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需要控件:Active Report 2.0(专业报表控件破解版)\2.0\下的ardespro2.dll和arpro2.dll ARVIEW2.OCX等文件。即可打开源代码。 -Need to control: Active Report 2.0 (professional statements control crack version) .0 and ardespro2.dll under arpro2.dll ARVIEW2.OCX and other documents. To open the source code.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1975296 Publisher : zzm

DL : 0
MFC中的ListBox控件不支持修改其中内容,这个程序演示了动态移动控件模拟修改ListBox控件的内容。-MFC in the ListBox control does not support a revision of their contents in detail, this procedure demonstrated a dynamic simulation of mobile controls modify the contents of ListBox control.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 31744 Publisher : mindbrain

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VB报表设计源代码,此源码包是Cell组件VB中的一些应用代码示例,包括自定义函数、变量应用、从数据库取数,另附连续打印、单元格条件颜色-Report Designer VB source code, this source packet is the Cell Components VB some sample application code, including user-defined functions, variable applications, from the database check number, followed by continuous printing, color cell conditions
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 263168 Publisher : sean

北京化工大学2008年暑期集训一次训练的解题报告和核心代码-Beijing University of Chemical Technology in 2008 summer training report of a problem-solving training and core code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 260096 Publisher : Harder

When application is deployed, the exception unable to find database dll occurs when generating reports. This is because you are not using Crystal Report 8.5 ActiveX Designer RunTime Library (craxdrt.dll) Check out this tutorial provides best practice solution.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 201728 Publisher : 孙忠波

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该实例是使用水晶报表向导创建报表,方法简单易学-The example is the use of Crystal Report Wizard to create statements, methods, easy to learn
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 63488 Publisher : 静水流深

DL : 1
labview 自动生成WORD报表,按源码内容自行编辑文档模版,重点是标签(标签名称可自行修改)-LabVIEW automatically generated WORD statements, according to source their own editorial content of the document template, with a focus on label (label name can modify)
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 114688 Publisher : Roy Yu

report builder 著名的报表控件!内附安装密码-report builder famous statements control! Containing the installation password
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 31285248 Publisher :

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报表设计器,可以快速的与数据库连接设计想要的表格-Report Designer, you can quickly design and database connection you want to form
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2039808 Publisher : miaoyx

sql server report service的例子。给dw开发者-sql server report service example. Developers to dw
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2532352 Publisher : 黎民

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在本机票预定系统项目的前一阶段,也就是概要设计阶段中,已经将系统用户对本系统的子模块功能做了详细的阐述,这些模块功能具体设计将在本报告中详尽得以叙述及阐明。 本阶段已在系统的概要设计的基础上,对机票预定系统做详细设计。主要解决了实现该系统程序模块具体设计问题。包括确定算法,数据结构,模块接口的使用,数据库的动态操作以及界面设计等。在以下的概要设计报告中将对在本阶段中对系统所做的所有详细设计进行详细的说明。 -In the ticket reservation system project in the previous phase, which is a summary of the design phase, the system user has a subset of the system modules have done a detailed, specific design features of these modules will be detailed in this report can be described and explained . This phase of the outline design of system based on air ticket reservation system do the detailed design. The main solution to the achievement of specific program modules of the system design issues. Including the identification of algorithms, data structure, the use of module interfaces, databases, dynamic operation, as well as interface design. In the following report will outline the design at this stage of the system has done all the detailed design detail.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4904960 Publisher : x105

说明: 学生成绩信息管理系统分析报告-Description: student performance information management system analysis report
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 339968 Publisher : wangyue

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rave report 使用例子源代码程序-rave report example source code to use procedures
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 473088 Publisher : cddd

for crystal report doc,language is chinese-for crystal report doc, language is chinese
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 115712 Publisher : 周丹

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汽车综合监控仪——广东省大学生电子设计大赛 (获一等奖) 报告 使用技术:ARM9(S3C2440),UC/OS, UC/GUI,红外测速,超声波测距,触摸屏,语音播放 主要功能:通过传感器来收集外部信息,(路况检测,速度,平稳度,底盘高度,打滑程度)再将收集到的外部信息进行必要的分析与处理,最后由各执行单元执行输出命令(语音,TFT液晶屏),从而使汽车平稳行驶,增加乘坐的舒适性。-Automotive Integrated Monitor- Guangdong Province Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest (won the first prize) report the use of technology: ARM9 (S3C2440), UC/OS, UC/GUI, infrared gun, ultrasonic ranging, touch screen, voice playback main functions : through the sensor to collect external information, (road detection, speed, smooth, the chassis height, the degree of spin) and then collected the necessary external information analysis and processing, and finally by the implementation of the implementation of the output command unit (voice, TFT LCD screen), so that a smooth running car, increasing riding comfort.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2207744 Publisher : 李素伟

范例-企业管理应用系统可行性研究报告,可作为相关文档撰写的参考-Example- enterprise management application system feasibility study report can be used as a reference to write the documentation
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 23552 Publisher : 童婷

本示例代码完成了执行程序在发生crash时候的拦截,并弹出自定义对话框(类似于目前常见软件的错误报告发送窗口)。并保留执行程序的dump文件以便事后使用windbg进行分析。另外还允许添加自定义的文件(如运行日志)到分析包中。-The sample code to complete the implementation of procedures in the event of a crash when the interceptor, and a custom pop-up dialog box (similar to the current common software to send an error report window). And retain the dump file of the enforcement procedure in order to subsequently use windbg for analysis. It also allows the addition of a custom file (such as run log) to the analysis package.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 82944 Publisher : 徐宇

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企业进销管理系统,JSP以及数据库设计,里面又详细的设计报告。-Enterprises into the sales management system, JSP as well as database design, which also detailed design report.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 712704 Publisher : Jack

是一个西餐厅管理系统需求分析报告,里面包括了流程图-Is a restaurant management system needs analysis report, which includes the flow chart
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 143360 Publisher : yui

微机课程设计报告-Computer curriculum design report
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 88064 Publisher :
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