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ucosii-2.76 ucosii 的源代码,希望对大家有所帮助-ucosii- 2.76 ucosii the source code, we hope to help
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 252928 Publisher : 李鹏

bootloader及ucosII在模拟器simuCPU上的移植,具体过程及源代码-Bootloader and ucosII simuCPU simulators at the transplant process and the specific source code
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 849920 Publisher : 安利

ARM7给菲利蒲LPC2214移植的UCOSII,软件分为标准版和高效版,其中高效版的任务切换速度会块些。支持软中断和THUMB模式-ARM7 to Philippe LPC2214 transplant UCOSII, software and Standard Edition version efficient, effective version of the task switching speed will block more. The soft suspension and support model THUMB
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 8192 Publisher : 周星施

UCOS-II的初学手册, 很好的. 是电子版图书. 希望对大家有帮助.-UCOS-II Beginners Manual, very good. The electronic version of books. We want to help.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 4798464 Publisher : 张子林

bootloader及ucosII在模拟器simuCPU上的移植.files.还可以的代码-Bootloader and ucosII simuCPU simulators at the transplant. Files. The code can also
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 40960 Publisher : 张房

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一本讲uC/OS的很好的书,内容包括系统的安装、任务、实时系统、内核、中断、任务间通讯等。-This is the Chinese translation of the book on uC/OSII, contents include installation of system, task, real-time system, kernel, interrupt, communication among tasks etc..
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 1773568 Publisher : Guo

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Motorola MCU HC08下的uCOSII移植源代码,刚刚完成。附用户应用程序测试,稍加修改可以增加自己功能。-HC08 Motorola MCU under uCOSII transplant source code, has just been completed. A user application procedures for the testing, a little change can increase their functionality.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 332800 Publisher :

51上运行UCOSII,你要是想移植,但是不会,可以看看,有启发-51 UCOSII run, if you want to transplant, but will not, can see that enlightening
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 10240 Publisher : 张奕玮

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参考网上的提供的代码,我把uCosII移植到MSP430f149上,分三个任务,分别是485通讯,键盘扫描,LED显示,可供参考!-online reference provided by the code, and I uCosII MSP430f149 transplant, in three tasks, namely, 485, keyboard scan, LED display, for example!
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 153600 Publisher : 亮亮

Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 + uC-OSii + uC-GUI 完美的综合到了一起,学习arm最好用这个程序,一次可以学到2个系统:uCOSII+uCGUI,完整版本,共5.3M,240x32OLCD.-Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 uC- OSii uC-perfect GUI integrated together to learn with the best arm of this process, one can learn two systems : uCOSII uCGUI, complete version, a total of 5.3M, 240x32OLCD.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 5581824 Publisher : 张天健

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三星 S3C44B0 开发板带的uC/OS-II 2.61,代码完整,能在编译运行。-Samsung S3C44B0 development board with the uC/OS-II 2.61, code integrity, the compiler can run.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 84992 Publisher : 黄伟

arm7 移植 ucosII TO ARM7 的详细教程 及原码-ARM7 transplant ucosII TO ARM7 detailed guide and the original code
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 857088 Publisher : 林方

lWIP是TCPIP的协议的源代码。采用的是最新LWIP0.6.4版本。为了得到最佳性能,我们需要引入操作 系统。上面的UCOSII就是一个很好操作系统。-lWIP TCPIP agreement is the source code. Using the latest version LWIP0.6.4. To get the best performance, we need to introduce the operating system. UCOSII above is a very good operating system.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 689152 Publisher : 付青锋

μC_OS-II在Nios上的移植(共同学习ucosII)-uC_OS-II port to Nios (Hope to learn ucosII together )
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 141312 Publisher : 吕吕

ucosii在Atmal上的移植,供大家参考哦-Atmal ucosii in the transplant, for your reference, oh
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 99328 Publisher : 彭军

ucos在三星ARMs3c44b0上运行源码.-CENTER Samsung ARMs3c44b0 running source.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 56320 Publisher : 章程

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在ATmega16芯片上移植的ucosii系统应用,使用ICCAVR编译器。由于ATmega16芯片仅仅有16k的rom和1k的ram,因此这个移植范例中仅使用了系统延时函数来点亮led。-the ATmega16 chip transplant ucosii applications, use ICCAVR compiler. As ATmega16 mere 16k chip rom the 1k and the ram, Therefore, the transplant use only example of the system to function delay led lit.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 76800 Publisher : 韩兆伟

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msp430的uc/os移植,包含完整的工程文件,以及测试事例程序,使用ucos2.70版本。-Controller of uc/os transplants, the project includes complete documentation, examples and test procedures use ucos2.70 version.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 143360 Publisher : 吕江波

ucos/ii在TMS320VC5402上移植源码,供移植参考 -CENTER/ii TMS320VC5402 transplant source for transplant reference
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 17408 Publisher : 夏社

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ucosii API 调用说明,内容极为丰富,包括所有调用-ucosii API call that is much richer in content, including all Call
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 72704 Publisher : 刘乃文
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