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VHDL教程 ppt版 绪论 第一章 VHDL基本结构 第二章 VHDL语言元素 第三章 VHDL的描述风格 第四章 VHDL的主要描述语句 第五章 组合逻辑电路设计 第六章 时序逻辑电路设计-Ppt version of VHDL Tutorial VHDL Introduction Chapter I Chapter II the basic structure of VHDL language element of VHDL in Chapter III Chapter IV describes the style of the main description language VHDL Chapter V combinational logic circuit design of Chapter VI of sequential logic circuit design
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1081344 Publisher : 陈松

VHDL入门,适用于VHDL初学者。结合MaxplusII开发环境,给出了一些例子。-Introduction to VHDL, VHDL for beginners. Combination MaxplusII development environment, are given some examples.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 657408 Publisher : 李芸

VHDL进阶,在VHDL初步的基础上,使读者进一步深入了解VHDL语言现象和语句规划的特点,以及应用VHDL表达与设计电路的方法。-Advanced VHDL in VHDL preliminary basis, so that readers further insight into the phenomenon of VHDL language and expressions of the characteristics of planning, as well as the expression and application of VHDL circuit design approach.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 404480 Publisher : 李芸

VHDL高级,在VHDL入门和深入的基础上,介绍VHDL的一些编程技巧,及性能优化措施。-Senior VHDL in VHDL entry and in-depth on the basis of the introduction of a number of VHDL programming skills, and performance optimization measures.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 336896 Publisher : 李芸

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用VHDL语言编写的一个乘法器校程序 是基于BOOTH算法的 -VHDL language using a multiplier BOOTH school program is based on the algorithm
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 杨天

另一套LC3 CPU VHDL源码及设计文档,对LC3进行了一些取舍和改造,比如NZP改为NZC,更贴近现实CPU硬件架构。按照ASM进行VHDL编码,更适合数字设计初学者学习。-Another set of LC3 CPU VHDL source code and design documents, of LC3 to a number of trade-offs and transformation, such as NZP changed NZC, more close to reality CPU hardware architecture. In accordance with the ASM to VHDL coding, digital design more suitable for beginners to learn.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 808960 Publisher : guo

《数字设计和计算机体系结构》一书MIPS VHDL源码。
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : guo

电子琴VHDL程序包含有:顶层程序、音阶发生器程序、数控分频模块程序和自动演奏模块程序-VHDL procedures flower contains: top-level procedures, scale generator procedures, numerical control frequency module procedures and module procedures performed automatically
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 50176 Publisher : 李立

一种基于VHDL的电子密码锁论文设计,有部分代码,可以下来作为参考。-A VHDL-based electronic locks thesis design, have some code that can be down as a reference.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 368640 Publisher : 李里

Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : 黄然

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实用VHDL教程,书中内容包括:了解数字集成电路的结构特点 掌握常用EDA工具的基本使用方法 掌握VHDL的基本语法和主要编程要点 掌握常用数字单元电路的VHDL设计 了解数字集成系统的基本设计方法-VHDL Tutorial practical book include: understanding the structural characteristics of digital integrated circuits commonly used EDA tools to master the basic use of VHDL to master basic grammar and the main programming elements commonly used to master the digital unit of VHDL circuit design of digital integrated system to understand the basic design method
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3379200 Publisher : ff

再来一个8051的内核(VHDL语言),绝对好用,直接添加到QuartusII 中即可!!大家可以分享一下阿-Then a 8051 core (VHDL language), absolutely easy to use, directly added to the QuartusII it can! ! We can share the Arab-Israeli
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 461824 Publisher : 侯典华

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VHDL速查手册,在开发时,可以快速找到需要的语法和规则。-VHDL Info manuals, in the development, they can quickly find the need for grammar and rules.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 251904 Publisher : pancat

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VHDL的设计实例,觉得很有用,与大家共同享用。-VHDL design examples, feel useful, and everyone shared.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6633472 Publisher : riiuter

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伪随机码发生器的VHDL实现 随着通信理论的发展,早在20世纪40年代,香农就曾指出,在某些情况下,为了实现最有效的通信,应采用具有白噪声的统计特性的信号。另外,为了实现高可靠的保密通信,也希望利用随机噪声。然而,利用随机噪声最大困难是它难以重复产生和处理。直到60年代,伪随机噪声的出现才使这一难题得到解决-Pseudo-random code generator for VHDL realize communication with the development of the theory, as early as the 20th century, 40 years, Shannon has pointed out that in some cases, in order to realize the most effective communications, should be used with the statistical properties of white noise signal . In addition, in order to realize highly reliable secure communication, but also wish to take advantage of random noise. However, the use of random noise the greatest difficulty is that it difficult to repeat the generation and treatment. Until 60 years, the emergence of pseudo-random noise so that this problem only be solved
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 217088 Publisher : 张之晗

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Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 10240 Publisher : weqeqwe

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PDF格式的书,VHDL的入门教程,对电路设计刚入门的朋友应该有用-PDF format of the book, VHDL Entry Tutorial on circuit design just getting started should be useful to Friend
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 263168 Publisher : joe

VHDL实用教程(潘松),非常经典讲解VHDL语言,包含基本语法及实例。-VHDL Practical Guide (Pan Song), is a classic on the VHDL language, including basic grammar and examples.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4752384 Publisher : 辛小怡

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eda技术与vhdl课件,很经典的学习课件-VHDL EDA technology and courseware, it is a classic learning courseware
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 9823232 Publisher : weijy

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一个很有用的vhdl实用教程,很适合初学者学习,介绍了vhdl的一些基本概念,还有一些经典的实例。-A useful practical VHDL Tutorial, it is suitable for beginners to learn, introduced some basic concepts of VHDL, there are some classic examples.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 16929792 Publisher : dchun
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