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Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这个版本可以和qt-embedded-2.3.7配合使用。-GUI developing circumstance by Trolltech. It can support many APIs and be a good tool for GUI developing on Linux. This version can be use with qt-embedded-2.3.7.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8978412 Publisher : 何飞

Linux下的基于X11的图形开发环境。-Linux-based X11 graphical development environment.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 15021382 Publisher : 吴文河

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16803703 Publisher : 张大力

mingugi的qt界面下的编程-mingugi the qt programming interface
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1717248 Publisher : 乌海

Trolltech公司发布的基于C++图形开发环境,支持大量的API,是Linux下的图形界面开发利器。这是较早的版本,但在嵌入式系统的移植比较成功!-Trolltech released on C graphical development environment to support a large number of API, is the Linux GUI development of weapon. This is an earlier version, but in the embedded system more successful transplant!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 15815680 Publisher : 何飞

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linux下由qt封装起来的一个串口类,可移植性非常好,适合嵌入式开发。-qt Packaging up a serial category, portability is very good and is suitable for embedded development.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 125952 Publisher : 葛钦钦

本文介绍了如何使用qt提供的接口来设计自己的GUI风格(look and feel),并通过一个具体的例子(使QSpinBox垂直显示)来详细说明过程。运行环境:redhat 9.0,qt-x11-free-3.2.*-This paper describes how to use the interface provided by the qt to design their own GUI style (look and f eel), and adopted a specific example (so that QSpinBox displayed vertically) to elaborate on the process. Operating environment : redhat 9.0, qt- x11-free-3.2 .*
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6144 Publisher : fanggang

移植qtopia必备库源代码,总共六个,分别是 e2fsprogs-1.38.tar.gz jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz qt-embedded-2.3.10-free.tar.gz qtopia-free-source-2.1.1.tar.bz2 qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz tmake-1.13.tar.gz-Transplantation must qtopia library source code, a total of six, namely, e2fsprogs-1.38.tar.gzjpegsrc.v6b.tar.gzqt-embedded-2.3.10-free.tar.gzqtopia-free-source-2.1.1.tar. bz2qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gztmake-1.13.tar.gz
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3620864 Publisher : 王东于

qt在x86机子上的安装与配置的愿码,能过通过其在pc机上实现应用程序的开发-qt loom on the x86 installation and configuration is ready to code, can be had through its machines realize pc application development
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 35618816 Publisher : chenyuan

qt移植到samsungarm2410目标板上的源代码,其中有编译好后可以移植到目标板上进行qt应用程序开发-qt transplanted to the target board samsungarm2410 source code, which has a good compiler can be transferred to the target after the board conducted qt application development
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 35618816 Publisher : chenyuan

24小时学通QT编程,QT编程的资料太少了,希望这些文档对大家很有用。-24 hours Xuetong QT programming, QT little information programming, and hope that these documents useful to everyone.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 14671872 Publisher : tml

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QT/X11(版本为4.2.2)下的功能丰富(含存储数据,窗口对话,温度转换)的完整代码-QT/X11 (version 4.2.2) under the feature-rich (including the storage of data, the window of dialogue, temperature conversion) of the complete code
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 23552 Publisher : 陆宾

自定义信号和槽的例子:应用于QT/X11版本为4.4.2,是QT开发核心实例介绍-Custom signal and trough examples: QT/X11 applies to version 4.4.2 is the development of the core examples QT
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 15360 Publisher : 陆宾

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qt文档,qt入门帮助,嵌入式图形开发,linux下qt环境搭建,程序编译.-qt documentation, qt help getting started, embedded graphics development, linux environment under the qt structures, procedures compiler.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 6537216 Publisher : yaorenfeng

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一个简单的在LINUX QT下面画曲线图的程序-A simple painting in LINUX QT curve following the procedure
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3072 Publisher :

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《qt及linux操作系统窗口设计》,如书名,本书是学习在linux 环境下开发QT界面的不可多得好书,对于图形开发者很实用- Qt window and linux operating system design , such as the title, this book is a learning environment in the linux development rare books QT interface for graphics developers very practical
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 19534848 Publisher : li

qt-embedded开发的实例教程,通过10个实例让你很快入门。-qt-embedded examples of the development of curricula, the adoption of 10 examples of your entry soon.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 623616 Publisher : liang yan

linux下用QT 做的串口编程工具,在linux下做串口调试有一定的参考价值-linux using QT do serial programming tools, in doing serial debugging under linux of some reference value
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 484352 Publisher : 杨工

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qt4完全开发手册 RHEL4 +xshell + ARM-Linux开发环境 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar.bz2 tslib-1.4.tar.bz2、qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar.gz -qt4 fully developed manual RHEL4+ xshell+ ARM-Linux Development Environment for qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar.bz2 tslib-1.4.tar.bz2, qt-x11-opensource-src-4.4.0.tar . gz
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1436672 Publisher : 曹啸航

QT/E 配置安装软件包 e2fsprogs-1.35.tar.gz qt-embedded-2.3.7.tar.gz qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz qtopia-free-1.7.0.tar.gz tmake-1.11.tar.gz build set-env-QT/E configuration install package e2fsprogs-1.35.tar.gz qt-embedded-2.3.7.tar.gz qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz qtopia-free-1.7.0.tar.gz tmake-1.11 . tar.gz build set-env
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 38771712 Publisher : 李新
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