线性非线性方程组求解、数值积分、数值拟和与逼近等算法和类,对于科学和工程数值计算很有参考价值!-Qinghua University, in 2002 published "Science and engineering numerical algorithm VC + +" complementary source, includes the plural, matrix computation, interpolation, linear solve nonlinear equations, numerical integration, and the proposed numerical approximation algorithms and other categories, science and engineering numerical computation of great reference value!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1318271 Publisher : 方正

动易4.02与动网论坛整合程序-easy integration procedures with patrons
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 166491 Publisher : 小强

两幅图像的融合原码-two images of the original code integration
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 197011 Publisher : 无所谓

将两个位图融合为一个位图的源程序。-two bitmap integration of a bitmap of the source.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6948 Publisher : 李涛

基于GMM的概率神经网络PNN具有良好的泛化能力,快速的学习能力,易于在线更新,并具有统计学的贝叶斯估计理论基础,已成为一种解决像说话人识别、文字识别、医疗图像识别、卫星云图识别等许多实际困难分类问题的很有效的工具。而且PNN不但具有GMM的大部分优点,还具有许多GMM没有的优点,如强鲁棒性,需要更少的训练语料,可以和其他网络其他理论无缝整合等。-GMM based probabilistic neural network PNN good generalization ability, the ability to learn fast, easy online updates, and with the Bayesian statistical theory based on estimates, and has become a solution as speaker recognition, text recognition, medical image recognition, satellite images and other real recognition when difficulties classification of very effective tool. But GMM PNN is not only the most advantages, but also has many advantages GMM not as strong robustness, require less training corpus, and other networks to other theories, such as seamless integration.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7158 Publisher : 姜正茂

C8051F单片机是完全集成的混合信号系统级芯片(SoC),具有与8051兼容的高速CIP-51内核,与MCS-51指令集完全兼容,片内集成了数据采集和控制系统中常用的模拟、数字外设及其他功能部件;内置FLASH程序存储器、内部RAM,大部分器件内部还有位于外部数据存储器空间的RAM,即XRAM。C8051F单片机具有片内调试电路,通过4脚的JTAG接口可以进行非侵入式、全速的在系统调试。-C8051F is a fully integrated mixed-signal system-on-chip (SoC), and 8051 compatible with the high-speed CIP-51 core, and MCS-51 compatible instruction set, on-chip integration of the data acquisition and control system used in analog and digital peripherals, and other functional components; embedded Flash program memory, internal RAM, the majority of devices located within the external data memory space of RAM, XRAM. C8051F with on-chip debug circuit, through the four legs of the JTAG interface can be non-invasive, full-speed debugging of the system.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29748 Publisher : 覃莉

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你可能会认为生成一个带柔和阴影的特效文字与生成一个带光圈的特效文字是完全不同的,其实他们所用到的技术是完全相同的,只是在设置上有些许变化。 在带柔和阴影的效果中,我用到了GDI+中的一些插值模式来生成模糊的文字轮廓,当位图绘制平面放大时,插值模式决定原来某点像素应该怎样和周围的融合。 低质量的插值只是简单的把一个像素变换成同色色块,高质量插值如高质量双线性插值与高质量双三次插值会考虑像素色的平滑与反走样,我发现高质量双线 性插值模式最好。-you may think that a generation with a soft shadow effects of the letter and generate an aperture with the magic words are completely different, they actually have to use the technology is identical, the only set slightly changes. With soft shadows in effect, I used the GDI some of the interpolation model to generate fuzzy outline of the text, when the Bitmap Rendering Large Plane, interpolation mode decision of a point of what should pixels and around integration. Low-quality interpolation just simply put a pixel transform into the same color against a high-quality interpolation such as high-quality and high-quality bilinear interpolation bicubic interpolation will consider pixel color with a smooth anti-aliasing, I found quality bilinear interpolation mode best.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 955789 Publisher : 陈兴锐

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本人親手寫的圖像分割,合成,無縫融合,有融合算法,裡面還有個鉤子函數的d-image segmentation, synthesis, seamless integration, integration algorithm, there is also 000 hook function d
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 93424 Publisher : wu

该程序可以将自己的帮助文档集成到MSDN里。自己制作库的时候特别有用-the program can help their integration into the MSDN documentation Lane. They produced the library is especially useful when
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 107308 Publisher : wqf

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一个用c写的机遇MPI的并行程序,程序实现了求积分的功能-with a c MPI the opportunity to write parallel programs, procedures for the realization of the functional integration
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9281 Publisher : 川川

本软件是集成式的输入平台,是一个输入法整合软件,除了本有的拼音输入外,可以挂接 各种形码输入方案,如五笔98、86、郑 ... 由于使用只有50多K的单线矢量字库,从体积而 言是目前最小的汉字系统,当然显示效果会打个折扣,直接键入xzl.com进行加载即可。 -the software is integrated platform for the importation of an input method integration software, in addition to the importation of some alphabet can be articulated various fractal importation programs, such as the five 98,86, Zheng ... only because of the use of more than 50 K in a single vector font, size is Minimum system of Chinese characters, of course, there will be a discount or a direct dialing load can be carried out.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25143 Publisher : 蒋磊

这是一个黑白棋的小游戏。里面有初级中级高级三个级别的棋力选择。算法采用了自己编写的全盘搜索的经验积分算法,速度很快,棋力不是非常强。本游戏还可以自动演示,自动重温棋局,保存棋局,还有英雄榜。界面精美!-This is a small game reversi. There are three primary Intermediate High-level chess choice. The algorithm used to prepare ourselves to the full search algorithm integration experience, very fast, not very strong chess. The game can also automatically demonstration automatic review chess game, chess game preserve, there are heroes list. Interface beautifully!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 517817 Publisher : 牛一

辛普生法求积分,也是关于数值积分的matlab程序-Simpson for Integral Health Act, as well as on the numerical integration of Matlab procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2842 Publisher : tsibintsibin

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我自己写的一个实模式的操作系统,支持fat12文件系统和一个和shell整合到一起的简单的键盘驱动,目前正在实现pci总线驱动程序。以后将会转入到保护模式下开发-I wrote it myself a real mode of the operating system, support FAT12 file system and a shell and the integration with a simple keyboard-driven, are currently achieving pci bus driver. After that it will enter a protected mode development
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 125380 Publisher : 刘硕

Eclipse是开放源代码的项目,你可以到www.eclipse.org去免费下载Eclipse的最新版本,一般Eclipse提供几个下载版本:Release,Stable Build,Integration Build和Nightly Build,建议下载Release或Stable版本,笔者用的是Build20020125(Stable版本)。Eclipse本身是用Java语言编写,但下载的压缩包中并不包含Java运行环境,需要用户自己另行安装JRE,并且要在操作系统的环境变量中指明JRE中bin的路径。安装Eclipse的步骤非常简单:只需将下载的压缩包按原路径直接解压既可。 -Eclipse is open source projects, you can go to free download of the latest version of Eclipse, Eclipse generally provide several download Version : Release, Stable Build, Build and Integration Nightly Build, recommendations or Stable Release download version, the authors used the Build20020125 ( Stable version). Eclipse itself is using the Java programming language, but downloading compressed package does not include the Java runtime environment, users need to separately install the JRE themselves, and to the operating system environment variables specified JRE which bin path. Installation of Eclipse is a very simple : just download compressed original path can directly extract.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11698 Publisher : 张扑

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基于多分辨分析的数值积分算法 介绍一种积分算法-multiresolution analysis based on the numerical integration algorithm introduces a integral algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 96696 Publisher : 客户

这是本人在做毕业设计时做的一部分工作,实现的功能是:1.多个文件的整合 2.代码量的统计.-this is my doing graduate design part of the work done, the functions are : 1. The integration of multiple files 2. Code of Statistics.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 108657 Publisher : 王作
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