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摘 要:介绍了Win32平台(Windows95/98/NT)下socket的阻塞和非阻塞两种工作模式。结合两个具体程序模型,讨论了在网络环境下发送/接收数据使用阻塞式socket的必要性和不足之处,并提出用能延时退出的阻塞式socket读写函数的解决方案。-Abstract : the Win32 platform (describes) socket obstruction and two non-blocking mode. Combining two specific program model discussed in the network environment to send/receive data using block-socket and the need for deficiencies, and make use can delay the withdrawal of obstructive type socket read and write function solutions.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 17408 Publisher : 王静

java实现两机间的socket通信.使用时将ip填入源码localhost处即可.-achieve the two-socket communications. When used to fill ip source localhost respect.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : zcj

一个简单的用vc做的多线程,socket编程,可以两个ip见发消息,internet网络编程的作业,所以做的很不是很好,我下次会写上详细的文档再传上来的,希望对初学socket编程的人有帮助-a simple vc do with the multi-threaded, socket programming, can see reports from two ip, internet network programming operations, is not doing very well, I will write next detail of the document onto a tame, and I hope to beginners socket programming to help people
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 300032 Publisher : 四秒

用c#实现能过socket连接smtp实现发送邮件及附件的小程序,通常可用来定时通知什么的-with c# socket connections will be a realization smtp mail attachments and small programs, usually can be used to regularly informed of what
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 13312 Publisher : woodwater

说明的是用在客户端输入两个数字,在服务器端实现其加法运算,然后返回结果给客户端的socket例子,此例子经过本人的调试通过。欢迎大家享用。-descriptions are used in the importation of two client figures on the server side to achieve its addition operations, then return to the findings to the client socket example, the example I read through the debugger. You are welcome to enjoy.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6144 Publisher : 郑云洲

通过ip地址,利用socket来进行服务器与客户端的信息通讯,程序较为简单。-through ip address, the use of socket server to the client's information and communication, the more simple.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 61440 Publisher : Neil

Socket Chat(采用.Net Socket技术的在线聊天室)-online chat room adopting .Net Socket technology
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 82944 Publisher : hwb

跨平台的最轻量级socket的c++库,支持windows,linux,solaris-cross-platform of the most lightweight c socket library, support for Windows, Linux, Solaris
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 28672 Publisher : 包慧明

VC中用Socket传送文件示范源码,本示例可以了解Socket 的基本原理-VC Socket document transmission source model, the sample can understand the basic tenets of Socket
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 108544 Publisher : tony

基于SOCKET的聊天室源程序及其完整论文-based chat rooms and integrity of the source papers
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 220160 Publisher : 方成林

一个Socket连接类,封装了Winsock API,VB源码,推荐下载!-a socket connection type, Packaging, a Winsock API, VB source code to download!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 61440 Publisher : 于晶

 ?Socket 编程让你沮丧吗?从man pages中很难得到有用的信息吗?你想跟上时代去编Internet相关的程序,但是为你在调用 connect() 前的bind() 的结构而不知所措?-Socket Programming let you frustrated? From the man pages is very difficult to get useful information? You want to go part time on the Internet-related programs, but for you to call connect () before the bind () and the structure of a loss?
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 21504 Publisher : Jack

一个用socket编的聊天室 以为java平台,实现聊天的小程序-socket with a series of the chat room thought java platform to achieve chatting small program
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8192 Publisher :

Socket 实现远程唤醒. 这是一个在VC环境下的程序.其主要目的是用Socket实现远程唤醒.-Socket remote awaken. This is a VC environment in the process. Its main purpose is to use Socket remote awaken.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 菲凡

socket关于tcp协议 及ucp协议通信的例子程序-tcp socket on the agreement after agreement and communication procedures for example
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 魏小

2003061723305924139多线程Socket,多线程,通信开发-multi-thread Socket, writing by communications
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 404480 Publisher : 武明

It is a socket server. It accepts a connection from client and prints on the console a message that client writes
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 53248 Publisher : 培育

基于VC和Socket的完整Ftp客户端程序-Socket-based VC and the integrity Ftp Client
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 132096 Publisher : 周斌

使用VB开发套接字编程,用 Winsock 实现聊天的程序。-use VB socket programming, chatting with Winsock procedures.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher : 许光

DL : 0
Linux下的socket编程文档!有非常详细的函数说明.Linux下的socket编程必备!-Linux socket programming documentation! A very detailed statement function. Linux socket programming required!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 206848 Publisher : 王涛
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