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病毒教学.rar 病毒教学.rar-virus teaching. Rar virus teaching. Rar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2794496 Publisher :

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此代码为前段时间在网络上广为流传的熊猫烧香病毒源代码。-earlier this code for the network on the wide-spread of the virus in Lhasa panda source code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : jinmao

VirtualBox-OSE-1.3.8,开源项目,比Vmware还快的虚拟机,丝毫不逊色于它。GNU GPL V2。可以迅速还原到莫个系统状态。可以在里面学习病毒技术,操作系统等。(文件其实是.tar.bz2的,gz重压费力又不太省空间)。-VirtualBox- OSE- 1.3.8, PC, Vmware faster than the virtual machine, no way inferior to it. GNU GPL V2. Can be quickly reduced to a state of MO systems. In studying virus technology, operating systems, etc.. (In fact, yes. Tar.bz2, gz weight is not painless province space).
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17458176 Publisher : Li yujie

U盘病毒专杀工具--USBCleanerV6.0 Build 20070328(完全版).rar-U disk virus Zhuanshagongju-- Build 2007032 .0 USBCleanerV6 8 (full version). rar
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 780288 Publisher : 东土大唐

操作系统 基础无病毒无病毒无病毒操作系统基础第三版-OS operating system virus-free basis without virus-free operating system based on the third edition of the virus
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6291456 Publisher :

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CIH病毒1.4源码. 供大家参考,请别搞破坏-CIH virus 1.4 source. For your reference, please not to carry out sabotage
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8192 Publisher : mg

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给大家学习参考 v1.2 1. Kill All HardDisk, and BIOS... Super... Killer... 2. Modify the Bug of 1.1 3. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1003 Bytes.-for everyone to learn a reference v1.2. Kill All HardDisk. and Super BIOS ... ... ... Killer 2. Modify the Bu 1.1 g of 3. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1003 Bytes.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 9216 Publisher : liuyue

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蠕虫—绿色代码的源程序,研究之用,不得非法使用。-worm-green of the source code, research purposes, not to use.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 17408 Publisher : Sunix

一个简单的worm病毒程序,研究之用,不得非法使用-a simple worm virus procedures, research purposes, not to use illegal
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4096 Publisher : Sunix

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**this a virus do not simply run it** 一个小virus, 会把电脑锁掉,并把全部program也关掉, 然后倒数关机。 Only for learning purposes. 分享for学习而已。 请不要用于非法用途。-** this a virus do not simply run it a small v** conditional tense irus, the computer will lock out, and all the program also turned off and then turned off the countdown. Only for learning purposes. For learning to share it. Please do not for illegal purposes.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2048 Publisher : jeffery

因本人工作关系,长时间接触病毒,收集了不少关于手机方面的病毒资料,今日拿出来供大家分享,这可是独一无二的-because I work, prolonged exposure to the virus, collect a lot of cell phone virus, out today for everyone to share, and this unique
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 187392 Publisher : qerde

Iexplorer专杀程序 能够较好的杀死和清除Iexplorer 病毒及其相关自动运行文件,能够识别它的多个变种.-Iexplorer the scrapping process can be used to kill and remove the virus and Iexplorer Automatic operation of the relevant documents, to be able to identify its variants.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15360 Publisher : 孙先声

amagazineaboutvirus.rar 病毒杂志.chm-amagazineaboutvirus.rar virus magazine. Chm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1353728 Publisher : virus

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一个商品化的杀毒程序,可以分析病毒的种类及具有一定能力的查杀功能!-a commercialization of anti-virus procedures, the virus can be analyzed and certain types of killing function!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 456704 Publisher :

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熊猫感染的核心代码,一份不错的开源病毒代码,仅供研究只用。有兴趣者可以自己完善它。使用本代码说产生的一切后果与本人和 无关。 特别提示:请读懂代码后再运行,最好在虚拟机中运行调试。-panda infection core code, a good revenue virus code, only used for research purposes only. Interested persons can improve its own. Use of this code have said with all the consequences and I irrelevant. Special Tip : Please read after running code, the best in the Virtual Machine Debugging.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 10240 Publisher : zhouzhen

清除原理 结束病毒进程 结束wmimgr.exe与comime.exe进程 删除病毒文件 del "%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\slserv.exe" -end principle to remove the virus wmimgr.exe end of the process and the process of deletion comime.exe In addition to documents virus del "% SYSTEMROOT% \ System32 \ slserv.ex e "
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 477184 Publisher : 解放

毕业设计论文-反病毒的 随着网络技术的不断发展,出现了大量的基于网络的服务,网络安全问题也就变得越来越重要。ACL即访问控制列表,它是工作在OSI参考模型三层以上设备,通过对数据包中的第三、四层中的包头信息按照给定的规则进行分析,判断是否转发该数据包。基于ACL的网络病毒的过滤技术在一定程度上可以比较好的保护局域网用户免遭外界病毒的干扰,是一种比较好的中小型局域网网络安全控制技术。 本设计重点从计算机网络病毒的出现、基本特征以及发展现状的角度出发,比较深入的研究了相关网络安全技术,深入分析了当前几种严重影响网络性能的网络病毒,结合ACL的工作原理,制定了相应的访问控制规则列表,并且通过模拟实验,对ACL的可行性进行了相应的测试。 -Design graduate thesis- with the anti-virus network technology continues to develop, a lot of Web-based services, network security issues have become increasingly important. ACL or access control lists, it is work in the OSI Reference Model for three more equipment, the data packet through the third, four of Baotou information according to the rules, to determine whether the transmitted data packets. Based on ACL network virus filtering technology will be able to better protect users from the outside world LAN virus interference is a relatively good small and medium-sized LAN security control technologies. The design focus from the computer network virus with the basic features of the status quo of the development perspective, more in-depth studies to the relevant network security technol
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 128000 Publisher : thocr

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专门针对现在比较流行的一个叫runauto的U盘病毒.可以查杀它.源码内部封装了一个WINDOWS的注册表操作类-targeted now more popular one is called the U disk runauto virus. It could be killing. FOSS within Packaging of a Windows operating the registry category
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3046400 Publisher : 阿黄

代码仅用于学习和研究之用,请不要用于商业途径。 2)不保证软件的完整性和是否含有病毒、是否加密,请自行调试和杀毒。 3)如果您认为侵犯了你的权益,请来信跟我们联系,我们马上删除连接。 4)欢迎作者给本站提供代码。 5)请在下载后24小时内删除,谢谢合作。 -code only for learning and research purposes, please do not used for commercial means. 2) does not guarantee the integrity of the software and the presence of the virus, encryption, and anti-virus on its own debugging. 3) If you believe that a violation of your rights, please contact us a letter, we immediately delete the link. 4) welcomes the authors to the site to provide code. 5) Please download within 24 hours deleted, Thank you for your cooperation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 276480 Publisher : 效力

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一个非常简单的杀毒源代码,非常适合初学者学习-a very simple anti-virus source code, very suitable for beginners learning
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 小罗
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