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Update : 2010-11-15 Size : 54533 Publisher : sjzaly

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ebook 文档 华为电子书项目基于Samsung S3C6410平台,使用u-boot-1.3.4, linux-2.6.27和android cupcake作为软件基础版本,支持主流电子书产品支持的所有功能。此文档定位于促进项目中的非BSP开发人员对BSP模块的理解,阐明BSP模块输出的功能及其与应用层的主要接口。
Update : 2011-11-24 Size : 79872 Publisher :

CPU MPC8270 SDRAM K4S561632 x4(128Mbyte) BOOT FLASH AM29LV640(8MByte) Nand FLASH 兼容三星的K9F系列的FLASH CPU JTAG口 核心板集成 串口 3个 SMC1、SMC2、SCC1 (SMC1扩展板和核心板都有输出接口) 以太网口 3个 FCC1、FCC2、FCC3 可编程发光二极管 6个 可编程发光数码二极管 1个 系统外部中断输入 4个 外部系统复位输入 1个 外部实时时钟 系统掉电,时钟不丢失 核心板电源 单一5V电源 开发系统电源 外部5V/3A输入或者ATX电源 (注意:这两个电源不能同时插入使用) BOOTLOADER U-BOOT 操作系统 Linux 2.4.18 开发工具 全套的设计开发工具,包括开发主机的操作系统安装盘 驱动软件 提供所有接口的驱动程序源代码 核心板尺寸 123mm X 86mm 扩展板尺寸 178mm X 134mm -MPC8270 CPU SDRAM K4S561632 x4 (128Mbyte) FLASH AM29LV640 BOOT (8MByte) Nand Flash compatible Samsung K9F3208W0A series of JTAG FLASH mouth core CPU board integrated Serial three SMC1, SMC2. SCC1 (SMC1 expansion boards and core boards have output Interface) Ethernet port three FCC1, FCC2. FCC3 programmable LED six programmable digital luminescent diode an external interrupt input system four external systems reset input an external real-time clock system power loss. clock core plate not lost a single 5V power supply system development 5V/3A external power input or ATX power supply (Note Italy : these two power use can not be inserted) BOOTLOADER U-BOOT Linux 2 .4.18 complete set of development tools to develop design tools, including the development of the mainframe operating system softwa
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 486400 Publisher : 王强

Jollen-Kit! 2006 是非常積極進行中的專案,所有紀錄與更新將同步揭示於本網頁。 快速下載 U-Boot 的 binary code:U-Boot binary - 2006/01/03 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410:uimage.img - 2006/01/06 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs.img -2006/01/07 (without tftp) 可開機的 Base root filesystem: urootfs2.img -2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with tftp) GNU cross toolchain:arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) 安裝方法: # cd / (切換到 / 根目錄) # tar jxf <路徑>/arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu.tar.gz (將檔案解開)   "Hello, World!" 在 ARM9 的範例:hello_arm.tar.gz (使用Makefile) 其它工具與原始碼下載 驅動程式模組 -Jollen-Kit! 2006 is very positive for the ad hoc, all records will be updated with synchronization revealed on this website. Fast download U-Boot of binary code : U-Boot binary-2005/10/02 Linux kernel 2.4.18 for jk2410 : uimage.img- 2006-01-06 can boot Base root filesys tem : urootfs.img-2006/01/07 (without tftp) boot B Rnase root filesystem : urootfs2.img-2006/03/10 (Busybox 1.10 with t ftp) GNU cross toolchain : arm-9tdmi- linux-piumarta/squeak/unix/release/Squeak-3.1beta-i686-PC-linux-gnu.tar.gz (armpath by Joe) Installation Method :# cd/(switched to the/root directory)# tar jxf
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 13312 Publisher : ffllkk

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linux2。6移植文档,嵌入式Linux内核移植相关代码分析,嵌入式BootLoader技术内幕,linux系统移植,1-U-BOOT移植实验,2-linux 2.6移植实验,3-根文件系统实验,4-工具链制作实验-linux2. 6 Portable Document, embedded Linux kernel analysis of transplant-related code, embedded BootLoader Technology Insider, linux system transplantation ,1-U-BOOT transplantation experiments ,2-linux 2.6 transplant experiments, 3- root file system experiments, 4-- tool chain production experiment
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 1673216 Publisher : 李寻欢

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1、键盘记录 2、记录文件%windows%目录下winlog.dat 3、hodll.dll和wscnfy.exe拷贝至%system%下执行wscnfy.exe 4、开机即运行 5、卸载:wscnfy -u-1, keyloggers 2, log file windows directory winlog.dat3, hodll.dll and wscnfy.exe copy to system implementation wscnfy.exe4, the boot that is running 5, uninstall: wscnfy-u
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 21504 Publisher : yyb

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详细介绍uclinux移植过程,很系统! 第六章目录:6.1 Bootloader  6.1.1 Bootloader介绍  6.1.2 Bootloader的启动  6.1.3 Bootloader的种类  6.2 U-Boot编程  6.2.1 U-Boot工程简介  6.2.2 U-Boot源码结构  6.2.3 U-Boot的编译  6.2.4 U-Boot的移植  6.2.5 添加U-Boot命令  6.3 U-Boot的调试  6.3.1 硬件调试器  6.3.2 软件跟踪  6.3.3 U-Boot启动过程  6.3.4 U-Boot与内核的关系  6.4 使用U-Boot  6.4.1 烧写U-Boot到Flash  6.4.2 U-Boot的常用命令[1]  6.4.2 U-Boot的常用命令[2]  6.4.3 U-Boot的环境变量 141 -uclinux
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 3850240 Publisher : shelling

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u-boot 源代码,适用于 ST 芯片-u-boot source code, applicable to ST-chip
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 14977024 Publisher : 胡永保

u-boot 的移植。平台2416,交叉编译4.2.2.我成功在2416的开发板上移植成功。-u-boot porting. Platform 2416
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 1027072 Publisher : 王国荣

AT91RM9200开发笔记,准备工作,PPPD-2.4.3交叉编译,理解基本概念,U-boot-1.3.0移植成功,ELF文件生成bin文件的处理方法-AT91RM9200 Development notes, preparation, PPPD-2.4.3 cross compiler to understand the basic concepts, U-boot-1.3.0 transplantation, ELF file generated bin file handling
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 1045504 Publisher :

u-boot.4.3.2 的学习笔记,希望对大家有帮助-u-boot.4.3.2 study notes, we want to help
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 166912 Publisher : 123afeu

linux u-boot1.3.4-2的源代码-linux u-boot1.3.4-2 source code
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 12544000 Publisher : haoyaogang222

linux uboot Keil环境下移植工程!-save it!
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 2930688 Publisher : 李晓明

Tiny6410 Linux开发指南,友善之臂一款tiny6410的开发板,随板自带的文档 帮助爱好者更好的自学。文档内容如下:1.1 初试Linux之图形界面Qtopia-2.2.0,Qtopia4和QtE-4.7.0系统 1.2 通过串口终端操作开发板 1.3 安装并设置Fedora9 1.4 解压安装源代码及其他工具 1.5 配置和编译U-boot 1.6 配置和编译内核(Kernel) 1.7 配置和编译busybox 1.8 制作目标板文件系统映象 1.9 嵌入式Linux应用程序示例 1.10嵌入式Linux驱动程序示例 1.11 编译Qtopia-2.2.0 1.12 编译QtE-4.7.0 1.13 编译Qtopia4(Qt-Extended-4.4.3) 1.14 选择哪个版本的Qt进行开发 操作和介绍很清晰,便于嵌入式学习者使用。-The Tiny6410 Linux Development Guide, the friendliness arm a tiny6410 development board, documentation that comes with the board to help enthusiasts better self-learning. The document reads as follows: 1.1 first test of the graphical interface of Linux Qtopia-2.2.0 Qtopia4 QtE-4.7.0 system 1.2 development board through the serial port terminal operations 1.3 Installation and set-extracting install the source code and other tools Fedora9 1.4 1.5 configure and compile U- boot 1.6 configure and compile the kernel (Kernel) 1.7 configuration and compile busybox 1.8 production target board file system image 1.9 embedded Linux application example of 1.10 embedded Linux driver example 1.11 compile Qtopia-2.2.0 1.12 compiled QtE-4.7.0 1.13 compiled Qtopia4 (Qt-Extended-4.4.3) 1.14 very clear and easy to choose which version of Qt development operations and introduce embedded learner.
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 5737472 Publisher : 杨洋

wayulink网络摄像机升级包,u-boot版本1.3.4 软件版本 IRNC REF DESIGN VERSION 2.60.-wayulink network camera upgrade package
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 7168 Publisher : 小辛

smdkv210 u-boot启动代码,支持nandflash,sd卡,USB启动-smdkv210 u-boot boot code, support nandflash, sd card, USB startup
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 4630528 Publisher : lzch

支持lpc3250平台在u-boot上的i2c库函数,支持的i2c命令包括imd,imw等。经过测试的uboot版本为uboot-1.3.3,其他版本未测试。 -The source code supports uboot command for i2c on lpc3250 platform,such as imd.uboot-1.3.3 is tested!
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 3072 Publisher : voldemort

DL : 0
(1)基于部分u-boot代码自己调试的vxworks BSP (2)实现了nand/nor flash的tffs文件系统 (3)实现了对spi dataflash的访问 (4)实现了对启动参数和mac地址的文件保存 (5)通过命令行升级bootrom自身 (6)支持通过命令行实现对elf/bin文件格式的vxworks的下载,升级和引导 (7)实现了atmel的对32Mflash的支持,解决了芯片本身的bug (8)实现了CPU最小系统SDRAM FLASH 网口 串口的自检操作-(1) Based on part of their own u-boot code debug vxworks BSP (2) implements the nand / nor flash of tffs file system (3) realize the spi dataflash access (4) implements the file to the startup parameters and mac address save (5) via the command line bootrom upgrade itself (6) support line to achieve vxworks elf / bin file format download, upgrade and guide (7) command to achieve the support of 32Mflash atmel solve the chip itself bug (8) to achieve a minimum system CPU SDRAM FLASH network port serial self-test operation
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 2436096 Publisher : wang

将uboot移植到keil下,详见 2Buboot-Transplate uboot Into keil下,See also: 2Buboot
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 2946048 Publisher : vincero

1.这是针对FL2440开发板的u-boot-2010.09版本移植代码补丁,请先下载原版u-boot-2010.09代码; 2.然后解压u-boot-2010.09代码,并把补丁文件uboot2010.09_fl2440.patch放在uboot的同级目录,进入uboot目录。 3.打补丁:patch -p1 <../uboot2010.09_fl2440.patch 4.配置是输入:make fl2440_config, 5.然后执行make即可执行生成u-boot.bin-1. This is a development board for the FL2440 u-boot-2010.09 release porting code patches, download the original u-boot-2010.09 Code 2. Then extract the u-boot-2010.09 code and the patch file uboot2010.09_fl2440.patch uboot on the same directory, enter the uboot directory. 3. patch: patch-p1 < ../ uboot2010.09_fl2440.patch 4. Enter configuration is: make fl2440_config, 5. then make to the generated u-boot.bin
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 36864 Publisher : yuanbaotai
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