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本程序使用ASP.NET(VB.NET)和ACCESS数据库编写 基本留言本需要的基本功能 管理登陆地址为login.aspx 在GUESTBOOK.ASPX底部有链接 默认登陆用户名和密码都为 admin 修改密码打开 数据库修改表单 admin 建议修改数据库文件名 data/data.mdb 为其他文件名 并在 Web.config 中修改第四行对应数据库名称 欢迎提出意见和建议-the procedures used ASP.NET (VB) and the Access database to prepare basic message the need to manage the basic functions landing at the GUESTBOOK.ASPX login.aspx Links to the bottom landing default user name and password for admin password to open the database changes form admin proposals to amend the database files from data/data.mdb for other documents from the Web.confi g modified counterparts fourth line database name welcomes comments and suggestions
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 74752 Publisher : 竞击者

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用ROSE来开发基于WEB的服务器配置。不好找的哦-used to develop Web-based server configuration. Not easy to find the oh
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 16384 Publisher : wm1998a

采用java开发的网络工具,有WEB浏览器,FTP网络文件传输,TELNET客户端的实例,等-using java development of the web-based tools, a Web browser, FTP network file transfer, TELNET client examples, etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 40960 Publisher :

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一套Web v2.0社区个人门户系统,以BLOG功能为核心。希望对大家有所帮助。-a personal Web portal community v2.0 system to function as the core BLOG. We want to help.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 6429696 Publisher : fanqi

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开源的WEB图形化流程解决方案, 主要实现:采用VML技术实现图形; 结合JAVASCRIPT实现拖拽; 采用XML技术解析和保存流程。 是开发图形化工作流的一种好的借鉴。-open-source Web graphical process solutions, the main achievement : VML graphics technology; combining JAVASCRIPT achieve dragging; using XML technology analysis and preservation process. The development of graphical flow of a good draw.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 81920 Publisher :

用delphi开发的聊天软件,基于Web并结合了网页中嵌入ActiveX技术,就是Delphi的ActiveForm。是学习的好题材。-use chat software development, Web-based and incorporates a website to embed ActiveX technology, Delphi is the ActiveForm. Learning is good material.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 521216 Publisher : 孙克再

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Web服务产生的计算与网络背景 Web服务计算的技术发展历程 中间件技术的业界现状 SOA与Web Service -the Web services network computing and Web services background of technical development of middleware technology industry sector Status SOA and Web Service
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 8034304 Publisher : lhj

新的kele8娱乐平台系统完整版,包含了后台服务器端、WEB程序端以及完整的视频教程-kele8 new entertainment platform complete system version includes a background server. WEB procedures and a complete end of Video Guide
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10811392 Publisher : zengyu

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《struts web设计与开发大全,关于struts MVC设计,有兴趣的朋友可以下来看看.-"struts web design and development Daquan, on the struts MVC design, Interested friends can see down.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 49152 Publisher :

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征服Ajax——Web 2.0快速入门与项目实践(.net)配套光盘 本书共11章,前两章介绍了Ajax技术的基本概念及相关的基础技术。第3章~第5章实现了基于Ajax的数据验证、自动完成功能以及一个基于Ajax的动态树形菜单。第6章~第11章的每一章介绍了一个完整的应用。它们分别是个性化主页、论坛主题搜索、无刷新聊天室、地图查看系统、相册浏览和Web版的MSN。这些例子经过精心设计,尽可能减少与Ajax无关的内容,让读者以最快的速度掌握Ajax开发技术。这些示例涵盖了Ajax开发的7项基本技术:XMLHttpRequest、DOM、XML、JavaScript、XHTML、CSS和XSLT-conquering Ajax-- Web 2.0 Quick Start with the project Practice (. Net) supporting the CD, a total of Chapter 11, the first two chapters of Ajax, the basic concept and associated infrastructure technology. Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 5 based on the realization of the data validation Ajax, Automatic functions and completed an Ajax-based dynamic tree menu. Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 11 of each chapter of a complete application. They are personalized home page, search the forum theme, no set chat room, Map View, Album version of the Web browser and MSN. These examples are carefully designed to minimize Ajax has nothing to do with the content, allow readers to grasp the speed of the fastest Ajax development techniques. These examples cover the Ajax development of the seven basic skills : XMLHttpRequest, the
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 5325824 Publisher : ant008

ASP.NET+SQL Server动态网站开发案例精选[配套光盘] 本书讲解如何使用ASP.NET和SQL Server开发动态网站,并通过9个与现实生活息息相关的完整案例,使读者迅速掌握动态网站的开发方法和全 过程。 全书共分11章,第1~2章提纲挈领,将动态网站开发所涉及的关键知识点做了简要介绍。在第3~11章,从需求分析、系统分析、目录结 构和通用模块、界面设计到代码实现,一步步教会读者制作9个精选案例。配套光盘包括所有案例的源程序,读者可以直接取用。 本书适合网 页设计人员、Web应用开发人员和广大网络爱好者学习使用-Microsoft SQL Server dynamic web site development and selected cases [matching CD] on the book how to use ASP.NET and SQL Server development of dynamic web site, through 9 and the reality of life is closely related to the integrity cases, readers quick access to dynamic website development methods and the entire process. The book is divided into 11 chapters, Chapter 1 ~ 2 highlights, the dynamic web development as the key point of knowledge made a brief presentation. In paragraph 3 ~ 11 chapters, ranging from needs analysis, systems analysis, directory structure and generic modules, interface design to achieve code, a reader step by step the church produced nine selected cases. Matching discs include all cases of the source, and readers can access directly. The book suitable for Web Design
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 872448 Publisher : ant008

Borland Delphi 2005 C# Builder精彩编程实例集锦[配套光盘] 本书用200个独立实例程序介绍了Borland Delphi 2005 C# Builder最新的编程技术。书中所有实例程序摒弃语法说教,侧重实际应用,主要内 容包括:使用GDI+技术开发图形文字特效程序技巧、使用ADO.NET开发数据库程序技巧、使用ASP.NET开发Web应用程序技巧以及Web Service程 序设计技巧等。在本书中,还介绍了托管状态下的文件操作、系统管理、注册表应用、网络通信、界面设计等难得一见的实用技术,是 BorlandFans进军Microsoft.NETFramework的重要参考书。本书所有实例程序在配套光盘中均有源代码,让您所见即所得、所学即所用。-Borland Delphi 2005, C# Builder exciting programming examples Gallery [Distribution CD-ROM] book with 200 examples of independent procedures introduced Borland Delphi 2005 C# B analyzes the latest programming technology. All sample program book abandon grammar preaching, and emphasis on practical applications, the main contents include : use GDI graphics technology development language skills Specific procedures, the use of ADO.NET database program development skills, ASP.NET Web application development techniques and Web Service program design skills. In the book, also briefed the custodian of documents under state operation, systems administration, the registry application, network communications, Interface design is hard to see the practical skills, BorlandFans is important to enter t
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9641984 Publisher : ant008

B/S结构的邮件客户端软件,使web版的,感觉用起来挺好用,与大家共享。-B/S structure of the mail client software to enable web version, with up feeling very good use and share.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2539520 Publisher : gongyh

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php实现的web新闻发布系统,功能齐全.-achieve php web news publishing system, complete functions.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 26624 Publisher : arch

此程序实现了简单的web浏览器及服务器功能。-this program a simple web browser and server functionality.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 11264 Publisher :

Web打印预览控件源程序.打印预览时,提供多页显示功能.-Web Print preview control source. Print preview, provide pages display function.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 145408 Publisher : zp

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WebService 其实就是一个基于网络的应用程序,它向外部程序提供一定的调用接口。外部(远程)的程序,可以经由Web对其进行调用-WebService is actually a Web-based application, It external procedures to provide certain call interface. External (remote) procedure, through its Web calling
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 65536 Publisher :

Web Conferencing system allow you to conduct the web conference around the globe. The system allow to share the desktop , application, dashboard, voice chatting and video conferencing.-Web Conferencing system allow you to conduct the web conference around the globe. The system allow to share the desktop, application, dashboard, voice chatting and video conferencing.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 616448 Publisher : LiuZP

Asp.net在线WEB文件管理,以及通过WebService在线搜索文件 Web online document management, as well as through the online search documents WebService
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 258048 Publisher : 吴辉辉

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开源的嵌入式WEB服务器,运行于RAM处理器,占用的系统资源极少-revenue embedded Web server running on the processor RAM and occupies very little system resources
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 713728 Publisher : lao
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