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提供了常用的JAVA技术的示例,包括有网络通信、APPLET、SWING,多线程等小程序。不错的JAVA入门向导。-a common examples of Java technology, including network communications APPLET, SWING, multithreading and other small procedures. JAVA good entry wizard.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1040384 Publisher : wangyan20032003

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老外写的用来FTP的APPLET是WEB模式FTP不可缺少的利器-foreigners used to write the FTP is the APPLET WEB mode FTP indispensable weapon!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 473088 Publisher : 狂情傲骨

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自编的十个Java applet小程序,有绘制笑脸,移动笑脸,闪烁字幕,正旋余玄曲线等,还有一些组合框的控件。 -writing small programs Java applet, drawing a smiley face, mobile smiling, flashing subtitles, is rotating Yuxuan curve, and some combination of the control box.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13312 Publisher : 东方不亮

JetterSite WebEditor是基于Java/JSP的服务器控件,是一个功能强大的在线网页编辑器。在不用于商业活动的前提下,您可以免费下载使用及传播。 功能特点如下: ·开放式的程序框架,强大的扩展能力; ·程序与Javascript脚本完美分离,在不修改源程序情况下随意增加新功能; ·多语言、多样式、多布局支持; ·以配置文件为中心,布局、功能安排统一通过配置文件修改; ·兼容IE系列浏览器,在今后会陆续支持Mozilla、Opera等浏览器; ·使用安全的网页代码和脚本,完全不使用附加的ActiveX、Java Applet等控件。 对后续版本的期望: ·改造Javascript脚本,兼容Mozilla浏览器(ver0.9); ·增强插入图片、连接的功能,研究开发一个通用的接口,用于读取配置文件、硬盘数据及数据库的连接(图片)列表(ver0.9); ·增加更多的语言和样式(ver0.9); ·增加表格编辑功能(ver1.0+); ·开发一些接口,与其他服务器组件进行功能互动(ver1.0+); ·增加表格编辑功能(ver1.0+); ·编辑区域状态的回调(ver1.0+)。 密码 WebEditor is based on Java/JSP server controls, is a powerful online website editor. Not for commercial activities under the premise that you can be downloaded for free use and dissemination. Features are as follows : Open the procedural framework, a strong capacity for expansion; Javascript scripts and procedures perfect separation, without amending the source of indiscriminate add new features; Multi-lingual, multi-format, multi-layout; A configuration file to center, layout, function arrange through configuration files; compatible IE browser Series in the future will continue to support Mozilla, Opera browser; safe use of the website code and scripts, no additional use of ActiveX, Java Applet and other controls. The follow-up version of the expectations : transforming Javas
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1130496 Publisher : 吴向东

利用Java Applet编程实现动画特技-use the Java Applet animation programming stunt
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : wdm

JAVA APPLET程序,演示各种绘图功能-JAVA APPLET procedures, demonstrating various graphics functions
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : 胡安

JAVA APPLET 五子棋游戏,JAVA编写,JBUILDER编译通过-JAVA APPLET 331 games, JAVA prepared, compiled by JBUILDER
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 13312 Publisher : 胡安

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一款聊天程序。采用Applet和JSP技术,服务端全部是JSP-one chat program. Using Applet and JSP technology, and service-all JSP
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1931264 Publisher : 高文华

DL : 0
应用java Applet 开发的实时曲线图-Application development of real-time curve
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : haha

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使用多线程实现一种模拟风扇的程序,可以利用按钮控制风扇的运动情况!Java实现!是一个applet!-use multithreading to achieve a simulation fans procedures, we can use the buttons to control the movement of fans! Java! It is an applet!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 耿神

使用java applet实现网页上玩俄罗斯方块游戏,如果把游戏嵌入到网站中,必定生色不少!使用到的技术:java swing jApplet 4维数组运算等-use the website to achieve playing Tetris game, if the game is embedded into websites that will take a lot more lively! The use of the technology : java swing jApplet four-dimensional arrays, etc. Operational
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15360 Publisher : 李俊

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java applet图表生成插件,动态生成复杂的柱状图,饼状图等-plug-generated graphics, dynamic generation of complex column, looking pie, etc.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 244736 Publisher : 杜永鑫

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这是一个模仿雪景的applet小程序,用java编写,很逼真。-This is a parody of the snow applet small program using java prepared, very lifelike.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 陈林

* 显示图像。鼠标点击改变显示位置 * 用 Applet 的方法 getImage() 产生图像Image * 用 Graphics 的方法 drawImage() 画出图像 * 在 paint() 方法中画图,或在鼠标事件侦听方法中画图 * 鼠标点击,产生 mouseClicked 事件-* display the image. Click on the mouse to change location* Use Applet method getImage () produces images* Image Graphics with the drawImage ()* paint images in paint () method drawing, or the mouse incident interception methods drawing* mouse clicks have mouseClicked incident
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 64512 Publisher : 邰科

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用applet显示的Dijkstra算法,用于计算图论中点到点的最短距离-using applet shows the Dijkstra algorithm used in the calculation of graph theory point-to-point shortest distance
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : aaa

J2EE 程序员一般都有现成的应用服务器所带的JDBC 数据库连接池,不过对于开发一般的 Java Application 、 Applet 或者 JSP、velocity 时,我们可用的JDBC 数据库连接池并不多,并且一般性能都不好。我们可以自己写一个JDBC 数据库连接池。-J2EE programmers tend to have a ready-made application server release the JDBC database connection pool, but for the general development of the Java Application, applet or JSP, velocity, we can use JDBC database connection pool is not over, and generally not a good performance. We ourselves wrote a JDBC database connection pool.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 王文轩

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用JCreator3.5作的APPLET小程序,可在仪表盘上设数字跳动!-JCreator3.5 used for the APPLET small program in dashboards based on figures beat!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher :

用JAVA写的一个功能齐全的小型模拟器游戏,为一个实用型APPLET程序,算法超经典-using Java to write a small subset of functional simulator game for a practical APPLET procedures, algorithm-classic
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : 孙三

在Java中实现动画有很多种办法,但它们实现的基本原理是一样的,即在屏幕上画出一系列的帧来造成运动的感觉。 我们先构造一个程序的框架,再慢慢扩展,使之功能比较齐备。 -in Java to achieve animation there are many ways, but they realize the basic principle is the same as that on the screen he painted a series of frames to create the feeling of movement. First we constructed a framework of the procedure, then gradually expanded to make it function more readily available.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3072 Publisher : 韩方民

这是JAVA的APPLET的众多小程序,供大家学习之用-This is JAVA APPLET of many small programs, for your use study
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 673792 Publisher : 陈红
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