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用matlab编的小程序,希望对大家有所帮助!-using Matlab series of small programs, we hope to help!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 小脚丫

我为学生毕业设计编制的GIS集成入门示范程序,很好用,内有详尽注释,学生通过它能很快进行小GIS系统的集成。-I design for the preparation of students graduating from the GIS Integration Model entry procedures, is useful, there are detailed notes, students can quickly through the small GIS systems integration.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 871424 Publisher : luodean

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超酷flash全站程序 数据完整,音效十分震撼. 色彩鲜艳. FLASH集成页面. -cool flash the station's data integrity procedures, audio was shocked. colorful. FLASH integration pages.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 16314368 Publisher : 123

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包括jsp+tomcat+mssql系统的配置,IIS5.0与tomcat5.5.8的整合,Jsp开发环境配置全过程 等文章-including jsp tomcat mssql system configuration, IIS5.0 with tomcat5.5.8 integration, Jsp development environment configuration process and other articles
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 32768 Publisher : 李海

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运用阴影效果及花纹图案的整合,制作出很漂亮的一个图像-shadow effect and the use of motifs of integration, producing a very beautiful image
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 23552 Publisher :

在资料浩瀚的互联网中,却找不到一份最新的Mysql4.0.13与Tomcat4.1.24的整合配置文档。 在自己工作之余,总结了自己搭建JSP环境的实际经验并参照以前版本Mysql、Tomcat相关配置文章, 写了这篇配置文档。希望能给和我一样喜欢JAVA的广大初学者以作参考,以期少走些弯路;水平有限加之时间仓促,欢迎斧正!-information in the vast Internet, but one can not find a copy of the latest Mysql4.0.13 Tomcat4.1.24 integration and configuration files . In his spare time, he summed up his own structures JSP environment and in the light of actual experience of the previous version Mysql, Tomcat configuration related articles, writing the configuration file. And I hope that will give Java Like the vast reference for beginners to take fewer more detours; the fact that time is limited to rush to welcome Jackie!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1818624 Publisher : 小龙

学生成绩管理系统 1.添加单个成绩 2.批量添加成绩 3.通过搜索并修改与删除 4.直接修改 5.可以批量删除 6.可以直接GO到达你想到达的页 7.分页显示 8.代码精简 9.整合部分重复代码 10.输入学号与密码就可查询自己成绩,增加班级,增加学期,增加类型, 11.按学号查询与按班级查询-students a performance management system. Add two individual achievements. Batch added three results. Through the search, and amend and delete 4. 5 directly alter. volume 6 can be deleted. GO can reach you directly to the arrival of page 7. Pagination 8. code streamlining 9. integration of the partially reusable code 10. importation of Science and password can inquire about his achievements, increasing class, increase semester, additional types, 11. according to Xue inquiry and inquiries by cla
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 357376 Publisher : 南南

主要是对图像进行小波变换,图像融合运算以及一些其他的图像处理算法-mainly for image wavelet transform, image computing and the integration of some other image processing algorithm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 133120 Publisher : 曾志明

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一个基于遗传算法的选择性神经网络集成算法-a genetic algorithm based on the selective integration algorithm for neural networks
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : zhdb

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本文结合Web油菜优质高产高效生产专家系统的开发实例,运用ASP技术和DCOM技术很好地实现了在产 生式知识规则的前件和后件中多媒体知识的融合及其控制,并实现了多媒体程序与分布式专家系统平台的无缝集 成。-Based Web rapeseed production of high-quality and high efficiency expert system development examples, ASP technology and DCOM technology to achieve good in the production of knowledge of the rules before and after pieces of pieces of multimedia knowledge integration and control, and for the procedures and distributed multimedia expert system platform for seamless integration.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 72704 Publisher : 付阿力

基于vc图像处理的计算机集成数控技术仿真-vc image processing based on the computer simulation technology integration NC
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 829440 Publisher :

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,优化QoS(服务质量) 的业务模型主要有intserv(集成服务) 、diffserv(区分服务) 和MPLS(多协议标签交换)-, Optimizing the QoS (Quality of Service) business model mainly intserv (integration services), diffserv (Differentiated Services) and MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 190464 Publisher : 张路宜

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IBM_Java教程 将音频与 Java 应用程序集成 感觉很好啊-IBM_Java Guide to audio and Java application integration feel good ah
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 812032 Publisher : 粒粒

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系统介绍 Engineer系统是降低服务器负载,减少企业运营成本的完美解决方案。通过动态批量生成静态页面,可使企业在对外发布服务器选择上,缩减对硬件的投资,并同时降低企业的互联网接入费用。 Engineer系统可与目前98%以上文章管理系统进行无缝结合,2%特例系统,也可通过二次编码进行整合,系统根据模板生成静态页,时刻保持网站的新鲜感。 Engineer系统是企业低成本、高负载量网站运营完美解决方案。 1.2 系统特点 1.2.1 与现有系统无缝整合 系统采用XML文件格式配置系统,通过参数的设置,自动获取数据后生成源数据,Engineer系统读取源数据和模板信息后生成静态页面 1.2.2 非常见系统结构冗余 Engineer采用特有的双层XML配置结构,如企业的系统不适合通过配置文件生成源数据,则可通过简单的二次编码,直接生成符合Engineer数据标准的源数据,达到系统的整合 1.2.3 动态模板标1.2.4 记 在制作Engineer系统使用的模板时,可任意使用模板标记,系统将自动识别,并替换为源数据中相应的内容 1.3 系统要求 操作系统:Microsoft Windows、Linux等支持SUN Java环境的系统 运行环境:SUN Java J2SDK 1.4.2及以上版本 -System Engineer system is introduced to reduce server load, to reduce the cost of enterprise operations the perfect solution. Dynamic volume generated by static pages, allows companies announced the choice of server, reduced hardware investment, and at the same time reduce the cost of Internet access. Systems Engineer with over 98% of the current article management system for seamless integration, 2% exception, also through secondary coding integration, template generation system based on static pages, always keep the site fresh. Engineer enterprise system is low-cost, high-volume Web site operators to load perfect solution. System 1.2.1 1.2 features seamless integration with existing systems integration system using XML file format distribution system, parameter settings, automatic acce
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 281600 Publisher : wyw0818

DSP读写DS1305时钟芯片一体函数,调试通过,可以用-literacy DS 1350 DSP chip clock function integration, debugging, can be used
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 曾先生

东进模拟卡集成,CTI底层控件 利用ActiveX消息驱动机制-East into analog card integration, CTI bottom using ActiveX Controls message-driven mechanism
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 175104 Publisher : 张小风

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PLx语言的编译器。PLx语言是一种类Pascal语言,但语法比较简单,适用于编译原理教学。这个编译器不仅实现了编译,同时也集成了运行目标代码的虚拟机。当程序编译通过后,可以看到生成的汇编指令及其执行情况,用户可以选择单步执行,并同时观察指令流与数据流。源代码比较简洁且含有注释-PLx language compiler. PLx language is a language like Pascal, but relatively simple syntax, the principle applies to compile teaching. The compiler is not only achieved a compiler, as well as integration of the operational objectives of the virtual machine code. When the compiler is passed, we can see the generation and compilation of the implementation of the Directive, users can choose single-step, and while observing instruction stream and data stream. The source code contains more concise and Notes
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29696 Publisher : ioncannon

在 Linux 部署上整合 Oracle 的最佳实践 天行健-君子以自强不息 地势坤-君子以厚德载物-Linux deployment in the integration of Oracle's best practice days revolves-gentleman lying to self-improvement-kun- Honest gentleman
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 229376 Publisher : 桃子

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MC算法。简单的Monte Carlo 算法的java源码实现。 -MC algorithm. Simple Monte Carlo algorithm java source implementation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 寸玉鹏

对图像进行小波变换,功能:高通滤波,低通滤波,图像复原,增强,融合!-right image wavelet transform, functions : high-pass filter, low-pass filtering, image restoration, enhancement, integration!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 92160 Publisher : gw
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