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Domino Web开发指南D o m i n o与N o t e s的特长相同。N o t e s擅长于包括工作流、知识管理、大量的RT F文本的领 域。而对于大数据量或事务驱动则不是其擅长的领域。例如,你不可能使用N o t e s去开发一个 每天接受一百万条记录的进销存系统。但是你若想开发一个从用户中收集技术性问题,将它 们交到技术人员手中得到解答并送到专家手中认可,然后将问题集汇编成册并在We b上发布, 那么你的首选开发工具无疑就是D o m i n o。 在任何组织系统中,都必将会有一些使用D o m i n o - D o m i n o&N o t e s D o m i n o&N o t e s
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1763328 Publisher : uuu

用MATLAB动画程序描述多米诺骨牌效应 有真实效果-Animation program with the MATLAB description of the domino effect of a genuine and effective
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 陈爱光

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运用Lotus C++ API写的程序,可作为Domino服务器嵌入任务,接收传真,写入MSSQL数据库 -The use of Lotus C++ API to write programs that can serve as Domino server, embedded tasks, receive a fax, write MSSQL Database
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : Sing

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运用Lotus C++ API写的连接Domino与关系型数据库的例子-The use of Lotus C++ API written in connection Domino with relational databases examples
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : Sing

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运用Lotus C++ API写的程序,可以从Domino系统的邮箱中取得附件-The use of Lotus C++ API to write programs, you can e-mail from a Domino system to achieve attachment
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : Sing

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运用Lotus C++ API写的程序,取得Domino系统中数据库的相关设计元素-The use of Lotus C++ API to write programs to obtain Domino system-related design elements of the database
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : Sing

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运用Lotus C++ API写的程序,可以在Domino系统中运用多线程的实例-The use of Lotus C++ API to write programs, you can use multi-threading Domino system instances
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : Sing

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C#, 调用Lotus Notes的dll, 发送邮件-C#, called Lotus Notes, dll, send e-mail
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 204800 Publisher : alpha

98篇 lotus.domino 学术 论文-98 lotus.domino Xueshulunwen
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12272640 Publisher : 段卫然

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Lotus Domino 用户等价名设置-lotus Alternate Name
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 258048 Publisher : snake

棋盘覆盖 在一个2k×2k 个方格组成的棋盘中,恰有一个方格与其它方格不同,称该方格为一特殊方格,且称该棋盘为一特殊棋盘。在棋盘覆盖问题中,要用4种不同形态的L型骨牌覆盖给定的特殊棋盘上除特殊方格以外的所有方格,且任何2个L型骨牌不得重叠覆盖。-Board covered in a 2k × 2k a board consisting of squares, just a different box and other boxes, saying that the square is a special box, and said the board is a unique board. Coverage problems in the board, to use four kinds of different forms of L-type domino coverage given special board except in special than all the grid squares, and any of two L-type domino not overlap coverage.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 李觅

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算法分析 图形界面 不同的颜色填充不同的L型骨牌-Algorithm for different color graphical interface of different L-type domino filled
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : guaibaobaohi

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用C++语言实现棋盘覆盖分治算法 在一个2k×2k 个方格组成的棋盘中,恰有一个方格与其它方格不同,称该方格为一特殊方格,且称该棋盘为一特殊棋盘。在棋盘覆盖问题中,要用4种不同形态的L型骨牌覆盖给定的特殊棋盘上除特殊方格以外的所有方格-C++ language with the board divided coverage of a 2k × 2k Algorithm in the composition of the board of squares, just a different box with the other box, saying that the box is a special box, and said the board is a special board. Cover problem in the board, the use of 4 different forms of L-type domino given special coverage on the board except in special box outside of all boxes
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : kyc

Domino web server finder and security tester.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 11264 Publisher : reno hutch

这一套针对珠宝行业的软件库,用户可以在这个基础继续扩张-this is lib about Jellery business
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 541696 Publisher : 陈永民

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N层多米诺介质的透射率和反射率随介质厚度变化的matlab程序仿真。-N-tier transmission media Domino and reflection with the media thickness of the matlab program simulation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 程凯

N层多米诺介质的透射率和反射率随这介质厚度变化的matlab程序仿真。-N-tier transmission media Domino and reflection with the media thickness of the matlab program simulation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 程凯

用4种不同形态的L型骨牌覆盖一个给定的特殊棋盘上除特殊方格以外的所有方格,且任何2个L型骨牌不得重又能叠覆盖。-In four different forms of L-type domino covering a given special special squares on the board in addition to all other boxes, and any two L-shaped dominoes can not be re-stacked coverage.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 奚雅诺

This tutorial shows how the team at developerWorks used the XML capabilities of Lotus Domino to extract data and transfer it to DB2. -This tutorial shows how the team at developerWorks used the XML capabilities of Lotus Domino to extract data and transfer it to DB2.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 139264 Publisher : jerry

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德语版的lotus note的书,很详细,很好的入门书-Java-Anwendungen für Notes/Domino entwickeln
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2425856 Publisher : jerry
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