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  • Update : 2018-03-16
  • Size : 684kb
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  • Author :spmcisy
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Packet file list
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newsvm\README 2642 2001-10-12
README 2642 2001-10-12
OSU SVM Classifier Matlab Toolbox.htm 5392 2002-06-03
newsvm\Optimiser\pr_loqo.h 2388 2001-10-11
Optimiser\pr_loqo.h 2388 2001-10-11
newsvm\Optimiser\pr_loqo.c 16731 2001-10-11
Optimiser\pr_loqo.c 16731 2001-10-11
newsvm\Optimiser\qp.c 7245 2001-10-11
Optimiser\qp.c 7245 2001-10-11
mexSVMClass.dll 61440 2002-04-12
mexSVMTrain.dll 73728 2002-04-12
newsvm\Optimiser\qp.dll 49152 2001-10-26
newsvm\qp.dll 49152 2001-10-26
Optimiser\qp.dll 49152 2001-10-26
qp.dll 49152 2001-10-26
newsvm\Optimiser\Makefile 27 2001-10-11
Optimiser\Makefile 27 2001-10-11
newsvm\binomial.m 371 1997-09-19
demo\c_clademo.m 1907 2002-02-15
demo\c_lindemo.m 2892 2002-02-15
demo\c_poldemo.m 3369 2002-02-25
demo\c_rbfdemo.m 3248 2002-02-25
c_svcdemo.m 741 2000-10-10
demo\c_svcdemo.m 749 2002-02-25
newsvm\centrefig.m 144 1998-05-01
CLADEMO.M 1894 2000-10-10
Contents.m 1105 1998-08-07
newsvm\Contents.m 1105 1998-08-07
DEMOS.M 587 2002-01-03
DimFit.m 612 2000-05-18
jbinomial.m 371 1997-09-19
LINDEMO.M 2835 2000-09-26
LinearSVC.m 1978 2002-02-15
mexSVMClass.m 5181 2002-02-15
mexSVMTrain.m 4332 2002-02-15
newsvm\nobias.m 457 1998-08-06
nobias.m 457 1998-08-06
Normalize.m 234 2001-12-06
one_rbfdemo.m 3359 2000-10-10
demo\one_rbfdemo.m 3382 2002-02-25
one_RbfSVC.m 2557 2002-02-25
osuSVMClass.m 4316 2000-10-12
demo\osusvmdemo.m 612 2000-10-10
osusvmdemo.m 612 2000-10-10
osuSVMTest.m 5251 2000-10-12
osuSVMTrain.m 5343 2000-10-22
POLDEMO.M 3312 2000-09-26
PolySVC.m 2880 2002-02-15
RBFDEMO.M 3191 2000-09-26
RbfSVC.m 2431 2002-02-15
Scale.m 504 2002-01-28
newsvm\softmargin.m 312 1998-04-21
softmargin.m 312 1998-04-21
newsvm\svc.m 2687 1998-08-21
svc.m 2687 1998-08-21
SVCDEMO.M 723 2000-10-01
newsvm\svcerror.m 837 1998-08-21
svcerror.m 837 1998-08-21
newsvm\svcinfo.m 1228 1998-03-10
svcinfo.m 1228 1998-03-10
newsvm\svcoutput.m 973 1998-04-21
svcoutput.m 973 1998-04-21
newsvm\svcplot.m 3109 2001-10-12
svcplot.m 3109 2001-10-12
newsvm\svdatanorm.m 1299 1998-06-23
svdatanorm.m 1299 1998-06-23
newsvm\svkernel.m 2608 2001-10-11
svkernel.m 2608 2001-10-11
SVMClass.m 5967 2002-02-15
SVMPlot.m 4067 2002-02-15
SVMPlot2.m 5845 2002-02-15
SVMTest.m 7212 2002-02-15
SVMTrain.m 5415 2002-02-15
newsvm\svr.m 3982 1998-08-21
svr.m 3982 1998-08-21
newsvm\svrerror.m 1203 1998-08-21
svrerror.m 1203 1998-08-21
newsvm\svroutput.m 711 1998-04-15
svroutput.m 711 1998-04-15
newsvm\svrplot.m 1823 1998-02-13
svrplot.m 1823 1998-02-13
newsvm\svtol.m 401 1998-08-21
svtol.m 401 1998-08-21
u_clademo.m 1897 2000-10-10
demo\u_clademo.m 1910 2002-02-25
u_lindemo.m 2839 2000-10-10
demo\u_lindemo.m 2894 2002-02-25
u_LinearSVC.m 2014 2002-02-25
u_poldemo.m 3314 2000-10-10
demo\u_poldemo.m 3369 2002-02-25
u_PolySVC.m 2942 2002-02-25
u_rbfdemo.m 3195 2000-10-10
demo\u_rbfdemo.m 3250 2002-02-25
u_RbfSVC.m 2484 2002-02-25
demo\u_svcdemo.m 750 2000-10-10
u_svcdemo.m 750 2000-10-10
newsvm\uiclass.m 5386 1997-11-18
uiclass.m 5386 1997-11-18
newsvm\uiregress.m 5627 1997-09-27
uiregress.m 5627 1997-09-27
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