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神经网络工具箱和一些经典神经网络电子书籍,适用于初学者神经网络入门-Neural network toolbox and a number of classical neural networks of e-books for Beginners Introduction to Neural Networks
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 38088704 Publisher : 张波涛

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Unix network programming Unix network programming ] Unix network programming -Unix network programming Unix network programming] Unix network programming Unix network programming
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 400384 Publisher : lalala

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用模拟退火的方法,解决noi2006的第一日network-Using simulated annealing solutions noi2006 the first day of network
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : FFT Steve

介绍了用vc++调用matlab引擎库函数的方法,利用这种方法在应用软件开发过程中既能发挥vc++强大的界面开发功能,又充分利用了matlab的复杂运算和处理能力,并把这一技术应用于神经网络程序的设计,取得了很好的效果。-Introduction by vc++ Call matlab engine library function, using this method in the application of the software development process can play vc++ Powerful interface development function, matlab full advantage of the complexity of computing and processing capability, and the technology used in neural network design process, and achieved very good results.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 86016 Publisher : luhui

每一个训练范例在网络中经过两遍传递计算:一遍向前传播计算,从输入层开始,传递各层并经过处理后,产生一个输出,并得到一个该实际输出和所所需输出之差的差错矢量;一遍向反向传播计算,从输出层至输入层,利用差错矢量对权值进行逐层修改。BP算法有很强的数学基础,戏剧性地扩展了神经网络的使用范围,产生了许多应用成功的实例,对神经网络研究的再次兴起过很大作用。 -Each training example in the network passing through the calculation twice: once to move the spread of computing, from the beginning of input layer, transmission floors and processed to produce an output, and a the actual output and the difference between the desired output error vector again to reverse the spread of computing, from the output layer to the input layer, using error vector values of the right to amend the layers. BP algorithm has a strong mathematical foundation, dramatically expanded the use of neural networks, resulting in a number of successful examples of application of neural network research have a significant role in the rise once again.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : 军军

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一个java实现的,基于SNMP协议的简单网管程序。-The realization of a java-based SNMP simple network management protocol procedures.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 44140544 Publisher : 谢飞

这是一个Zigbee组成无线传感网络的例子.用JENNIC单片机和ZIgbee -This is a Zigbee wireless sensor network composed of examples. Using Jennic MCU and Zigbee
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 164864 Publisher : bjx1234

O Reilly原版书,为数不多介绍Python网络平台-Twisted的专著-O Reilly original book, one of the few network platform Python introduction of monographs-Twisted
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1296384 Publisher : pongo

利用Hopfield 神经网络联想记忆的功能, 对有噪声干扰的字母进行识别-Using Hopfield neural network associative memory function, there is noise interference on the letters to identify
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 227328 Publisher : feijihm

unix网络编程卷一 pdf 作  者: (美)史蒂文斯,(美)芬纳,(美)鲁道夫 著,杨继张 译 清华大学出版社 -Volume unix network programming pdf Author: (U.S.) Stevens, (U.S.) Fenner, (U.S.) Rudolf book, translated Yang Zhang Tsinghua University Press
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 19096576 Publisher : liu

一款功能比较齐全的网络视频电话软件源码,界面比较好看-A function of relatively complete network video telephony software source code, interface look
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 4260864 Publisher : hero

根据神经网络的算法对三幅训练图像和测试图像进行识别。-According to neural network training algorithm for three test images and image recognition.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 44032 Publisher : xjzhang101

Understanding Linux Network Internals英文版电子书,chm格式-Understanding Linux Network Internals English e-books, chm format
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 7845888 Publisher : superalway

希网动态域名IP更新工具.自动更新3322的动态域名-Greek Network Dynamic DNS IP update tool. Automatic Updates 3322 dynamic domain name
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 225280 Publisher : 余益

复杂网络已经成为物理学中一个富有挑战性的课题。网络灾变是传播过程中随处可见的,这种灾变效应 就像雪崩,迅速在网络中传播。探讨网络灾变的形成机理是十分必要的。本文就复杂网络上的雪崩动力学的研 究进展作一个概述-Comp lex network is becoming an active field of researches. It is common that catastrophes occur in a network, and like a avalanche sp reading. How do we understand the avalanche?We p rovide a brief review of the avalanche dynamics on comp lex network.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 266240 Publisher : 吴榕

java网络变成就不用我多介绍了吧。它是Java技术书中的经典的经典,也是学习Java的过程中不能不看的一本书。-java network into many would not have me introduce you. It is a Java technology book classic classic, but also study the process of Java can not help but look for a book.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2240512 Publisher : hh

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qt代码的网络编程,完成了http协议和ftp协议。代码中的一个亮点是实现了ftp客户端!-qt code network programming, the completion of the http protocol and the ftp protocol. A bright spot in the code are achieved ftp client!
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2925568 Publisher : rambo

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计算机网络课件(qos机制、网络安全、网络基础知识)-Courseware for computer networks (qos mechanisms, network security, network basic knowledge)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2885632 Publisher : 辛强

a book about network algorithmics, which shows how to design network in an industury way
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2242560 Publisher : thewall

MATLAB 神经网络用于英文字母图像和数字的识别源程序-MATLAB neural network for images and the number of letters of the alphabet to identify the source
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 227328 Publisher : 吕文华
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