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我们将存在一特殊方格的棋盘称为特殊棋盘,用L型骨牌覆盖此棋盘,不允许骨牌间相互叠加与超出棋盘范围。-We will exist a special board called the special checkerboard squares, covering the board with L-type domino, superimposed on each other and go beyond the scope of the board between the dominoes are not allowed.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 158720 Publisher : 黄佳佳

DL : 0
在一个 (k≥0)个方格组成的棋盘中,恰有一个方格与其他方格不同,称该方格为特殊方格。显然,特殊方格在棋盘中可能出现的位置有 种,因而有4k种不同的棋盘,图a所示是k=2时16种棋盘中的一个。棋盘覆盖问题(chess cover problem)要求用图 (b)所示的4种不同形状的L型骨牌覆盖给定棋盘上除特殊方格以外的所有方格,且任何2个L型骨牌不得重叠覆盖。-In a (k = 0) squares which board, just a different box and other boxes, saying that the square is special box. Obviously, the possible special box on the board position in kind, so there are 4K different board, shown in figure a is k=2 16 board in a. Board covering problem (chess cover problem) requirements for graph (b) of 4 different shapes of L type domino coverage shown in box at all except in special box outside the given on the board, and any of the 2 L type domino coverage may not overlap.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 程瑶

一个基于Lotus Domino/Notes平台的电子公文审批系统的设计开发为例,结合系统的实际需求,设计系统 的总体结构方案和功能模块。实现公文文件从起草、修改、审核到审批签发全部流转过 程的、具备高效、全面、安全、易用等特点的电子公文审批系统。-a electronic documents audit system based on Lotus Domino/Notes platform
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 176128 Publisher : joker

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DOMINO资料,都是Xpage的一些文档和实例,非常有用-XPage open technics and document,here have 20 demo prodviers
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1085440 Publisher : hufu

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Domino数据库存取控制列表(ACL)基本知识,建议下载学习一下,,,。-Domino access control list (ACL) basic knowledge, it is recommended to download learning,,,.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 181248 Publisher : jinyh

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L型骨牌(棋盘覆盖问题) -算法分析之分治策略 算法分析与设计 课程中分治策略的典型例子,采用MFC文档编程可视化实现算法; 能够手动进行对棋盘的颜色填充,并能显示棋盘中的填充数值。 由于这是课程作业,时间紧而赶制的,封装性可能比较差。 我用的版本是C++6.0的老版本,静态链接库,其中的exe可以直接运行。-L-type domino (chessboard coverage problem) - divide and conquer strategy algorithm algorithm analysis and design courses typical example of the analysis of the carve-conquer strategy, the use of MFC programming document visualization algorithm can manually fill color on the board, and can be displayed chessboard filling values. Since this is course work, time is tight and working towards, the encapsulation may be relatively poor. I use the version of the old version C++6.0 and static link libraries, which can be run directly exe.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4401152 Publisher : 忘了

Lotus NotesdominoDesignLibrar Domino 开发的一些代码程序,-Lotus NotesdominoDesignLibrar Domino development of some code,
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 395264 Publisher : Msncmesthr

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use for calculate noise in reserver
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : ALhosen

该软件实现了能够在浏览器窗口中直接编辑MS Office、Kingsoft WPS等复合文档并保存到Web服务器。控件采用标准互联网协议,支持任意后台Web服务器(iis, domino, webaphere, apache等),任意后台操作系统(win2k, win2003, linux, unix等),以及任意后台编程语言(asp,, jsp, php,, c#等)和任意web应用服务器体系结构(j2ee, .net等)。(The software has been able to directly edit MS, Office, Kingsoft, WPS and other composite documents in the browser window, and save them to the Web server. Controls the use of standard internet protocol, Web server support for any background (IIS, domino, webaphere, Apache etc.), any background operating system (Win2K, Win2003, Linux, UNIX etc.), and any programming language (ASP,, JSP, PHP,, c# etc) and any web application server architecture (J2EE,.Net, etc.).)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 14432256 Publisher : jafiy

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IBM Domino Notes平台上,web开发的基本代码。适用于C/S向B/S改造过程中的基本转换。(BM Domino Notes platform, web development of the basic code. It is suitable for the basic conversion from C/S to B/S.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : KevinShen

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多米诺骨牌是一个小正方形方块,每个骨牌都标有一个数字0~6,现在有28组骨牌,每组两个,各组编号为1~28,每组编号对(A domino is a small square, and each dominoes are marked with a number 0 or 6. Now there are 28 groups of dominoes, two in each group, each with a number of 12.)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 278528 Publisher : iskhj@570443
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