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This is on the use of a database created VISIO flow diagram examples are directed at medical information management system.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 112kb Publisher : 李明轩

the system can be described in detail in the hospital Invoicing drugs as a whole.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 747kb Publisher :

This is a practical software, you can download to look at the screenshots still inside
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 541kb Publisher : 才才

latest hospital management system source code, but using VFP prepared, using local databases, including the automation of the hospital management of all functions.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 464kb Publisher : 哈哈海盗

This is what we do hospital management system for a part of this is on the prescription drugs! (SWT components)
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 70kb Publisher : 小军

hospital management system uses C# and SQL Server database can be used for the management of small clinics
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 578kb Publisher : asd

pharmacies Invoicing code detailed practical for the general management of pharmacies
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 413kb Publisher : xhgf

pharmacies GSP source, this procedure available to developers detailed understanding, the gist of the contents of GSP source.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : 沈哲明

hospital management system, powerful, but only for the development of reference
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 899kb Publisher : 蔡刚

hospital outpatient medical workstations, VB6 Slammer
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 10.68mb Publisher : 林小

very comprehensive, including the management of the hospital function. Example : Administrators logged in, the patient admission, discharge, pay more than 10 other features.
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 399kb Publisher : wind

a data-based pharmaceutical industry management system, a more comprehensive study for the development of data sources for reference
Update : 2024-06-03 Size : 1mb Publisher : 周逸梦
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