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转换位图文件到矢量图像文件的源代码,支持BMP, TGA, PNM, PPM, PGM, PBM的输入格式和Postscript, svg, xfig, swf, pstoedit, emf, dxf, cgm等输出格式-Convert bitmap files to vector image file
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 363520 Publisher : 李小

jsp 开发 初学者学习入门的基础 是学习入门的经典书籍-jsp for beginners to learn the development of entry-learning portal is based on classic books
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3721216 Publisher : sdfsaf

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EmfMerger幻灯片打印辅助工具,能将几张幻灯片合并后打印. 可以任意调节各幻灯片的间距,以节省纸张。 通过本软件转换后打印,与从PPT中直接打印相比。其每页9张比PPT每页6张大。 使用方法: 1.打开PPT文档,使用文件菜单另存为EMF格式。 2.打开本应用程序,选中第一步中的目录。 3.选择每页你要输出的的张数。你还可以调节 各图片的间距,添加页码。 4.保存你的图片。 打印文件时,请直接使用Windows自带的图片查看器 打印,若弹出错误,请切换打印机选项中打印方式 的横向和纵向。 作者:YYcYY -Print slides EmfMerger aids can print several slides after the merger. Can adjust the spacing of the slides in order to save paper. After the passage of the software conversion printing, and print directly from the PPT compared. Its 9 per page 6 per page than PPT Zhang. Usage: 1. Open the PPT file, use the File menu Save as EMF format. 2. To open the application, select the first step in the directory. 3. Select page you want to output the number of sheets. You can also adjust the pitch of the picture, add the page number. 4. Save your image. Print documents, please use the Windows built-in picture viewer to print, if the pop-up error, switch the printer options to print the way the horizontal and vertical. Author: YYcYYEmail:
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 221184 Publisher : 易岳城

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解析emf文件结构,遍历emf文件和显示在屏幕上-Emf file structure analysis, ergodic emf file and display on the screen
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 49152 Publisher : nemo

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一個查看EMF圖片的Delphi代碼工具-A view EMF image tools for Delphi code
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 38912 Publisher : 龍先覺

无刷电机驱动器源代码。基于无传感器方案的无刷电机启动器。核心是换向角度检测:即电机反电势波形数据处理,经过衰减滤波,取出过零相位。应为低速反电势波形dB过小,波形扰动太大,本程序还不能稳定处理10Hz以下的换向计算。-Brushless motor driver source code. Program based on the sensorless brushless motor starter. Is the core to the point of view for detection: the motor back-EMF waveform data processing, through the attenuation filter, remove the zero-crossing phase. For low-speed back-EMF waveform dB is too small, waveform disturbance too, this procedure can not be stabilized to 10Hz for the following calculation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 104448 Publisher : tanret

读取打印机的spool文件,格式:emf 支持翻页、预览等-Read the printer spool files, support for emf
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 29696 Publisher : 张志平

一个见到的图片查看器,能浏览bmp,dib,emf,gif,jpg,wmf等格式的图片文件,vc++6.0编译通过。-To see a picture viewer, can browse bmp, dib, emf, gif, jpg, wmf and other image file formats, vc++6.0 compiler through.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 166912 Publisher : yotta

Util for parsing EMF file. Made by Rishkovskiy Nikita.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : Nikita

The Enhanced MetaFile format (EMF) is the native vector graphics file format on Windows. Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI programs. Although it provides tools for almost every aspect of software development, Qt doesn t include a straightforward solution for the export of 2D graphics to the EMF format. EmfEngine covers this lack and enables Qt based applications to easily export graphics created using the QPainter class to the Enhanced Metafile format. It is built on top of the QPaintEngine class, which provides an abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform. -The Enhanced MetaFile format (EMF) is the native vector graphics file format on Windows. Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI programs. Although it provides tools for almost every aspect of software development, Qt doesn t include a straightforward solution for the export of 2D graphics to the EMF format. EmfEngine covers this lack and enables Qt based applications to easily export graphics created using the QPainter class to the Enhanced Metafile format. It is built on top of the QPaintEngine class, which provides an abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 36864 Publisher : liusheng

将EMF文件格式转化为BMP文件格式的源代码, EMF文件格式浏览器-EMF files explore
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 641024 Publisher : xuhongneng

EMF、GEF官方例子源代码,学习编写图像建模必备资料,详细请浏览eclipse网站-EMF, GEF official source code examples, learn the necessary information to prepare the image modeling
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 300032 Publisher : 高鹏贵

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 43008 Publisher : 王明远

分析spl文件中的emf元素,并打印,但是不提取该emf元素,只分析-spl analysise for emf element
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1970176 Publisher : flybirdallone

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GDI to GDI+ converter, and EMF to EMF+ converter, and JPEG TIFF GIF PNG load and save.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 19456 Publisher : ab65

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Electro magnetic field is shortly abbreviated as EMF. Please check the rar file to get an idea about EMF question bank, Anna university, Chennai
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2728960 Publisher : siva

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delphi SPI 转成EMF格式,delphi源码-delphi SPI converted into EMF format, delphi source
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : david chen

How to develop RCP application on Eclipse using EMF framework.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 83968 Publisher : B

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此程序是对无刷直流电机的反电势进行仿真的!-This program is a brushless DC motor to simulate the EMF!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : dahai

就是 the
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5126144 Publisher :
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