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MonitorAPI 是 p2p camera 接口文件 及接口库 MonitorWin 是 demo 主程序. 其中 tframe.h 是 类似 MFC 的 win32 SDK, 与 camera 无关 bin 是一些库 和 demo 主程序, 可运行的. mmcode.dll, avcodec-53.dll, avutil-51.dll 是 ffmpeg 解码库 MonitorAPI.dll 是 p2p camera 接口 MonitorWin.exe 是 demo 主程序-MonitorAPI p2p camera interface files and interface libraries MonitorWin demo main program. Tframe.h is similar to the MFC win32 SDK, and the camera independent of the bin library and demo main program can be run. Mmcode.dll in avcodec-53. dll, avutil-51.dll ffmpeg decoding library MonitorAPI.dll the p2p camera interface MonitorWin.exe is a demo main program
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 1543168 Publisher : xxl

H264 decode in VC 9 include sse3 codec 1. install MinGW 2. set executable files path for VC EX. C:\Program Files\MinGW\bin 3. build path name only in ascii code, can not unicode EX. c:\hi_ff264 or d:\hi_ff264 is good 4. Choice register in config.h #define HAVE_MMX 1 #define HAVE_MMX2 1 #define HAVE_SSE 1 #define HAVE_SSSE3 1 5. this code extract from ffmpeg-r26400-swscale-r32676 can decode h.264 profile format 6. my email: by Jesse stone on Taiwan
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 420864 Publisher : 小誠

編譯前先把opal、openh323、pwlib下的include 頭檔包含到 visual studio 2005- Since you have already compiled H.263 plug-in just rename in downloaded tar.gz to avcodec and put it into $PWLIBPLUGINDIR and run openmcu. It should work fine if the architecture of machine on which this .so is compiled matches with your machine s architecture. (I happened in my case). I could see pretty fine video with this ffmpeg.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 109568 Publisher : Jack

DL : 0
将BIN文件转换为TXT文件,数据为带H的汇编数据和带0x的C数据。-The program transforms from ".BIN" file to the ".TXT" files, with H for assembler data, and 0x for C data.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 445440 Publisher : jvs

DL : 0
 在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。使用Visual Studio C++编译项目工程,并修改代码生成一个五星红旗。-Windows system, install the GLUT library: Open is remove glut.h, glut32.lib glut32.dll were placed. Use the Visual Studio C++ compile the project, and modify the code to generate a five-star red flag.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 310272 Publisher : 金倩倩

DL : 1
打狗棒1.0用户说明书 一. 打狗棒1.0简介. 打狗棒1.0是利用80386/80486的VM86技术模拟软件狗, 来实现解密的. 进行解密时, 软件先带狗运行, 用打狗棒得到软件狗的相关数据; 然后拿去软件狗, 运行打狗棒, 则 软件可以无狗运行了. 二. 运行环境. 它运行在DOS 3.0以上版本, 注意, 不支持HIMEM.SYS和QEMM.EXE, 因此, CONFIG.SYS 的配置最好如下: FILES=30 BUFFERS=30 三. 安装软件. 把软盘上的CANE.EXE和*.LAD拷贝到硬盘上即可(未加密). 四. 运行软件. 在安装软件的当前目录键入CANE /H, 然后回车, 则显示帮助信息: -------------------------HELP------------------------ CANE -----Emulate the softdog CANE /Axxx -----Analyse the softdog,xxx=extend mem kept CANE /R -----Read the softdog file CANE /W -----Write the softdog file CANE /U -----Free memory and to dos CANE /H -----Help 其中, CANE 表示模拟软件狗运行软件. CANE /Axxx 表示分析软件狗相关的数据, xxx表示为数据留出的扩展内存 数(以K为单位). CANE /R 表示读已分析的软件狗的数据. CANE /W 表示把分析的软件狗的数据写到文件中. CANE /U 表示把打狗棒程序从内存中撤消. CANE /H 表示帮助. 因此, A> 要解密一个软件狗, 步骤如下: ⑴. 把软件狗插到打印口, 进入到打狗棒所在的目录, 键入CANE /Axxx(其中 xxx为要留的以K为单位的扩展内存数),然后运行要解密的软件. ⑵. 运行完毕后, 回到打狗棒所在的目录, 运行CANE /W, 把软件狗相关的数据 写到当前目录下的文件中. ⑶. 运行CANE /U 退出VM86模式,回到实模式下. B> 要无狗运行软件, 则在打狗棒所在的目录下运行CANE然后回车, 再运行 CANE /R然后回车, 再运行原来的软件即可. 五. 软件中附带UCDOS5.0单用户版的解密数据(参考数据, 对于不同用户数据不一定相同), 即CANE0378.LAD和CANE03BC.LAD. 六. *.LAD的数据格式 *.LAD文件的数据格式如下: 第1,2字节: 未用 第3,4,5,6: 数据长度 第7字节开始(存放数据): 属性 端口 数据 ... 其中属性占1个字节, 00H: 输入一字节 01H: 输入一字 10H: 输出一字节 11H: 输出一字 端口占2个字节, 为输入/输出数据的端口, 如并口数据端口为0378H 数据是输入输出的数据, 如果属性为X个字节, 则占X字节, 七. 程序的编译和连接 在当前目录下, 键入命令行: pasm cane, 然后回车即可. 注意, 必须在PATH中设置BORLANDC++的路径. 例如, 如果BORLANDC++的目录为 C:\BORLANDC, 则在AUTOEXEC.BAT文件的PATH中加入C:\BORLANDC\BIN;
Update : 2012-12-24 Size : 131841 Publisher :

H264CODEC目录: \bin 目录下是已编译成功的编解码器程序以及相应说明 \ldecod 目录下是H.264视频解码器程序代码。 \lencod 目录下是H.264视频编码器程序代码。 \rtpdump 目录下是H.264实时传输协议应用的一个简单例子程序。-H264CODEC directory: \ bin directory is compiled successfully codec procedures, and the corresponding notes \ ldecod directory is H.264 video decoder program code. \ Lencod directory is H.264 video encoder program code. \ Rtpdump directory is H.264 real-time transport protocol application is a simple example program.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 2139136 Publisher : 李昌彬

DL : 0
在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。 使用Visual Studio C++编译已有项目工程,并修改代码生成五星红旗-On Windows systems, the installation GLUT library: Open the, remove glut.h, glut32.lib, glut32.dll, were placed. Been compiled using Visual Studio C++ project, and modify the code generation flag
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 6292480 Publisher : yiyi

\bin 目录下是已编译成功的编解码器程序以及相应说明 \ldecod目录下是H.264视频解码器程序码。 \lencod目录下是H.264视频编码器程序码。 \rtpdump 目录下是H.264实时传输协议应用的一个简单例子程序。-\ Bin directory is compiled successfully codec procedures, and the corresponding notes \ ldecod directory is H.264 video decoder program code. \ Lencod directory is H.264 video encoder program code. \ Rtpdump directory is H.264 real-time transport protocol application is a simple example program.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 4802560 Publisher : 李映

DL : 0
首先,你用的C18编译器只能编译PIC高端的8位单片机PIC18系列单片机。不建议初学者开始就先学PIC18单片机,建议先学PIC10、PIC12、PIC16系列单片机。如需要编译C文件,可以在Microchip的官网下载HT-PICC for PIC12/16那个。但也不建议初学者开始学就用C编写。如果你不了解单片机内部结构和指令(指令就是汇编),那你永远也没法学懂单片机(不管是否PIC的)。啰嗦的话说完了,现在说一下你的问题。装好以后,先要建立好一个项目,在建立项目的时候需要你指定编译器,则找到Microchip C18 toolsuite,并且确认下面的编译器和连接器的路径都指向MCC18目录下。-Make: The target "D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\tmp\USERSPC3.o" is out of date.Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB C30\bin\pic30-gcc.exe"-mcpu=generic-16bit-x c-c "USERSPC3.C"-o"D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\tmp\USERSPC3.o"-I"D:\equipment\410\MXPR-410\h"-g-WallIn file included from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_device.h:24, from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_Tasks.h:15, from USERSPC3.C:14:D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33FJ256GP710.h:8:2: error:#error "Include file does not match processor setting"In file included from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_device.h:26, from D:/equipment/410/MXPR-410/h/p33f_Tasks.h:15,
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 10240 Publisher : yb

DL : 1
这是一款FM(QN8027)芯片与EQ(ST7318)芯片编程源代码,I/O串口模式数据传输可以和任何单片机结合便用.我司已有多款产品量产.-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Zhè shì yī kuǎn FM(QN8027) xīnpiàn yǔ EQ(ST7318) xīnpiàn biānchéng yuán dàimǎ,I/O chuànkǒu móshì shùjù zhuàn shū kěyǐ hé rènhé dānpiànjī jiéhé biàn yòng. Wǒ sī yǐ yǒu duō kuǎn chǎnpǐn liàng chǎn.This is a FM (QN8027) chip and EQ (ST7318) chip programming source code, I/O serial mode data transmission will be used in conjunction with any microcontroller Division I has a variety of products for mass production.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 50176 Publisher : 李坏

命令行编译c++程序: 使用 cl.exe 的 vc6 版本, 复制到 .\VC6 目录下 示例: @echo off cd c:\cl6 call setvars.bat cd bin\qq\qq cl stdafx.cpp /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D WIN32 /D NDEBUG /D _WINDOWS /D _AFXDLL /D _MBCS /Fp Release/Test.pch /Yc stdafx.h /Fo Release/ /Fd Release/ /FD /c cl qq.cpp /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D WIN32 /D NDEBUG /D _WINDOWS /D _AFXDLL /D _MBCS /Fp Release/Test.pch /Yu stdafx.h /Fo Release/ /Fd Release/ /FD /c cl qqDlg.cpp /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D WIN32 /D NDEBUG /D _WINDOWS /D _AFXDLL /D _MBCS /Fp Release/Test.pch /Yu stdafx.h /Fo Release/ /Fd Release/ /FD /c rc /l 0x804 qq.rc link /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:no /pdb:Release/Test.pdb /machine:I386 /out:Release/Test.exe Release/stdafx.obj Release/qq.obj Release/qqDlg.obj qq.res 列表: -Compiling c++ program by command line.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 2402304 Publisher : 杨天标

DL : 0
在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。 使用Visual Studio C++编译已有项目工程,并修改代码生成以下图形: “一个六角星” 在此基础上,修改各顶点颜色,使得每个顶点颜色不一样,多边形内部颜色渐变。-On Windows systems, the installation of GLUT library: Open, remove glut.h, glut32.lib, glut32.dll, were placed. Use Visual Studio C++ compile existing project, and modify the code to generate the following graphic: " A Star of David" On this basis, modify the color of each vertex, such that each vertex color is not the same color gradient inside the polygon.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 1024 Publisher : robin

DL : 0
在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。 使用Visual Studio C++编译已有项目工程,并修改代码生成六角星图案。在此基础上,修改各顶点颜色,使得每个顶点颜色不一样,多边形内部颜色渐变。 -On Windows systems, install GLUT libraries: Open, remove glut.h, glut32.lib, glut32.dll, were placed. Use Visual Studio C++ compiler has project and modify the code to generate the Star of David pattern. On this basis, modify the color of each vertex, such that each vertex is not the same color, a color gradient inside the polygon.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 1024 Publisher : 何朝杰

tools rdesc bin rdes2c -outfile iop_sw_cfg_defs.h iop_sw_cfg.r.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 3072 Publisher : wshiuqan

(1)功能要求该系统要求文件存储用户设置闹铃信息具体功能①设定闹铃间;②修改闹铃;③取消闹铃;④闹铃/停止闹铃(2)界面友提示信息或菜单帮助用户选择功能2)程序设计建议(1) 数据结构struct time 间结构 { int year int month 月 int day int hour ia nt minute 钟 int second 秒* a/} 闹铃用数组或链表存储(2)程序模块及功能①设定模块:设定闹铃间;②修改模块:修 改闹铃;③取消模块:取消闹铃;④闹铃模块:闹铃;⑤停止模块:停止闹铃(3)界面使用图形用户界面使用字符界面-/ TransparentWindow.CPP / / A transparent window class. / / Based on the idea of Jason Wylie ,Franz Polzer,Luo yun bin / / (C) 2002 by 王鹏 / / Write to me: //#include stdafx.h #include TransparentWnd.h #include Dib.h #include resource.h
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 2048 Publisher : titi

tools rdesc bin rdes2c -outfile iop sw cpu defs.h iop sw cpu.r.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 2048 Publisher : wjkjden

DL : 0
dnw wince716 1. Run “DNW.exe” on PC and “Communication” -> “Option” to choose proper communication parameters, then “Serial” ->“Connect”. 2. Applying power to MT688. 3. System will run and message will show in DNW windows. 4. Pressing “space” key to display action menu in DNW. 5. Using command ‘A’ to erase NAND. 6. Using command ‘F’ to format NAND. 7. Selecting ‘6’ to enable download to NAND. 8. Selecting ‘U’ command, then download “Stepldr.nb0”. 9. Press reset button to restart system. 10. Repeat step 8 to step 11. 11. Selecting ‘U’ command, then download “Eboot.bin”. 12. Unplug power. 13. Set BOOT_SEL0 – BOOT_SEL2 as “001” as step 4 described in “H/W Settings on PCB V1” section for PCB1, or “H/W Settings on PCB V1” for PCB2. 14. Applying power again and system should boot NAND. -dnw wince716 1. Run “DNW.exe” on PC and “Communication” -> “Option” to choose proper communication parameters, then “Serial” ->“Connect”. 2. Applying power to MT688. 3. System will run and message will show in DNW windows. 4. Pressing “space” key to display action menu in DNW. 5. Using command ‘A’ to erase NAND. 6. Using command ‘F’ to format NAND. 7. Selecting ‘6’ to enable download to NAND. 8. Selecting ‘U’ command, then download “Stepldr.nb0”. 9. Press reset button to restart system. 10. Repeat step 8 to step 11. 11. Selecting ‘U’ command, then download “Eboot.bin”. 12. Unplug power. 13. Set BOOT_SEL0 – BOOT_SEL2 as “001” as step 4 described in “H/W Settings on PCB V1” section for PCB1, or “H/W Settings on PCB V1” for PCB2. 14. Applying power again and system should boot NAND.
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 12044288 Publisher : ninjatune81

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基数排序 基数排序(radix sort)属于“分配式排序”(distribution sort),又称“桶子法”(bucket sort)或bin sort,顾名思义,它是透过键值的部份资讯,将要排序的元素分配至某些“桶”中,藉以达到排序的作用,基数排序法是属于稳定性的排序,其时间复杂度为O (nlog(r)m),其中r为所采取的基数,而m为堆数,在某些时候,基数排序法的效率高于其它的稳定性排序法。 快速排序 快速排序由C. A. R. Hoare在1962年提出。它的基本思想是:通过一趟排序将要排序的数据分割成独立的两部分,其中一部分的所有数据都比另外一部分的所有数据都要小,然后再按此方法对这两部分数据分别进行快速排序,整个排序过程可以递归进行,以此达到整个数据变成有序序列。 堆排序 堆排序(Heapsort)是指利用堆积树(堆)这种数据结构所设计的一种排序算法,它是选择排序的一种。可以利用数组的特点快速定位指定索引的元素。堆分为大根堆和小根堆,是完全二叉树。大根堆的要求是每个节点的值都不大于其父节点的值,即A[PARENT[i]] >= A[i]。在数组的非降序排序中,需要使用的就是大根堆,因为根据大根堆的要求可知,最大的值一定在堆顶。 求幂 输入xy 求y的x次方的值-Radix sort Element assignment radix sort (radix sort) are assigned ordering (distribution sort), also known as bucket Law (bucket sort) or bin sort, as the name suggests, it is part of the information through the key will be sorted to some of the barrel in order to achieve the sort of role, radix sort belongs to the sort of stability, its time complexity is O (nlog (r) m), where r is taken to the base, and m is the heap number, at some point, radix sort efficiency than other sort of stability.   Quick Sort Fast Sorted by C. A. R. Hoare proposed in 1962. Its basic idea is: a trip by ordering the data to be sorted into separate two parts, one part of all of the data than the other portion of all data should be small, then the data in this way for the two parts separately fast sort, the entire sorting process can be recursively in order to achieve the whole data into an ordered sequence.   Heap sort Heap sort (Heapsort) refers to a sorting algorithm uses stacked tree (h
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 3072 Publisher : 贺敏

通过gsoap工具生成与webserver通讯的接口 我们自定义头文件,然后通过该工具命令,生成我们需要的接口文件,然后进行编程 ../bin/soapcpp2 -i -x -S -L ScaleWsServer.h-We custom header file, then the tool command, we need to generate the interface file generated by the tool gsoap communication interface and webserver, then programming ../bin/soapcpp2-i-x-S-L ScaleWsServer.h
Update : 2024-05-02 Size : 3809280 Publisher : 周松松
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