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这是一个测试Timer类用法的程序.程序会随机产生10个时间, 并在时间到的时候出发Task类对象中的run方法-This is a test Timer category usage of the procedure. Procedures will be randomly generated 10 hours and the time when the starting of the Task type of object methods run
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1129 Publisher : 王小倩

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Sun's XACML Implementation is an access control policy evaluation engine written entirely in the Java(tm) programming language. It supports XACML 1.x and 2.0 core features, and provides a number of powerful extensions and extensibility points.
Update : 2011-06-12 Size : 661467 Publisher :

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一个测试java安全性代码 -a test safety code
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 2048 Publisher : 小宝

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Java试题 Java试题-Java Java test questions
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 30720 Publisher : 王城

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scribe-java-应用实例 └─src ├─main │ └─java │ └─org │ └─scribe │ ├─builder │ │ └─api │ ├─exceptions │ ├─extractors │ ├─model │ ├─oauth │ ├─services │ └─utils └─test └─java └─org └─scribe ├─builder ├─examples ├─extractors ├─model ├─services ├─test │ └─helpers └─utils -scribe-java-application instance └─src ├─main │ └─java │ └─org │ └─scribe │ ├─builder │ │ └─api │ ├─exceptions │ ├─extractors │ ├─model │ ├─oauth │ ├─services │ └─utils └─test └─java └─org └─scribe ├─builder ├─examples ├─extractors ├─model ├─services ├─test │ └─helpers └─utils
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 78848 Publisher : 匡啊

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JAVAJTest只是做出了一个测试代码框架而已,正真的测试代码,最终还是要用户自己来实现。 因此,我认为,JTest最大的优势在于静态代码分析,至于自动生成测试代码,只是商业上的一个嘑头而已,当然生成测试代码框架也是不错的,但是千万不要以为什么事情都不用自己做了!-JAVAJTest just made a test code framework it is really testing the code, and ultimately to the user is to be achieved. Therefore, I think the fallout is the biggest advantage of the static code analysis, automatic generation As for the test code, only commercial Hu on the first one in there, test code generation framework is not a bad thing, but never to why things are not done!
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 198656 Publisher : 刘佳

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用堆栈实现回文算法 可以测试各种字符串 dos界面-using stack algorithm can achieve Palindrome test string dos interface
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 3072 Publisher : 闫科

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这是一个测试Timer类用法的程序.程序会随机产生10个时间, 并在时间到的时候出发Task类对象中的run方法-This is a test Timer category usage of the procedure. Procedures will be randomly generated 10 hours and the time when the starting of the Task type of object methods run
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : 王小倩

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用EMMA测试Java类,对Java测试人员和Java开发人员非常有用。-with EMMA test Java classes, and testing Java Java developers very useful.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 991232 Publisher :

java实现代PC机和以太网转串口设备通讯例子,可以用来测试以太网转串口设备的数据收发情况。 在applet目录下为在java applet中如何和模块通讯的例子,在使用时得首先把index.htm和test.jar下载到模块中,然后在ie中输入http://模块IP地址/index.htm来访问。(目前只有ZNET-200T支持此下载功能) -PC and Ethernet to serial communications equipment example, can be used to test Ethernet switch serial data transceiver situation. The applet directory for the java applet and how communications module example, when used in the first place index.htm and test.jar downloaded to the module, then the input ie http:// module IP address/index.htm to visit. (Currently only ZNET- 200T supports download)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 10240 Publisher : 东子

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很好的一个Java试题集合,包括200道单项选择题,300道多项选择题,200道判断题。-good a set of Java questions, including 200 multiple-choice, 300 multiple-choice, and that 200 judgment.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 155648 Publisher : 苏丹

java面试题,面试题啊,同志们。java面试题java面试题-java face questions, face questions ah comrades. java test java side face questions
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 10240 Publisher : 54465445

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实用的java习题,初学者可用-Java practical exercises, beginners can be used
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 56404992 Publisher :

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一个很不错的考试管理系统 java + jsp + MSQL -A very good test management system java+ Jsp+ MSQL
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 670720 Publisher : josh

书籍Agile java crafting code with test-driven development 作者jeff langr 的源代码-Books Agile java crafting code with test-driven development Author jeff langr source code
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 910336 Publisher : meilihuang

这是我们写的考试系统!!java编写的!!不是很大!!希望有用-This is our test system to write! ! java prepared! ! Not too big! ! Hope useful
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 330752 Publisher : 郑奕

这是一个用Java编写的简单考试系统,只适合作为单选题的考试,然后可以对考生提交的答案立即评分。-This is a simple to use Java to prepare the examination system, is only suitable as a单选题examination, and then the candidates can answer immediately submitted score.
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 4096 Publisher : xj

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一个java操作xml的完整示例,采取jdom实现-Xml operate a complete java examples, taken jdom realize
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 814080 Publisher : chenyu

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This is a simple example to test java
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 1024 Publisher : woyuanle

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java test java test java test(java test)
Update : 2024-04-26 Size : 6370304 Publisher : w
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