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一个功能全面的用VFW API编写的基于对话框的视频捕获程序。-a fully functional API with the preparation of the VFW based video capture dialog procedures.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 28672 Publisher : beiken

用vfw函数对基于usb摄像头的视频图像进行捕捉存储.-with usb function based on the video camera to capture images for storage.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 41984 Publisher : 蝈蝈

一个基于dorgem(一个open source的video capture program)video/image processing平台。 1。移植实现了virtualdub的filter的功能,可以很方便的进行image processing, video processing的快速实现。 2。基于vfw的live capture功能 3。提供一些基本filter. 4。初始的图象处理用于安全监控。-dorgem (an open source of the video capture program) video/image processing platform. 1. Virtualdub transplant realized the filter function, it is very convenient for image processing, video processing the rapidly. 2. Based on the live capture vfw function 3. Provide some basic filter. 4. Initial image processing for security monitoring.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6885376 Publisher : xiong bing

这是一个基于VFW的视频捕捉系统,能够自动捕捉计算机摄像头的视频,并且能够保存。值得推荐。-This is a VFW on the video capture system, the computer can automatically capture the video camera, and to be able to preserve. Worth recommending.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 35840 Publisher : 刘哲

视频图象实时捕捉,及初步处理算法实现。初学vfw适用-real-time video image capture, and initial treatment algorithm. Beginners applicable vfw
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 37888 Publisher : 王臻

VB6 视频捕捉程序(使用 VFW): 捕捉画面、捕捉为AVI文件、视频设置、视频源设置。-VB6 video capture process (using VFW) : screen capture, document capture to AVI video setup, Video Source installed.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 68608 Publisher : Raymond Hu

视频获取,见过的质量最好的视频获取程序(自己改了些),同时比较DirectShow和VFW两种接口所得视频得质量。-Video acquisition, seen the best quality of video access procedures (one to reform some), compare both DirectShow and VFW interface available in video quality.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3883008 Publisher : 黄闻

利用vfw技术实现avi视频文件播放,并可按帧转换为bmp位图文件。 AVIFileOpen,AVIFileGetStream,AVIStreamInfo,AVIFileRelease,AVIFileInit,AVIFileExit,AVIStreamGetFrameOpen,AVIStreamGetFrameClose,CreateFile,WriteFile,CloseHandle. ActiveMovie控件,声道音量调节CVolumeDlg,声道平衡调节CBalanceDlg. -use technology to broadcast avi video files, and frames can be converted to bitmap bmp documents. AVIFileOpen, AVIFileGetStream. AVIStreamInfo, AVIFileRelease. AVIFileInit, AVIFileExit. AVIStreamGetFrameOpen. AVIStreamGetFrameClose, CreateFile. WriteFile, CloseHandle. Application of ActiveMovie Control, CVolumeDlg channel to adjust the volume, track CBalanceDlg balance adjustment.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 390144 Publisher : 罗鸣

该例程在VC实现了视频波卓的VFW的应用。该例程拥有一个主窗口,在主窗口上创建了一个捕捉窗口,插上摄像头即可进行视频捕捉。适合初学者学习如何使用VFW-routines in the VC of the VFW Beizhuo video applications. The routines have a main window, the main window on the creation of a capture window, which is the camera can hold video capture. For beginners to learn how to use VFW
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2103296 Publisher : yuheng

DL : 0
应用VFW来进行视频流的预览,启用了多线程来保证数据的传输!-VFW application to video streaming preview, the opening of a multi-threaded to ensure data transmission!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 11264 Publisher : caijun

摄像头源码,一个用vfw封装类,长时间验证-稳定。-Camera source, a package with VFW category, a long time to verify- stability.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : 王印

基于VFW API的视频会议系统实现的源代码-VFW API-based video conferencing systems realize the source code
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 440320 Publisher : Chaorder

USB摄像头VFW编程DEMO,以及源码示例。VFW入门的好源码-USB camera VFW programming DEMO, as well as sample source. VFW entry a good source
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 78848 Publisher :

使用数字视频软件包VFW中的AVICap窗口类 进行视频捕捉的源码-The use of digital video software packages VFW in AVICap video capture window class for the source
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 53248 Publisher : tommy

DL : 1
《C++Builder数据库开发实用教程》光盘使用说明: 一、本光盘包括如下文件: (1)Forms.rar,这是本书要做的工程的可重用窗体文件。 (2)Band4.rar,这是本书所做的窗体应用程序的全部代码。 (3)cert.rar,这是测试证书制作包。 (4)Addition.rar,这是控制扫描设备的DLL文件。 (5)Exam.rar,这是移植后的Active Form工程。 (6)ExamSite.rar,这是部署后的工程。 (7)SampleBMPs.rar,五幅BMP图片,供学习中使用。 (8)VFWForBCB.rar,这是附录五“VFW视频实时捕获技术”的工程文件。 (9)ssqyScore.rar,C++Builder 6 + Access数据库开发的软件《浙江师范大学信息学院研究生成绩管理系统》的源代码,
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3557376 Publisher : 天雨

ds代替vfw ds代替vfw -ds replace vfw ds substitute in place of VFW vfw ds
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 5120 Publisher :

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一个使用VC6.0编写的,使用VFW的,基于对话框的USB摄像头视频采集程序。-VC6.0 prepared to use, the use of the VFW, dialog-based USB camera video capture program.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 26624 Publisher : fr

1、利用VFW的实现的视频采集、处理程序,支持各种USB视频设备。 2、在回调函数中的lpVHdr结构指针中有lpData指针,即指向每一帧图像的RGB像素矩阵。 3、语言:delphi-1, using the realization of VFW video collection, treatment procedures, supports a variety of USB video equipment. 2, in the callback function pointer in the structure of lpVHdr have lpData pointer that point to each frame image of the RGB pixel matrix. 3, language: delphi
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 340992 Publisher : 胡杨

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不错的采用VFW采集视频的视频聊天程序。-Good use of VFW video capture video chat program.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 506880 Publisher : xusong

本系统采取VFW技术实现视频采集、编码、解码、回放等多项功能-The system technology to take VFW video capture, encoding, decoding, playback functions such as
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3960832 Publisher : 罗颂锋
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