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Open Dynamics Engine,物理/力学模拟的SDK,解决碰撞检测,刚体运动等,非常适合于游戏开发。-Open Dynamics Engine, physical/mechanical simulation of the SDK, solution collision detection, rigid-body movement, is well suited to game development.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1836032 Publisher : 罗宾

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象棋搜索引擎,实现了一些博弈搜索算法,非常好的编程风格-chess search engine, has done something Game search algorithm, very good programming style
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 135168 Publisher : 朱逸

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搜索软件ROBOT 搜索引擎中最重要的一项 PHP编写的一个网络蜘蛛程序-search software search engine one of the most important preparation of a PHP Web Spider procedures
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 40960 Publisher : 马云

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一个简单的3D引擎,适合初学者学习参考,可以应用在一些VR系统中-a simple 3D engine, suitable for beginners to learn reference can be applied to some VR system
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 32768 Publisher : 终年高

OpenWebSpider is an Open Source multi-threaded Web Spider (robot, crawler) and search engine with a lot of intresting features!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 231424 Publisher : 龙龙

PSP上的2D开发库 JGE++ 簡介: PSP上有一個獨立的GPU, 在我們編寫遊戲時, 要是能把有關圖像處理的工作都交給GPU做, 就可以減輕主處理器的很多負擔, 令整體程序的運作, 得到數倍的提升! JGE++ (Jas Game Engine) 就是一個利用GU 庫寫成的2D遊戲引擎, GU庫的原本用途是用作編寫3D遊戲, 我們把它應用在2D遊戲上, 就可以享用硬件加速所帶來的種種好處, 例如運行速度的提升, 混色/半透明色效果, 圖像放大縮小和旋轉等! JGE++ 基本上可以說是一個跨平台遊戲引擎, 寫好的遊戲, 可分別編譯成WINDOWS版和PSP版. JGE++ 在WINDOWS上是用了一個叫HGE 的遊戲引擎 (需要DIRECTX8.0以上) 作為根基. 而PSP版則依然要安裝了PSPSDK才可以編譯. 利用JGE++寫遊戲的好處, 是我們大部份時間可以在WINDOWS上測試和除蟲, 用VC++ 的除蟲功能, 如BREAK POINTS, 可要比在PSP上除蟲方便 n 倍哦! 讨论区: 2D development libraries JGE Profile : PSP is an independent GPU, in our game preparation, if any, can the image processing to the GPU work done on the main processor can alleviate the burden of many, so that the overall process works to be several times higher than the upgrade! JGE ( Jas Game Engine) is a library written using the GU 2D game engine, GU for the original purpose to be used for the preparation of 3D games, we have applied it in 2D games, we can have access to hardware acceleration of the benefits, such as running speed, blending/translucent color effects , image zooming and rotating! JGE be said that it is a cross-platform game engine, the game finished, they can build into Windows version and the PSP. WINDOWS on the JGE is the 1st time a call of the game engine (need
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 59392 Publisher : zb

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osg与mfc的结合,即再mfc中如何调用osg引擎。-OSG with the combination, then how mfc call OSG engine.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 32768 Publisher : mumu

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一个很好的3D界面引擎源码, 新手可以学习如何在3D游戏中制做游戏界面.-a good source 3D interface engine, and newcomers can learn how to game the system for 3D games interface.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 19456 Publisher : rename

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基于OpenGL的二维游戏引擎,还未最终完成-OpenGL-based 2D game engine, it has not yet finalized
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1902592 Publisher : looping

Java做的搜索引擎,用bot和lucene搭建 非常不错的程序-Java to do search engine bot and Lucene structures with very good procedures
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 350208 Publisher :

java实现的一个搜索引擎。只有检索引和查询功能,没有爬虫。是学习搜索引擎开发的好例子。-achieve a search engine. Only search and query primers, no reptiles. Learning is the development of the search engine are good examples.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1143808 Publisher : 张志

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一个速度很快的文字排序引擎(TextSort engine),在微机上可以达到六分钟左右对两百万行文字做排序,提供三种内存内排序方法及五种对文件排序的方法 -a fast engine ranking characters (TextSort engine). the microcomputer can reach about six minutes to 2 million lines do sequencing, three memory provided within five ranking and sorting documents right way
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 11264 Publisher : zhjq1 a ftp search engine(HIT)-sf- a ftp search engine (HI T)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3424256 Publisher :

一个简单的国外才c++ 2D游戏引擎,E文的。-a simple c abroad only 2D game engine, E text.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 19456 Publisher : ufosky

搜索引擎的研究与设计.rar The Research and Design of Search Engine 吉 林 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 搜索引擎(Search Engine)是一个对互联网上的信息资源进行搜集整理, 然后供用户查询的系统,它包括信息搜集、信息整理和用户查询三部分,以目 录分类或全文检索的方式来提供查询服务。本文提出了一种简化的向量空间检 索模型,通过统计主题词条对文档的贡献度来建立倒排序索引库,为用户提供 智能的检索服务。-search engine research and design. Rar The Research and Design of Search Engine Jilin University master's degree thesis search engines (Search Engine) the Internet is one of the information resources are collected, then the user query system, which includes information gathering, information received three inquiries and users, directory or full-text retrieval classification approach to provide inquiry services. This paper presents a simplified retrieval of vector space model, through statistical MeSH of the document's contribution to the establishment of the index ranking down to provide users with intelligent retrieval services.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 361472 Publisher : 八云

中文搜索引擎的设计与实现.rar 华中科技大学硕士学位论文 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering The Design and Implementation of Chinese Search Engine 搜索引擎是 Web 信息检索的主要工具,Crawler 是搜索引擎的核心组件,用于 搜集 Web 页面。实现一个可扩展、高性能、大规模的中文搜索引擎,核心是设计一 个可扩展、高性能、大规模的 Crawler。 考虑到 Web 的容量以及增长速度,设计了并行 Crawler 系统,该系统由多个 Crawler 进程组成,每个 Crawler 进程运行在一台机器上,一台机器只运行一个 Crawler 进程。Crawler 进程有自己的本地页面库和本地索引库,它下载的页面以及 对页面建立的索引分别保存在本地页面库和本地索引库中。 用CAJviewer打开-Chinese search engine design and implementation. Rar Huazhong University of Science and Master's degree thesis A Thesis S submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Require separations for the Degree of Master of Engineering Th e Design and Implementation of Chinese Search E ngine Web search engine is the main information retrieval tools Crawler search engine is a core component for the collection of Web pages. To achieve a scalable, high-performance, large-scale Chinese search engine, the core is the design of a scalable, high-performance, massive Crawler. Consider the Web to increase capacity and speed, the design of a parallel Crawler System The system consists of multiple Crawler process, each Crawler process running on a single machine, a machine running only a Crawler process. Crawl
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 537600 Publisher : 八云

这个是我我学数据库的时候写的一个简易数据库搜索引擎,不过最后的版本不在我这里,只好把我的那部分放上来,主要是语法分析跟语义检测-I, this the database to write a simple database search engine But the final version is not here I am, I had to put that part of Fangshanglai is mainly semantic syntax analysis with detection.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1838080 Publisher : buzhidao

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一套轻量级的网站模板,对搜索引擎的极度优化,全部页面通过XHTML v1.0 Strict验证,CSS通过CSS v2.1验证,结构与表现的彻底分离,对非IE浏览器(FireFox, Opera等)的完美兼容,与XHTML v1.0 Strict兼容的UBB代码实现,强大的导航菜单管理系统,自带新闻发布系统,自带留言本系统,自带友情链接系统,附带用户自建页面的模板,能极为方便地将已有页面加入导航。-a lightweight web site templates, search engine optimization extreme, All pages through XHTML Strict certification v1.0, v2.1 CSS CSS through certification, Structure and performance of the complete separation of the non-IE browsers (Firefox, Opera, etc.) the perfect compatibility with v1.0 Strict XHTML compatible UBB code to achieve, powerful navigation menu management system, own news release system and carrying messages of the system and carrying Links system, fringe pages of user-created templates can very easy to have joined the navigation pages.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 372736 Publisher : 张亮

搜索引擎分析器,对搜索引擎进行分析的一个软件-search engine analyzers, the search engine for the analysis of a software
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 60416 Publisher : adhunter

此源码为征服ajax+Lucene构建搜索引擎源码,包括很多事例,大家可以借鉴。-to conquer this source Construction ajax Lucene search engine source code, including many examples, we can learn from.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8699904 Publisher : 希诺
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