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Encrypts/Decrypts a piece of text using vigenere algorithm.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 60217 Publisher : Bruce

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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6018 Publisher : zhang g l

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19372 Publisher : yinyuantao

好用好洗和它的名字一样!-handy good washing and it names !
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9380 Publisher : 建宁

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维吉尼亚(Vigenere)密码为了提高密码的破译的难度,人们有发明一种多表置换的密码,即一个明文字母可以表示为多个密文字母,多表密码加密算法结果将使得对单表置换用的简单频率分析方法失效,其中维吉尼亚密码就是一种典型的加密方法。维吉尼亚密码是使用一个词组(语句)作为密钥,词组中每一个字母都作为移位替换密码密钥确定一个替换表,维吉尼亚密码循环的使用每一个替换表完成明文字母到密文字母的变换,最后所得到的密文字母序列即为加密得到的密文,具体过程如下: 设密钥 ,明文 , 加密变换 其中 例如,M=data security,k=best。可以先将M分解为长为4的序列data secu rity 每一节利用密钥k=best加密得密文c=Ek(M)=EELT TIUN SMLR。 当密钥k取的词组很长时,截获者就很难将密文破解。(我们还在计算机上就维吉尼亚密码设计的方法,编写了一个小的程序,可以运用其进行加密和相应的解密。见附录) 由于我们知识和条件所限,本学期对以上6种古典加密方法进行了学习和研究,从中我们收获颇多,我们了解古典密码学的基本原理和方法,并能够对信息进行简单的加密和解密,大大提高我们的学习文化知识的兴趣和热情,如果有条件我们在今后将进一步研究密码学。-Virginia (Vigenere) password to the password to raise the difficulty deciphering, people have invented a multi-table replacement passwords, or express a letter can be expressed as a number of secret alphabet, multi-table password encryption algorithm results will enable replacement of single table with a simple frequency analysis method failure, which Vij Caledonia is a typical password encryption methods. Virginia is the use of a password phrase (statement) as a key, every phrase has a letter as a replacement shift key password table to determine a replacement, Virginia passwords for each cycle of replacement of a complete table of explicit letters of the alphabet secret transform, get in the end secret alphabet sequence namely the encrypted ciphertext, the specific process is as follows
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1274 Publisher : god

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VIGENERE是法国的密码专家,以他明命名的密码是一种典型的多表密码!他的加密脱密可以通过文明维吉利亚方阵解决!-VIGENERE French cryptologist, with his name out the password is a typical multi-table password! From his secret encryption can solve civilization faces phalanx!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2199 Publisher : 李军

This program encodes and decodes a character using the Vigenere Square method
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2124 Publisher : 梁家豪

Update : 2008-12-04 Size : 183232 Publisher : emmilion

用于学习密码学的四个基本加密源程序,可以帮助你更好地理解基本的加密算法思想.(均是本人的课程设计)-learning cryptography for the four basic encryption source, I can help you better understand the basic thinking of the encryption algorithm. (All my course design)
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 38912 Publisher : ipkh

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可在同一文档里读写凯撒密码,可直观地看到加密前后对比-Can read and write in the same document in Caesar passwords, encryption can be intuitive to see before and after contrast
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 13312 Publisher : 吴丹

VIGENERE加密算法的一个小程序-Encryption algorithm VIGENERE a small program
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher : 陈叶 密码学经典加密解密算法 vc++实现-Classical Cryptography encryption and decryption algorithm vc++ Achieve
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 366592 Publisher : li

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Encrypts/Decrypts a piece of text using vigenere algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 59392 Publisher : Bruce

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用C#实现Vigenere cypher算法,用Visual 2005运行-With C# Achieve Vigenere cypher algorithms, using Visual 2005 run
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 50176 Publisher : gloria

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用C++实现的维吉尼亚密码源程序,已经在DevC++上测试过,大家可以再进行功能完善-With C++ Achievable Virginia password source, has been DevC++ Tested, we can further improve the function
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张谷

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关于Vgenere加密方法的实现,已经可以成功运行的,基于密码加密技术的在VC++上可以运行-With regard to the realization of Vgenere encryption methods have been able to successfully run, password-based encryption technology in VC++ Can run
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张薇

This a little program that introduces the Vigenere encrypting. Please download this program, and try it, and then leave comments :) p.s.: Firstly, I m new to c++ so maybe it s not the best code(but it s working :) ). Secondly: Yes, I know, my English isn t good enough, if you tell me what should I correct in the code, I ll do it :)-This a little program that introduces the Vigenere encrypting. Please download this program, and try it, and then leave comments:) ps: Firstly, I m new to c so maybe it s not the best code (but it s working:)) . Second
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 設計師

密码学中 维吉尼亚算法的 c语言实现 调试无误-Virginia cryptography algorithm implementation c language
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : linjia

古典密码算法中的单表代换密码算法、移位密码算法、Vigenere密码算法。算法比较简单,用命令的方式。可以随机生成明文和密钥。-Classical cryptographic algorithm in a single table substitution cipher, transposition cipher, Vigenere cipher. Algorithm is relatively simple, way to use the command. Can be randomly generated and the key explicitly.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : baichi123

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可以实现Vigenere密码算法,可从文件读入。-Vigenere algorithm
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : jyq
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