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2D/3D Scene Graph rendering engine for Linux/Unix/Win32 layered atop OpenGL. Supports stereoscopy, volume rendering, 2D/3D texture mapping, picking, LOD and view-dependent operations, cross-platform text, constant-rate rendering and image-based data.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 633856 Publisher : 约非

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4psk&8psk的matlab实现,采用蒙特卡罗仿真法,计算误码率误比特率,绘制相应曲线-the realization of 4psk&8psk by Matlab tool,it use Monte Carlo way to calculate the BER and draw the graph.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 王明

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Boost Graph Library的C#实现,有很多图论算法。-Boost Graph Library of C#, there are many graph algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 237568 Publisher : 杨波

外国高手用vb编写的游戏源代码 很精美 无论在声音图像上都是很专业的 适合对vb比较精通人学习-It is a foreign skill programmer s game code using VB, very fine. For both the sound and graph is professional, it is very useful for the advanced learner.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3014656 Publisher : dick

VC图形程序,自己编写的,功能还不完全可以借鉴以下。-Simply drawing graph program, written by VC++
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 66560 Publisher :

机器学习及人工智能中的多层感机的算法,可识别复杂的二维点阵图形,在实际的模式识别中很有参考价值。-Machine study for arithmetic multi-layer perceptron, it can recognize 2D dot matric graph, it is a good reference for pattern recognition
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 105472 Publisher : wtm

画图软件代码 内含2个软件。一个是1。0 另一个是2。0用。net编译-Program source code of drawing graph in Windows, compile with VS.NET.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 155648 Publisher : 周里

图算法可视化程序,使用java swing开发,我的毕业设计-It is my graduate design about visulization for graph algorithms using java swing.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 55296 Publisher : 王浩然

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用applet显示的Dijkstra算法,用于计算图论中点到点的最短距离-using applet shows the Dijkstra algorithm used in the calculation of graph theory point-to-point shortest distance
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : aaa

用模拟退火法高效的计算图论中哈密顿贿赂的最短路径-simulated annealing method of calculating efficient graph theory Hamiltonian bribery Shortest Path
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 孙兵

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程序的目的是要实现动态画出多边形,可以进行移动、旋转、放缩几何变换和动画,并可以填充-procedures are designed to achieve dynamic draw polygons that can be mobile, rotating and scaling geometric transformation and animation, and can be filled
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 125952 Publisher : 网小强

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是一个很好的生成图形报表的工具,是本人自主开发的,可以生成柱形图、饼图等-is a very good statements generated graphics tools, I was developing on their own, can generate bar graph, pie, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1021952 Publisher : 石湘涛

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几个很好的图形C++类,开发的时候,直接加入工程即可使用。-several good C++ graphics category, the development, directly joining the project can be used.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1083392 Publisher : 高陈强

Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by quotes "..." may follow a pair of points, and will be displayed starting at that point. If an input file is specified, the program waits for a keypress, then resets the screen parameters and clears the screen before exiting. If the data comes from the standard input, the program exits without clearing the screen or resetting it -Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or st andard input) as x-and y-values and plots them o n the screen. connected by straight lines. A string surround ed by quotes "..." may follow a pair of points. and will be displayed starting at that point. If an input file is specified, the program waits for a keypress. then resets the screen parameters and clears th e screen before exiting. If the data comes from t he standard input, the program exits without clearing the screen o r resetting it
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 52224 Publisher : ysh

本文用C语言实现了优化算法-最小费用最大流算法,主要用于图论领域-Using C programming language, the optimization algorithm-minimum cost maximum flow algorithm, mainly for the field of graph theory
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 申辉

一个使用VB完成的函数曲线绘图小程序,可以实现基本的三角函数绘制,如正弦,余弦,正切等-a VB completed mapping function curves small programs, can achieve a basic trigonometry mapping, such as sine, cosine, tangent, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 杨沧海

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Euler 回路问题 .问题描述: 对于给定的图G 和G 中的2 个顶点v 和w,连接顶点v 和w 且经过图中每条边恰好1 次 的路径称为顶点v 和w 之间的1 条Euler 路。当v=w 时得到一条首尾相接的Euler 回路。 .编程任务: 对于给定的图G,编程计算图G 的一条Euler 回路。 .数据输入: 由文件input.txt 给出输入数据。第1 行有2 个正整数n 和m,表示给定的图G 有n 个 顶点和m 条边,顶点编号为1,2,…,n。接下来的m 行中,每行有2 个正整数u,v ,表示 图G 的一条边(u,v) 。 .结果输出: 将编程计算出的Euler 回路输出到文件output.txt 。如果不存在Euler 回路,则输出-1。-Euler circuit problem. Problem description : for a given graph G and G of two vertices v, w, connectivity and vertex v w map through which each side precisely the path to a meeting called vertices v, w between a Euler Road. When v = w be an end-to-end circuit Euler. . Programming tasks : for a given graph G, programming terms of a graph G Euler circuit. . Data input : from the document input.txt given input data. Line 1 has two positive integers n and m, to the graph G with n vertices and m edges and vertices numbered 1, 2, ..., n. Next m OK, every trip has two positive integer u, v, said of a graph G edge (u, v). . Results output : Programming will be calculated by Euler circuit output to a file output.txt. If there is no Euler circuit, the output 1.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 61440 Publisher : 无翼

一篇很全的图论知识的概论,很适合初学者观看-a very full knowledge of graph theory to the Introduction, which is perfect for beginners to watch
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 591872 Publisher : sunnie

根据不同的数据集画出相应的柱状图 包括的主要文件有 Graph.dsw GraphView.cpp GraphView.h Graph.h-According to different data sets to draw the corresponding histogram for all the major documents Graph.dswGraphView.cppGraphView.hGraph.h
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 50176 Publisher : 白伊清

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source code and ref paper of C++ implementation of the image segmentation algorithm described in the paper: "Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation"-source code and ref paper of C implementati on of the image segmentation algorithm describ ed in the paper : "Efficient Graph- Based Image Segmentation"
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 314368 Publisher : jft987msn
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