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日本人做的一个雷达系统仿真的matlab的toolbox-The Japanese to do a radar system simulation matlab
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1211392 Publisher : 成伟明

一个雷达回波模拟的matlab程序包,含有在RCS服从卡方分布,瑞利分布,对数正态分布下目标的的雷达散射截面模拟子程序, 具有径向加速度,径向速度,径向距离的雷达回波模拟,有3-D图形显示.-A radar echo matlab simulation package, containing the RCS subject to chi-square distribution, Rayleigh distribution, lognormal distribution of the target radar cross section simulation subprogram, with the radial acceleration, radial velocity, radial distance the radar echo simulation, there are 3-D graphical display.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 4096 Publisher : 周严

能够实时的显示雷达的扫描过程,详细演示了雷达的工作原理,和绘制图表的方法。-Can display real-time radar scanning process, a detailed presentation of the working principle of the radar, and chart mapping method.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7168 Publisher : tianhu1980

倒车雷达系统的研究与设计:系统设计中采用了模块设计思想,简化了调试工作量,最终很好完成了超声波测距倒车雷达系统的硬件设计、软件设计及系统调试。-Reversing radar system research and design: system design using the modular design, simplifying the debugging workload, and ultimately completed a very good ultrasonic ranging reversing radar system hardware design, software design and system debugging.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 855040 Publisher : HCZ

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FSK调制与解调的DSP算法,使用于6000DSPs,对于通信雷达系统的相关处理和解调具有重要指导意义-FSK modulation and demodulation of DSP algorithms, used in 6000DSPs, radar systems for the communications-related processing and demodulation of great significance in guiding the
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 124928 Publisher : 杨国斌

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基于平坦度的激光雷达强度图像的滤波算法-Based on the flatness of the laser radar intensity image filtering algorithm
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 279552 Publisher : 镇姣

修改的PRI变换法,用于雷达信号分选,可以处理抖动的雷达信号-PRI modified transformation method for radar signal sorting, you can deal with the radar signal jitter
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher :

ADI TS201 原装系统板PCB图, 此PCB图是用POWERPCB 5.0画的, 直接导入既可打开, 目前做相控阵雷达,3G 基站,WIMAX基站等均采用ADSP-TS201.-ADI TS201 original system board PCB diagram, this PCB diagram is drawn POWERPCB 5.0, can be opened directly into the current to do phased array radar, 3G base stations, WIMAX base stations all use of ADSP-TS201.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 635904 Publisher : 钟平

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合成孔径雷达成像算法仿真,初学者理想的参考资料。-Synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithm simulation, the ideal reference for beginners.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 韩冷

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介绍了被动雷达探测系统测向方法,提出了被动测向系统信号处理器的设计方法. 采用DSP(数字 信号处理器) + FPGA(现场可编程门阵列) 结构,使得系统的处理速度大大提高,而且集成度高、可靠性好、使 用灵活,具有很强的应用价值和参考价值.-Introduction of the passive radar detection system to test methods of measuring the passive signal processor to the system design method. The use of DSP (digital signal processor)+ FPGA (field programmable gate array) structure, making the system processing speed greatly enhanced, and high integration, reliability, and the use of flexible, has a strong value and reference value.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 165888 Publisher : 王功臣

一篇很好的雷达定位GDOP英文文章:Geometric Dilution of Precision of HF Radar Data in 2+ Station Networks-A very good radar positioning GDOP English article: Geometric Dilution of Precision of HF Radar Data in 2+ Station Networks
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 374784 Publisher : 陈建青

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关于合成孔径雷达一个很好的PPT,是学习SAR一个很好的东东,欢迎下载学习.-Synthetic aperture radar on a good PPT, is a very good learning SAR Dongdong, welcome to download learning.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 311296 Publisher : lwwww

Matlab Simulations for radar systems 电子版书的源码。希望有用。-Matlab Simulations for radar systems the electronic version of the book
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 214016 Publisher : 贺宏洲

Radar Technology Encyclopaedia 雷达科学百科全书-Radar Radar Technology Encyclopaedia Scientific Encyclopedia
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 8754176 Publisher : 贺宏洲

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MatLab Simulations for Radar Systems Designign Using matlab 的源代码-MatLab Simulations for Radar Systems Designign Using matlab source code
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 239616 Publisher : abigail

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X-band雷达仿真程序,等等等等,用于分析实际信号-X-band radar simulation program, and so on and so on, used to analyze the actual signal
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 177152 Publisher : yuanzhishu

雷达信号生成函数,分析雷达多脉冲信号啊 雷达信号生成函数,分析雷达多脉冲信号-Radar signal generating function, analysis of radar signals ah multi-pulse radar signal generating function, analysis of multi-pulse radar signal
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : yuanzhishu

本文总结了CIC 滤波器理论要点,介绍了采用FPGA设计CIC 滤波器的基本方法,使滤波器的参数可以按实际需要任意更改,给出了仿真结,验证了设计的可靠性和可行性。采用该方法设计的CIC 滤波器已用于DDC芯片,也适合下一代高频雷达系统的要求。-This paper summarizes the main points of CIC filter theory, introduced the CIC filter design using FPGA basic ways in which filter parameters can be arbitrary according to the actual needs change, the simulation node to verify the reliability of the design and feasibility. Designed using the CIC filter has been used in DDC chips, also suitable for the next generation of high-frequency radar system requirements.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 700416 Publisher : 会飞的鱼

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雷达系统建模与仿真的matlab程序,包括产生十种随机分布,产生swerling杂波,以及产生回波,进行快速傅立叶变换,脉压,进行MTI,以及横虚警-Radar System Modeling and Simulation of matlab procedures, including dozens of randomly generated distribution, swerling have clutter, as well as the resulting echo, fast Fourier transform, pulse pressure, the MTI, as well as cross-false alarm
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 718848 Publisher : 李永彪

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中科院博士论文:合成孔径雷达动目标检测和成像研究-Doctoral dissertation, Chinese Academy of Sciences: synthetic aperture radar moving target detection and imaging studies
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 7499776 Publisher : keyoung
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