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A matching on a graph is a set of edges, no two of which share a vertex.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 802816 Publisher : metallscout

DL : 0
图论的算法,最短路,最小生成树,连通,匹配,网络流及应用。-Graph theory, algorithms, shortest path, minimum spanning tree, connectivity, matching, network flow and applications.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 39936 Publisher : young

这篇文章描述了促使graphcut发展的主要理论特性,并分析了这些特性的局限性。-This paper explain general theoretical properties that motivate the use of graph,as well as, show their limitations.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 325632 Publisher : 巡洋舰

本文首先介绍了需要通过graph cut最小化的能量函数的特性。虽然是二进制变量但是很容易推广到其他方面。我们详细描述了通过graphcut最小化的能量函数。并提供了最小化能量函数的通用构建。最后给出了最小化二进制能量函数的必要条件。-In this paper, we give a characterization of the energy functions that can be minimized by graph cuts. Our results are restricted to functions of binary variables. We give a precise characterization of what energy functions can be minimized using graph cuts. We also provide a general-purpose construction to minimize such an energy function. Finally, we give a necessary condition for any energy function of binary variables to be minimized by graph cuts.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 330752 Publisher : 巡洋舰

本文是关于图、图论的简明扼要的总结,对于临时充电的软件行业专业人员快速掌握图论方面的知识较为有用。-This article is about the chart, graph theory, a concise summary of the interim charge for the software industry professionals to grasp the knowledge of graph theory is more useful.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 92160 Publisher : zd

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 588800 Publisher : 林炳忠

一个关于求有向欧拉图的算法实现,简单易行,可以借鉴。-An algorithm for directed-Eular Graph.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 130048 Publisher : 阿牛

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该压缩文件中包含了图论当中的一些重要算法,包括前序中序和后序遍历、最小二叉树、DFS、BFS以及拓扑排序。-The compressed file contains a graph theory among a number of important algorithms, including the former order in the order and postorder traversal, the smallest binary tree, DFS, BFS, and topological sort.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 948224 Publisher : 许娜娜

这个代码是文章Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation的实现,结合了vs2008和opencv,该算法进行分割,速度很快,效果不错。-The source code is an implementation of the paper: Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation. VS2008 and Opencv are combined in the implementation process.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : 高奎

经典算法书(中文版)。这一套算法系列书介绍了当今最重要的算法,共分3卷,这是第2卷(第五部分),集中讲解图算法。本书共有6章(第17章~第22章)。第17章详细讨论图性质和类型,第18章~第22章分别讲解图搜索、有向图和DAG、最小生成树、最短路径以及网络流。书中提供了用C语言描述的完整算法源程序,并且配有丰富的插图和练习。-Algorithms in C, Third Edition, Part 5: Graph Algorithms is the second book in Sedgewick s thoroughly revised and rewritten series. The first book, Parts 1-4, addresses fundamental algorithms, data structures, sorting, and searching. A forthcoming third book will focus on strings, geometry, and a range of advanced algorithms. Each book s expanded coverage features new algorithms and implementations, enhanced descriptions and diagrams, and a wealth of new exercises for polishing skills. A focus on abstract data types makes the programs more broadly useful and relevant for the modern object-oriented programming environment. Coverage includes: * A complete overview of graph properties and types * Diagraphs and DAGs * Minimum spanning trees * Shortest paths * Network flows * Diagrams, sample C code, and detailed algorithm descriptions
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13904896 Publisher : wang

基于图论的图像分割,使用区域之间和区域内部进行比较的准则,对于风景图片效果不错。-Graph-based image segmentation, using the region based comparison criteria, good for scene images.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 20480 Publisher : tan

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有向图 采用邻接表存储 DFS和BFS方法遍历 为方便表示,结点数小于10 用V0-V9表示不同的结点的-Directed graph using adjacency list method of storing DFS and BFS traversal for the convenience that the number of nodes is less than 10 with V0-V9 for different node
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 刘少东

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A program to graph printing. You choose connections between apexes. Source code and binaries
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 54272 Publisher : Habesy

DL : 0
Dos下的用画图系统,用graph.h编写。能编译成功但是在AMD内核的环境下有可能运行不了。-Drawing system used under Dos with graph.h prepared. However, AMD can successfully compile the kernel may not run under.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : Xyang

课件描述了MRF Energy Minimization and Graph Cuts-Courseware describes the MRF Energy Minimization and Graph Cuts
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2013184 Publisher : chgang

DL : 0
survey of graph cut(for image segmentation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 623616 Publisher : leenasilvoster

The Boost Graph Library
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1174528 Publisher : dianthus83

DL : 0
实现对图的遍历。数据结构算法的实现。编写语言为java。-Realize the graph traversal. Data structure algorithm. Written language is java.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 75776 Publisher : lily

五种当前主要的基于图的图像分割方法(normalized cut, min-cut/max-flow, isoperimetric partitioning, minimum spanning tree and random walker)的论文原文。-The original papers of five main graph-based image segmentation methods. They are normalized cut, min-cut/max-flow, isoperimetric partitioning, minimum spanning tree and random walker.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7720960 Publisher : zc

数据窗口制作graph具有快捷,高效的特点,因其独特的数据制图方式,被广大PB爱好者青睐-datawindow of garph
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : wangevan
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