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Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 9454 Publisher :

Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 17184 Publisher :

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vc灵感编程范例源代码 61 应用程序中运行其它程序 62 隐藏应用程序 63 获取文件的相关信息 64 删除文件 65 文件对话框的使用 66 My Archive 67 获得各种目录 68 获取并改变系统时间 69 GetDirInfo 70 PrintDemo 71 Context Help 72 MyBar 73 MyDate 74 Mouse 75 局域网中的文件拷贝 76 Comp Name 77 Name2Ip 78 Ip2Name 79 Screensaver 80 helpfile-vc inspiration source code programming examples of 61 applications to run other programs 62 63 hidden application access documents related information 65 64 delete the file dialog use 66 67 My Archive access 68 directory access and change the system time GetDirInfo 69 71 70 PrintDemo Co. ntext MyBar Help 72 73 74 Mouse 75 MyDate LAN documents 76 Comp Name copy Name2Ip 78 77 79 Screensa Ip2Name ver 80 helpfile
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1623076 Publisher : yiyizi

屏幕保护的小程序-small screen protection procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17495 Publisher : HelloVC

用Delphi开发的三维屏保程序-with Delphi 3D screensaver
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 135576 Publisher : 小林

屏保程序,可以让你的计算机别人用不了。只有自己能用。。谢谢。。qq:28543487 开关在屏目最上方中间。点击就可打开。-screensaver program, you may make your computer others impossible. Only you can use. . Thank you. . Qq : 28543487 Switches in screen above the heads of most middle. It can be opened.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 236894 Publisher : 李华柳

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一个屏保程序,用自己定义的CWND类来当替代基于对话框程序的对话框的实现,跑马灯效果文字的实现过程.-a screensaver procedures, and use their own definition of the class when CWND alternative based on the dialog box procedure and that the realization of 5,250 characters effect the implementation process.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 64605 Publisher : 胡俊

一个非常酷的屏幕保护程序(一个小男孩在跳舞,四周星光闪动,还有非常酷的背景音乐)-a cool screensaver program. a dancing lovely kid\\twinkling stars around, and playing cool background music
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 297897 Publisher : 师俊峰

实现在gif图片上增加一个文本信息,这个文本信息可以动态提示,类式屏保-achieve an increase in the picture text messages, the text messaging can dynamically indicate that category-screensaver
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19483 Publisher : 相同

如何画贝塞尔曲线的算法,可以利用此算法作手机屏保程序,类似于windows 的屏保或其他图形算法-how painting Bessel curve algorithm, the algorithm can be used to make phone screensaver, similar to a screensaver windows or other graphics algorithm
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 105993 Publisher : 康伟

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如果只是做一个屏保,用VC做屏幕保护程序是件很简单的事。 只须在Project->Settings->Debug中Executable for debug session一栏中将其后辍名改为src,编译即可。但要做出精美的屏保来。那就要下点功夫了-if only done a screensaver, so VC screen saver is a very simple thing. Only in Project-gt; Settings - gt; Debug which Executable debug session for a later column will cease to be changed src, can be compiled. But to make a beautiful screen saver to. This will be done about the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13924 Publisher : 周伟斌

这个程序包含四个屏保程序,当这个程序运行时,当鼠标在任何一个地方点左键的时候,一种颜色的球就从鼠标点激的位置开始移动,并且沿着屏幕边缘运动,而且每次移动的球的颜色不是完全一样的.-this procedure includes four screensaver, when the program runs, when the mouse at any point where a button when a ball on the color of the mouse from point Shock started moving the location and movement along the edge of the screen, but each movement of the ball is not the color exactly the same.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 44352 Publisher : vfg

本文介绍使用C#制作屏幕保护的方法,这个屏幕保护就是仿效视窗系统自带的字幕屏保。-This paper describes the use of C# production of the screen, the screen is to follow the system's own Windows screensaver subtitles.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2762 Publisher : 开远

Vc书上的一个屏保程序,运用了定时器。很有代表性。里面屏保的算法也很经典。很适合初学者。大家可以参考看看!-Vc a book on the screensaver procedures, the use of timers. Very representative. Inside the screensaver algorithm classic. Very suitable for beginners. Members can take a look at!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27601 Publisher : 闵敏

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简单的,一个屏保编程库源程序,需要太多人来支持,有目标才会有动力,从简单开始-simple, a screensaver program for source and the need for so many people to support a goal there is a driving force, from the simplest beginning! !
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26434 Publisher : 张宁

一个动态3D屏保程序,一条鲨鱼在屏幕上自由来回,很有趣-a dynamic 3D screensaver, a shark on the screen freedom back, and very interesting
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7208799 Publisher : 李步车

模拟屏幕保护程序源代码,主要是用来展示如何编写windows屏幕保护程序的代码-simulation screensaver program's source code is mainly used to demonstrate how to prepare windows screen protection program code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5186 Publisher : 黄影

雪花屏保源码,希望对喜欢搞屏保的有所帮助,希望大家支持。-snowflakes screensaver source, and I hope to the likes screensavers can help, hope you will support them.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 177408 Publisher : 蒋家安

Rainy Screensaver 是世界上最好的下雨屏幕保护程序,它真实地再现了雨天的景象,当雨点随风而降,在逼真的雨声、炫目的闪电和滚滚的雷鸣声中,雨点在屏幕上汇集滑落,会让人感觉到电脑屏幕上真的下起了一场暴雨。你可以选择自己喜爱的一组图片作为桌面背景,程序将逐一加载并转化为雨天效果,图片能够以随机或指定顺序显示出来,程序也可以在指定的时间段内重复运行。-Rainy PGM is the world's best rain screen protection program, it presents a realistic picture of a rainy day, when rain clouds descend, the fall in a realistic, compelling lightning and rolling thunder sound, rain pooled on the screen slide, it will make people feel really on the computer screen began to downpour . You can choose their favorite pictures as a group desktop background, procedures and will be individually loaded into effect for the rainy days, pictures can be specified in the order or randomly show up procedures can also designate a specific period of time to repeat operation.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 823585 Publisher : 11

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C# Screen saver projetc
Update : 2024-05-01 Size : 6951936 Publisher : mrmello
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