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  • Category : Windows Develop
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  • Update : 2018-01-12
  • Size : 73kb
  • Downloaded :0次
  • Author :mirwware
  • About : Nobody
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Packet file list
(Preview for download)
hdoc\README.txt 3644 2005-06-14
hdoc\LICENSE.txt 26428 2005-06-14
dmakeDist 416 2005-06-14
hdoc\turbo.pdf 36374 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 5308 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 3222 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 3874 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 4232 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 7162 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 4925 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 7109 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 8473 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 7484 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 4516 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 11134 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 5626 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 4115 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 5561 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 4370 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 5316 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 191 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 7159 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 15484 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl\ 8763 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\abPermut_e.vhd 3513 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\abPermut_synth.vhd 3467 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\accDist_e.vhd 3290 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\accDist_synth.vhd 3768 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\accDistSel_e.vhd 3212 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\accDistSel_synth.vhd 4505 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\acs_e.vhd 4093 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\acs_synth.vhd 5847 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\adder_e.vhd 3123 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\adder_synth.vhd 2983 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\clkDiv_e.vhd 3097 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\clkDiv_synth.vhd 3073 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\clkrst_beh.vhd 2999 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\clkrst_e.vhd 3109 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cmp2_e.vhd 3165 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cmp2_synth.vhd 2914 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cod2_e.vhd 3216 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cod2_synth.vhd 3456 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cod3_e.vhd 3044 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\cod3_synth.vhd 3284 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\coder_e.vhd 3265 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\coder_synth.vhd 3292 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\delayer_e.vhd 3296 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\delayer_synth.vhd 3398 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\distance_e.vhd 3258 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\distance_synth.vhd 2977 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\distances_e.vhd 3561 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\distances_synth.vhd 4128 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\extInf_e.vhd 3819 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\extInf_synth.vhd 5263 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\interleaver_e.vhd 3455 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\interleaver_synth.vhd 7317 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\iteration_e.vhd 5046 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\iteration_synth.vhd 13826 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\limiter_e.vhd 3998 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\limiter_synth.vhd 4678 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\min4_e.vhd 3444 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\min4_synth.vhd 4226 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\min8_e.vhd 3085 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\min8_synth.vhd 6103 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux2_e.vhd 3157 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux2_synth.vhd 2874 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux4_e.vhd 3326 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux4_synth.vhd 3102 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux8_e.vhd 3129 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\mux8_synth.vhd 3901 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\opposite_e.vhd 3132 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\opposite_synth.vhd 2902 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\partDistance_e.vhd 3530 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\partDistance_synth.vhd 4070 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\punct_e.vhd 3783 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\punct_synth.vhd 4626 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\reduction_e.vhd 3127 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\reduction_synth.vhd 3247 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\reg_e.vhd 3146 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\reg_synth.vhd 3030 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\sova_e.vhd 3870 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\sova_synth.vhd 8334 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\stateSel_e.vhd 3114 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\stateSel_synth.vhd 3203 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\subs_e.vhd 3152 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\subs_synth.vhd 2982 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\trellis1_e.vhd 3679 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\trellis1_synth.vhd 7530 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\trellis2_e.vhd 4235 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\trellis2_synth.vhd 12384 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\turboDec_e.vhd 3821 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\turboDec_synth.vhd 6800 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\turbopack.vhd 26408 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\zPermut_e.vhd 3290 2005-06-14
2src\vhdl\zPermut_synth.vhd 3748 2005-06-14
2src\myhdl 0 2017-12-24
2src\vhdl 0 2017-12-24
2src 0 2017-12-24
hdoc 0 2017-12-24
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