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maya mel语言创建山的代码 适合初学者学习-maya mel create a mountain of code language for beginners
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : cg

语音信号的时域频域分析,从短时能量到语谱图,以及线性预测参数和梅尔倒谱系数-Speech signal in time domain frequency domain analysis, from the short-term energy to the spectrogram, and the linear prediction parameters and the Mel cepstral coefficients, etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 747520 Publisher : 菁菁

对录音信号集 中的某一语音,利用BATLAB设计一美尔例谱算法,并实现。 取信号集 中的一个语音信号:“xxxxxx”,将它作为输入的语音信号来为设计一个美尔倒谱算法,在该算法中,主要设计了以下环节: 1.读入一个语音信号;2.对这个信号归一化;3.对归一化的信号进行加窗处理(这里的矩形窗长度必须为257,重帧长64);4.进行预加重处理,即通过一个高通滤波器: ;5进行512点的FFT;6.分别取模平方得到功率谱;7.在设计的mel滤波器组中,我采用了25个带通滤波器;8.将得到的功率谱信号通过mel滤波器组,得到相应的25个功率值;9.对这些功率值取自然对数;10.对这些值取离散作弦变换;11.将得到的值去掉直流分量,取其它值作为MFCC参数。 -Concentrated on recording a voice signal, using BATLAB designed Mayer cases spectral algorithm, and implementation. Get a voice signal signal focus: "xxxxxx", will it as input for the design of a voice signal to Mel Cepstrum algorithm in the algorithm, the main design of the following links: 1. Read a speech signal 2. On the signal normalized 3. Of the normalized windowed signal processing (here, rectangular window length must be 257, re-frame size 64) 4. For Pre-emphasis processing through a high-pass filter: 5 for 512 points of FFT 6. modulo square were obtained spectrum 7. in the design of mel filter banks, I use a 25 band-pass filter 8 . will be the power spectrum signal by mel filter bank, corresponding to the 25 power values 9. on the power to take the natural logarithm value 10. to take these values as strings of discrete transform 11. will be of value to out DC component, to take other values as MFCC parameters.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 13312 Publisher : 赵欣

A speech signal filterbank, using melscale frequency and framebanking.- 1. For speech signal can be represented as a discrete sequence of frames (or feature vectors) that can be used as the input to a speech recogniser. Important ideas and techniques that are used in the assignment are the design of a (Mel frequency scale) audio filterbank, , windowing of a continuous audio signal, spectrum analysis of the signal, filtering as multiplication in the frequency domain, the visual representation of a speech signal as a spectrogram, appreciation of the acoustic variability in real speech utterances. 2. To gain a deeper knowledge of the application of MATLAB programming to audio signal processing. 3. To gain practice in the art of writing a formal report: structure, content, style, use of diagrams, presentation etc. etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : Yijian Lou

Toolbox for speech recognition by using Mel-Frequency and Hidden Markov Modelling
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1461248 Publisher : inanc

mfcc特征抽取,包含mel系数,可进行仿真-mfcc character
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : brilliant

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mel frequency cepstrum coeffcients
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : suhas

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Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: An Evaluation of Robustness of MP3 Encoded Music
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 101376 Publisher : isha

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求mel频率倒谱系数的程序,求的准确,时间相比其他程序多一点-Mel frequency cepstrum seeking the procedure, find the exact time a little more compared to other programs
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : zhupeng

关于mel倒谱系数提取的研究生论文,希望对各位初学者有很大的帮助-Mel cepstrum extraction on graduate thesis, you want to be very helpful for beginners
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 356352 Publisher : wang

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语音识别mfcc美尔倒谱系数全过程的matlab程序,运行测试能出结果,希望对你们有用,实在没点数才把自己压箱底的东西拿出来,-Speech Recognition mfcc Mel cepstrum whole process of matlab program, run test can the result, I hope helpful for you, there is really no point only then their things out of bottom pressure, hum
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : wang

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简易时钟程序,基于艾特梅尔atmega8平台,时间时钟、闹钟功能。-Simple clock program, based on the CA Mel atmega8 platform, time clock, alarm clock function.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : awi

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record sec onds of speech and return mel power spectrum in X(channelIdx,frameIdx)-record sec seconds of speech and return mel power spectrum in X(channelIdx,frameIdx)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : vo thanh liem

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melbankm函数的源程序。这个函数也要被melcepst函数调用,用来进行计算Mel倒谱系数。这个函数的作用是构造mel滤波器组-function [x,mn,mx]=melbankm(p,n,fs,fl,fh,w) MELBANKM determine matrix for a mel-spaced filterbank [X,MN,MX]=(P,N,FS,FL,FH,W)
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2048 Publisher : 小智

语音识别的梅尔特征提取算法,matlab 含注释-Mel speech recognition feature extraction algorithm, matlab with comments
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 10240 Publisher : 李芳兰

该源码为语音识别实验平台,算法为DTW+梅尔倒谱系数,并且包含录音函数,方便大家在此平台进行语音识别算法研究。-The source test platform for speech recognition, the algorithm for the DTW+ Mel cepstrum, and includes recording function, we facilitate a voice in this platform Recognition Algorithm.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 30720 Publisher :

hidden markov model based text to speech
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 116736 Publisher : manjong

对录音信号集 中的某一语音,利用MATLAB设计一美尔倒谱算法,并实现。-Focused on the recording of a voice signal, using MATLAB to design a Mel cepstrum algorithms, and implementation.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2076672 Publisher : Dean

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对结构进行反应谱的计算,以杜哈梅尔为基出-A structural response spectra calculations, based out of the Doha Mel
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : 王震

语音信号美尔倒谱分析。美尔倒谱分析的c程序实现。-Mel Cepstral Speech Signal Analysis. Mel Cepstrum analysis c Program.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1024 Publisher : liuqingfeng
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