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java applet小程序 可以产生烟花汇演 在网页中动-procedure can be a small fireworks display in dynamic website
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5120 Publisher : 万尴

java applet 小程序可以生成图片放大镜用来放大东西-small programs can be used to generate images magnifying glass to enlarge it something
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 67584 Publisher : 万尴

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利用java applet 模拟电动游戏 可以设置键盘 控件-use simulation game can be installed electric keyboard controls
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 89088 Publisher : 万尴

本程序应用applet小程序,是一个多功能时钟。它集显示时间、 闹铃、记事本、音乐播放器为一身,功能强大。-the applications and applet small program is a multifunction clock. It combines show time, Alarms, notebook, music players for one, powerful.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 111616 Publisher : 郭慧勤

迷宫生成及搜索算法,一些好的算法,分享给大家-maze generation and search algorithm, some good algorithm, we share
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 43008 Publisher : 亲生

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用java写的一个日历applet,中文注析。-written with a calendar applet, Chinese Note Analysis.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 凌广杰

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Ftp客房端Applet源码实现了FTP的上传下载功能-This is a Java Applet sound code of a ftp client. It achieves upload and download functions.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 郑军

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Worm HoleThis excellent Java Applet displays a swirling worm hole on your page.一个优秀的Java Applet,可以在页面上显示一个旋转的虫孔。-Worm HoleThis excellent Java applet displays a swirling worm hole on your page. An excellent Java Applet, in the pages can be displayed on a rotating wormhole.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : nala

用java编写的围棋程序,该程序是java applet编写,请编译后用html嵌入编译好的该类-prepared with the Go program, which is a java applet prepared, compiled using html embedded compiler such good
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : gjb

用JAVA程序编的九宫棋程序,该程序是applet,请编译后执行-procedures with Java JiuGongTu series of the game program, which is applet, compiled implementation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 116736 Publisher : 张长青

用java applet实现的全景图象显示程序,可以跟踪鼠标的轨迹,来显示360全景图象。-achieve with the panoramic image procedures can track the path of the mouse to demonstrate 360 panoramic images.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 454656 Publisher : 北溟之鱼

java的Applet 表达式解析器. 采用递归下隆解析法.可以进行四刚运算. 乘方,括号等正刚运算-the expression parser. Under LAI using recursive analytic method. Four can just computing. Involution, brackets, etc. are just Operational
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : 扬扬

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这是一个同电脑猜拳的JAVA Applet小程序! 对java初学者很有用!-This a computer with a Java Applet Lawyer small programs! Java beginners to very useful!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 徐祥

一个输入成绩的小程序,用java applet,写得非常不好,大家谅解-input results in a small program using java applet, written very well, we Understanding
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 162816 Publisher : taro

Image Viewer Applet是一个Java applet,可以显视图像的原始文件及其索引图像。图像加载按多线程方式进行,并可以缓存图像。可以用XML配置GUI组件。可以激活一个幻灯片显视,并显视图像的注释-Image Viewer Applet is a Java applet that can significantly the visual image of the original document and indexing images. Image loading by multiple threads, and can be cached images. XML configuration can be used GUI components. A slide can be activated as significant, and significantly the visual image of the Notes
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2974720 Publisher : 常葳

用java实现数据结构中的栈和队列,是一个applet程序,可以通过实际操作来演示数据结构的栈的具体实现方式。-An applet program, use java to achieve stack and queue in data structure. It can be used to demonstrate the implement of the stack.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : 吴强

我用java编的一个APPLET小游戏,用一条小虫豸去吃 蓝色小方快,全部吃完为胜.也还有趣!-I used a series of the game APPLET small, insect with a standard of a small blue go fast, all finished for victories. Still interesting!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 封小军

如何做JAVA的BUTTON Magic Button creates Java applet buttons for the Web without requiring any Java or HTML programming. The program can create several buttons on one applet (even one on top of another), which can also include images and text labels for all three states: up, mouse-over, and down. You can also attach sounds to your buttons using the Wav2Au program (available as separate download), which converts WAV files to AU files. You can change button colors, position elements on the screen, set the height and width of objects, add links and target URLs, adjust the font, and more. Magic Button is flexible and easy to use and can produce highly professional results. You can find tutorials and live examples here: BUTTON Magic Button creates Java applet buttons for the Web without requiring any Java or HTML programming. The program can create several buttons on one applet (even one on top of another), which can also include images and text labels for all three states : up, the mouse-over, and down. You can also attach sounds to your buttons using the Wav2Au program (available as separate download), which converts files to WAV files AU. You can change button colors, position elements on the screen , set the height and width of objects, add links and target URLs, adjust the font, and more. Magic Button is flexible and easy to use and can produce highly professional results. You can find tutorials and live examples here : http://
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1610752 Publisher : cyy

java 书籍 在Inter 方面的应用 讲的很仔细-Inter in the application said very carefully
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5167104 Publisher : dick

paintchat是一种靠java applet 传递数据的交互web聊天工具,拥有画图和聊天2种功能 是由一个日本的公司做的-paintchat is a java applet on the interactive data transmission web chat tools, and chat with drawing two functions by a Japanese company to do the
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 948224 Publisher : 赵亮
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