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  • Category : JSP/Java
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  • Update : 2012-11-26
  • Size : 79kb
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  • Author :TsuiHwau
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Introduction - If you have any usage issues, please Google them yourself
JS Design Patterns source code, it is difficult to get, ah, you do not regret it reported
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Source Code
...........\.........\1.01 - The flexibility of JavaScript.js
...........\.........\1.02 - Functions as first-class objects.js
...........\.........\1.03 - The mutability of objects.js
...........\.........\2.01 - Describing interfaces with comments.js
...........\.........\2.02 - Emulating interfaces with attribute checking.js
...........\.........\2.03 - Emulating interfaces with duck typing.js
...........\.........\2.04 - The interface implementation for this book.js
...........\.........\2.05 - The Interface class.js
...........\.........\2.06 - When to use the Interface class.js
...........\.........\2.07 - An example illustrating the use of the Interface class.js
...........\.........\3.01 - Book example class.js
...........\.........\3.02 - Fully exposed object.js
...........\.........\3.03 - Private methods with underscores.js
...........\.........\3.04 - Scope nested functions and closures.js
...........\.........\3.05 - Private methods with closures.js
...........\.........\3.06 - Static members.js
...........\.........\3.07 - Constants.js
...........\.........\4.01 - Classical inheritance.js
...........\.........\4.02 - The prototype chain.js
...........\.........\4.03 - The extend function.js
...........\.........\4.04 - Prototypal inheritance.js
...........\.........\4.05 - Asymmetrical reading and writing.js
...........\.........\4.06 - The clone function.js
...........\.........\4.07 - Mixin classes.js
...........\.........\4.08 - The augment function.js
...........\.........\4.09 - Edit-in-place example classical.js
...........\.........\4.10 - Edit-in-place example prototypal.js
...........\.........\4.11 - Edit-in-place example mixin.js
...........\.........\5.01 - Basic structure of the singleton.js
...........\.........\5.02 - Namespacing.js
...........\.........\5.03 - Wrappers for page specific code.js
...........\.........\5.04 - Private methods with underscores.js
...........\.........\5.05 - Private methods with closures.js
...........\.........\5.06 - Comparing the two techniques.js
...........\.........\5.07 - Lazy instantiation.js
...........\.........\5.08 - Branching.js
...........\.........\5.09 - Creating XHR objects with branching.js
...........\.........\6.01 - Introduction to chaining.js
...........\.........\6.02 - The structure of the chain.js
...........\.........\6.03 - Building a chainable JavaScript library.js
...........\.........\6.04 - Using callbacks.js
...........\.........\7.01 - The simple factory.js
...........\.........\7.02 - The factory pattern.js
...........\.........\7.03 - XHR factory example.js
...........\.........\7.04 - Specialized connection objects.js
...........\.........\7.05 - Choosing connection objects at run-time.js
...........\.........\7.06 - RSS reader example.js
...........\.........\8.01 - Event listener example.js
...........\.........\8.02 - Other examples of bridges.js
...........\.........\8.03 - Bridging multiple classes together.js
...........\.........\8.04 - Building an XHR connection queue.js
...........\.........\8.05 - XHR connection queue example page.html
...........\.........\8.06 - Where have bridges been used_.js
...........\.........\9.01 - Form validation.js
...........\.........\9.02 - Adding operations to FormItem.js
...........\.........\9.03 - Adding classes to the hierarchy.js
...........\.........\9.04 - Image gallery example.js
...........\.........\10.01 - Some facades you probably already know about.js
...........\.........\10.02 - Facades as convenience methods.js
...........\.........\10.03 - Setting styles on HTML elements.js
...........\.........\10.04 - Creating an event utility.js
...........\.........\11.01 - Characteristics of an adapter.js
...........\.........\11.02 - Adapting one library to another.js
...........\.........\11.03 - Adapting an email API.html
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