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智能小车礼包 智能化  车设计 新电子玩具时代产品 尝试一下-smart trolley car gifts intelligent design new electronic toy products to try times
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 470851 Publisher : 革根

一个汽车网站(PHP+Access)的,前台后台都有,美化过的哦-a car website (PHP Access), prospects have background, landscaping off oh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 59143 Publisher : 发发啊

本代码是基于凌阳16位单片机的语音控制,主要实现人声对小车的控制,可以控制其行走,停止,往左往右等。开发平台是 unsp IDE2.0.-the code is based on 16-bit microcontroller Sunplus voice control, main voice of the control car, can control their walk, stop, and so on the right and the left. Development Platform is unsp IDE2.0.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 465905 Publisher : 张油饼

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文件中的程序是用汇编实现的在黑屏一位置画一车型不断刷新屏幕使人看到的效果是车在向前动。-document the procedures used in the compilation of achieving a position of blank screen painting a continuously updated models screen people saw the results is the car move forward.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1242 Publisher : sunwei

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2550 Publisher : 冯典康

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在C 下实现的一个小程序 在图形模式下的一个动画 汽车开动,上面还有月亮-in C under a small procedure in graphic mode animation of a car running, still above the moon
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 29116 Publisher : 王名

Update : 2009-05-24 Size : 164322 Publisher :

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停车场管理系统 c语言实现 停车场拥有M个车位和一条进入停车场的便道,便道上最多停放N辆汽车。汽车要想进入车位,首先进入便道等候。若有空闲车位,则停车入位,否则在便道继续等候,直至有车位空出。若便道已经停满等候的汽车,后到达的汽车只能离开,选择其他停车场。设计一个停车场管理系统,模拟停车场的运作,并统计停车场的收入。-Parking Management System with M c language parking spaces and a sidewalk into the parking lot, parked up on the sidewalk N cars. To enter the car parking spaces, first into the pavement waiting. If free parking, the parking into place, or in the sidewalk to wait until the needed spot. If the sidewalk is already full of parked cars waiting, after the arrival of the vehicle to leave, choose a parking lot. Designing a car park management systems, simulation parking operations and parking revenue statistics.
Update : 2011-12-13 Size : 2320 Publisher : testsb

飞车模拟 opengl- The speeding car simulates opengl
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 121856 Publisher :

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我的数据结构的实验题,停车场,用栈和队列 模拟停车场,实现进车和出车-my data structure experiment, a car park, with Stack and Queue simulated car parks, to achieve progress and out of cars
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 254976 Publisher : 胡小勇

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小车的动态模拟,初学者一定要看-Trolley dynamic simulation, beginners must look at the
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : 鏖战

一个停车场管理的模拟程序!VC++6.0下开发~!-a car park management simulation program! VC++6.0 Development ~!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 6144 Publisher : 杜超

关于公交车的调度为题进行停车场的管理 -bus on the scheduling of that for the management of car parks
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher :

一个关于电脑管理汽车的软件-a car on the computer management software
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1522688 Publisher : 孙荣红

停车场管理系统,比较复杂,供大家学习参考!-car park management system, more complex, for your study reference!
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 204800 Publisher : 郑萍

通过USB控制外部的端口,如程序里演示的遥控小车控制,对摄像头进行控制,是使用了VFW.lib的BCB源代码,希望有心人能有所收获。-USB external control ports, such as procedures to demonstrate remote control car, right camera control is the use of VFW.lib the BCB source code, Kind can hope to gain something.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 182272 Publisher : liuzhongren

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设停车场内只有一个可停放辆汽车的狭长通道且只有一个大门可供汽车进出。汽车在停车场内按车辆到达时的先后顺序依次由北向南排列(大门在最南端,最先到达的第一辆车停放在车场的最北端若车场内已停满N辆车,则最后来的汽车只能在门外的便道上等候,一旦停车场内有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车可开入;当停车场内某辆车要离开时由于停车场是狭长的通道,在它之后开入车场的车辆必须先退出车场为它让路待该车开出大门外后,为它让路的车辆再按原次序进入车场。在这里假设汽车不能从便道上开走。试设计一个停车场管理系统。-parking lots, only one can park vehicles crossing the narrow but only one door and out of cars.NPai sidewalk in the first one into the cart; When the car park within a certain vehicles to leave the car park is due to a narrow passage, after it into the garage of vehicles must first withdraw from the garage to make way for it to be a large open car door, to make way for its vehicles according to the original order to enter the depot. here the assumption that not from the sidewalk on the move. trial design of a car park management system.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 8192 Publisher : 黎明

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识别车牌的源码,可以先对图像进行各种操作,如锐化,平滑,提取骨架,细化,分割,定位,提取边缘,等等。是一个比较详细,内容丰富的源码包。-A source code to recongize the car number. It first do the several operation to images, such as Sharpness, Smooth, Low Pass, Crop, and Locate , Edge Dectet, etc. It is a detailed , very complement source package.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 239616 Publisher : 卫飞

Car Spareparts Sales and Inventory System is a program that uses ADO and some good functionalities
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1829888 Publisher : scibo

car icons badgers for screen
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2974720 Publisher : bumico
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