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Basic test of Vigenere s Algorithm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 31744 Publisher : Chris

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Vigenere加密法,使用c++寫成,希望能作為同好的參考,謝謝。-Vigenere encryption method, the use of c++ languages, would like to share as a reference, thank you.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 林志玲

DL : 0
使用C语言实现古典密码体制中的Vigenere密码,并加/解密一个字符串或文件-Using the C language implementation of the Vigenere classical cryptosystem password and encrypt/decrypt a string or a file
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 201728 Publisher : 艾萌

DL : 0
Encrypts/Decrypts a piece of text using vigenere algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 59392 Publisher : luxor

Vigenere Cypher - C Implementation-Vigenere Cypher- C Implementation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4158464 Publisher : remus24

vigenere application
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 63488 Publisher : vlad

DL : 0
是密码学中完成vigenere算法的源程序 希望能给大家带来帮助-Is a cryptography algorithm source code to complete vigenere want to give us some help
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : 花花

给定密文,使用Vigenere密码加密,实现破译-Given ciphertext, using the Vigenere password encryption, to achieve crack
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1057792 Publisher : 王文浩

DL : 0
初学加密算法,相当于替换算法,网络安全科实验,对密码学有更深的了解。-learner s cryptography,simple algorithm,network security exam,to learn better about cryptography
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 28672 Publisher : 陈丞

DL : 0
人们在单一恺撒密码的基础上扩展出多表密码,称为“维吉尼亚”密码。该程序实现了古代密码学重要的一个密码算法,实现密文的正确解密。-People in a single Caesar cipher based on the expansion of a multi-table code, known as the " Virginia" password. The program achieved an important ancient cryptography cryptographic algorithms, to achieve the right to decrypt the ciphertext.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 292864 Publisher : vince

维吉尼亚密码加密解密算法:使用维吉尼亚算法进行加解密。快捷、方便。-Password encryption and decryption algorithms Virginia: Virginia algorithm using encryption. Fast and convenient.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : w

涵盖了Vigenere、RSA 流密码、SHA四种加解密算法。-Cover Vigenere, RSA stream cipher, SHA encryption algorithm .
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3972096 Publisher : 小楼哥

DL : 0
用于实现各种古典加密法,包括凯撒,置换,列置换,仿射加密法,vigenere加密法和现代加密法中的DH密钥交换,RSA,DES加密法等等操作-Used to implement a variety of classical cryptography, including Julius Caesar, replacement, column permutation, affine cipher, vigenere encryption method and encryption method in modern DH key exchange, RSA, DES encryption, and so operation
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5458944 Publisher : 于鑫

DL : 0
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : 阿滚

将明文helloworld的第一个字母移动2个位置,第二个位置移动4个位置,…,第5个字母移动7个位置,然后再从密钥的头部开始循环,直到将明文hellowrold全部转换为密文 -The first letter of plaintext helloworld move two positions, the second position moving 4 positions, ..., 5, 7 position of moving letters, and then head to start the cycle from the key, until all is converted to plain text hellowrold ciphertext
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : draco

Vigenere密码单表代换加密如明文为:wearediscoveredsaveyourself 密钥流为:ddeferfrfdwfefeggasdwfeffrg 密文流为:asfhjkhfkjerhfkjbjkfbdjkfgjk 即Ci=(Ki+Pi) 26 pi=(Ci-Ki) 26 要求实现加密和解密,C或C++描述源程序。 -Vigenere encrypted password alone, such as clear as the table Substitution: wearediscoveredsaveyourself key stream is: ddeferfrfdwfefeggasdwfeffrg ciphertext flow: asfhjkhfkjerhfkjbjkfbdjkfgjk that Ci = (Ki+ Pi) 26 pi = (Ci-Ki) 26 required to achieve encryption and decryption , C or C++ descriptions source.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 小杨

DL : 0
多种加密方法:autokey、Column permutation、des、kaisa、playfire、vigenere。还包括加解密方法。-A variety of encryption methods: autokey, Column permutation, des, kaisa, playfire, vigenere. Also includes encryption and decryption methods.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 张涛

about vigenere chiper
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : LyLele

DL : 0
c语言写的一个加密算法,有关于维吉尼亚密码的详细资料和加密解密代码。-c language to write an encryption algorithm, the password on the details of Virginia and the encryption and decryption code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 63488 Publisher :

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维吉尼亚加解密(文件操作),是密码学实验时写的,功能很全面-Virginia encryption (file operations), is written in cryptography experiments, function very comprehensive
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 118784 Publisher :
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