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单片机51控制的红外线遥控小车(原创),使用普通电视机遥控器遥控。含详细DOC说明文件和程序。-infrared remote control car (original), the use of ordinary TV remote control. DOC with detailed documentation and procedures.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 60416 Publisher : 王磊

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智能小车礼包 智能化  车设计 新电子玩具时代产品 尝试一下-smart trolley car gifts intelligent design new electronic toy products to try times
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 471040 Publisher : 革根

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用于快速定位有颜色 背景的车牌, 希望和大家共享,-It is used to locate car plate with color background. I d like to share with all of you.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张驰

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用H无穷控制,对不稳定系统进行鲁棒控制。本人用车载DVD作了仿真试验,效果较好-H infinite control of instability robust control system. I made a car DVD simulation test, the result is better
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 叶倩

每个教数据结构的老师都至少会要求学生利用学过的结构编写出一些现实模型.学栈和队列的时候,老师要求我们写出利用栈和队列来模拟停车场管理的一个程序.通过停在停车场的时间长短来计算费用,其中队列的可以看作是便道,车满时便停靠在便道上,此时不收取费用.具体要求和实现请看程序.-each data structure of the teachers have at least would require students to use the structure to learn to prepare some reality model. Stack and Queue school when the teacher asked us to write using stack and cohort simulation of a car park management procedures. Through parked in the parking lot the length of time to calculate costs, which Queue the pavement can be seen as vehicles for when they parked on the sidewalk, this time free of charge. the specific requirements and procedures to achieve See.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher :

本文将BP神经网络应用于汽车车牌的自动识别,在车牌图像进行预处理后的基础上,重点讨论了用BP神经网络方法对车牌照字符的识别。并附有部分识别代码。-BP neural network used in the automatic vehicle identification number plates, images of the license plates after pretreatment on the basis of discussion focused on the BP neural network method for car license plate character recognition. Accompanied by some identification code.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3984384 Publisher : 小博士

Space Racer是一个以银河为背景的3D赛车游戏。它旨在成为由Geff Crammond开发的著名的Stunt Car Racer复制版本,成为Grand Prix I 和II的作者。 -Space Racer is a background to the Galaxy 3D racing game. It was designed to be Geff Crammond developed by the famous Stunt Car Racer copy version this, as the Grand Prix I and II of the author.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 874496 Publisher : b

3d 汽车外观造型 在程序中实现的现实汽车的大部分功能-car 3d modeling appearance in the process to achieve the most realistic vehicle functions
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4885504 Publisher : upcorange

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MATLAB程序(附图像),在彩色图像中对汽车车牌的分割。-MATLAB (AP like), the color images of the vehicle license plate division.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 158720 Publisher : 王唯合

使用meanshift进行汽车的跟踪系统。-use meanshift for car tracking system.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 69632 Publisher : 向慧

简单的停车场管理程序,运用了队列与栈来进行车辆存储与停车管理计费-simple car park management procedures, the use of Queue and Stack to the vehicle storage and parking management Billing
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 46080 Publisher : liu

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通过红外遥控器可靠的控制小车能向前直线运动、向后直线运动、向前左转运动、向前右转运动、向后左转运动、向后右转运动、停止运动的功能.-through reliable infrared remote control car can be straight forward movement, backward movement straight forward movement left, right movement forward and backward movement to turn left, turn right back campaign stop exercising functions.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 119808 Publisher : 赵毅

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公交车路线B主要是模拟公交系统来发出汽车 -bus routes B is the main transit system simulation issued car
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 287744 Publisher : 546

停车场管理系统,是一个用VC开发的管理系统-car park management system, is a development of the VC management system
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1060864 Publisher : 张毅

关与windows程序的交通仿真。怎样描述汽车的行驶。-customs procedures and the traffic simulation. How to describe the car's ride.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1350656 Publisher : 杨柳

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本DLL应用场合广泛,比如车辆定位系统,路灯监控系统,这些都与地理信息有关。其实在一些需要图形界面,用户能在图形背景上自定义作图,并在该图形界面上进行操作的场合都能得到很好的应用。-wide applications, such as vehicle location system, street lamps monitoring systems, which are related to geographic information. In fact, some need a graphical interface, users can in the background graphics on custom mapping, and the graphical interface for the operation of occasions can be very good applications.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 670720 Publisher : zhaogis

关于61板声控小车的源码,可以实现声控小车的前进,停止,转向,倒车等基本动作,支持?-,Asm,语音合成与识别/Speech-Voice recognition/combine -61 on board the trolley voice source, can achieve a voice-activated car forward, stop, turn, reversing the basic movements, support- and programmers. Speech Synthesis and Recognition/Speech-Voice recognition/combine
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2138112 Publisher : dadfadfad

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小车移动系统,模拟小车出发运动,从左端移动到右端,后返回-car mobile systems, simulated car starting campaign from the extreme left moved to the right, after returning to
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6144 Publisher : 刘某

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停车场管理系统源程序 以栈模拟停车场,以队列模拟车场外的便道,按照从终端读入的输入数据序列进行模拟管理-carpark management system to stack source simulated car parks, to queue outside the simulated car sidewalk, according to read from the terminal input sequence data management simulation
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4096 Publisher : guoxingxi

语音识别小车的本科毕业设计,希望大家给些意见-Speech Recognition car undergraduate graduation design with the hope that we can give some advice! !
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 61440 Publisher : 李锦
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