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c Chain some basic operation for beginners with the first document
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 8kb Publisher : 何勇南

this is code for statistics, which the algorithm is a foreigner to do, I just do them the right to amend, For example, one-time can select multiple documents, etc., writing more popular, help everyone to see, with a stro
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 27kb Publisher : xmcxcoc

24c02 procedures in more detail. Pagination within literacy
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 2kb Publisher : tecwon

calculate standard deviation of measurement uncertainty for two : First, the standard uncertainty, two of the expanded uncertainty.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 7kb Publisher : wangxuan

Cube matrix calculation of the display program source code, it is interesting that we can try
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何永远

rotation tougher with visual c prepared Attention duty announcers
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 36kb Publisher : www

mpi procedures, using visual c, Fortran, etc. achieve
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 109kb Publisher : www

calculators small procedures, some useful for beginners, Ha ha. Vb series with the
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 1kb Publisher : sorwd

least squares method of programming, with the linear data fitting. As the only source for a shorter fitted to a straight line Curve fitting, I later upload source.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘馨泽

practice of parallel computing algorithm source code, mpi source, including frequent use of some of the classic program, very practical, to help those who want to learn how to use mpi programming sta
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 827kb Publisher : yuyueer

several neural network algorithm routines, including In this paper before, art1 resonance, Boltzman machine, hopfield networks, self-organizing som, and so on.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 327kb Publisher : Z. Y. GU

use an uneven division of FDTD analytical procedures, In order to adapt to the correct performance of the local small antenna parts of the small structure, There dielectric material contains the electromagnetic field fro
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 8kb Publisher : 崔宏青
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