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文语转换系统,提取LPC语音合成的相关参数/将LPC语音合成参数用格形滤波器还原成语音-Pang text转distance conduct anti , department offers 取 LPC Pang音magnetic cavity rude gaze intently Shouson EC tub/LPC Pang Wei音EC rustic bowl using magnetic track形recommended thinning 器
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 376832 Publisher : 周飞儿

利用DURBIN演算法與AR求取線性預測係數-Durbin algorithm and the use of AR to strike a linear prediction coefficient
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : home

rt_lpc is a light-weight application that performs real-time LPC analysis and synthesis. It features the following: real-time LPC analysis real-time LPC synthesis visualization of original, predicted, and error waveforms visualization of vocal tract shape from LPC coefficients adjustable LPC analysis order adjustable synthesis pitch shift MIDI controlled pitch (hit m ) lots of other choices (pitch pulse source selection, emphasis filter) STFT plot modular LPC library available on MacOS X, Linux, and Windows under GPL part of the sndtools distribution
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 111616 Publisher : 尉迟雪凝

深入浅出ARM7 LPC 213x 214x上下两册-ARM7 LPC 213x 214x easy up and down 2
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 20865024 Publisher : 王满仓

usb同信,加无线通信,lpc的arm,可以实现一对多通信-usb with the letter, plus wireless communications, lpc
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 322560 Publisher : 李立三

DL : 0
usb通信的上位机软件,适用于lpc的arm,可以实现收发三个端点-usb PC communications software, applied to LPC
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 342016 Publisher : 李立三

matlab 求线性倒谱系数,用于语音识别-matlab linear cepstral coefficients for speech recognition
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 424960 Publisher : 吴欢欢

IAR工程模板初探,包含工程设置等常数的说明以及使用方法.可与Protues中的LPC系列ARM实现仿真(已测试).绝对原创.-Project templates of IAR, including settings such as project description, as well as constant use. Protues in with LPC series ARM achieve simulation (tested). Absolute originality.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 47104 Publisher : 程度

用小波系数提取出音频的频域特征。比如lpc等特征。效果好!-Extracted using wavelet coefficients of the frequency-domain characteristics of the audio. Characteristics such as LPC. Good!
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 杨会云

DL : 0
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 139264 Publisher : feifei

基于语音频谱分析的重要性以及众多端点检测的算法以示其重要性-Based on the importance of voice spectrum analysis and the various endpoint detection algorithm to show its importance
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 435200 Publisher : 王林

DL : 0
tcp数据侦听的例子,实现了udp数据侦听回环操作,可以移植到LPC处理器上,不同的处理器只需要修改启动文件就可以了,非常容易移植,该例子是在ucos环境下移植,并在lpc2368处理器上运行成功,选用的是DM69161网卡-tcp listening examples of data to achieve a listening udp data loop operation, can be transferred to the LPC processor, different processors only need to modify the startup file can be very easy to transplant, the example is the environment uCOS transplantation, and lpc2368 processor running successful, choose the network card DM69161
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 500736 Publisher : jim

DL : 0
LPC 2148 的usb例程 HID,MEM例程 -LPC 2148 s usb routines HID, MEM routine
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 119808 Publisher : happy

。LPC分析是进行语音分析的有效技术之一,它提供了1 组简洁的模型参数,这组参数能够比较精确地表征语音信号的频谱幅度, 而且获得这些参数所需的计算量相对较小-. LPC analysis is an effective voice analysis technologies, which provides a concise group of model parameters, which can be more precise set of parameters that characterize the speech signal spectrum range, and access to these parameters required to calculate the volume of relatively small
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1024 Publisher : chengbin

本工具箱利用lpc方法可以准确的提取出共振峰频率,并且解决了共振峰检测时滤波器阶数对所有说话人都一样的问题。本工具箱由美国卡内基梅隆大学一位教授编写,因此所有解释均为英文原版。-The toolbox to use LPC method can extract accurate formant frequency, and the resolution of formant filter order testing of all the speaker are the same problems. The toolbox by the United States a professor at Carnegie Mellon University to prepare, so all the explanations are the original English edition.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 44032 Publisher : yanjingyu 一款LPC2214开发板的代码,功能是led的控制。欢迎大家下载。 a LPC2214 development board of the code, the control function is led. Welcome to the download.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 30720 Publisher : xiaoxu_79

基于LPC 2148的MP3播放器源代码。该代码是linux下的MPEG 音频解码示例程序,并包含文件系统-LPC 2148 based on the MP3 player source code. The code is under linux sample program MPEG audio decoder, and includes the file system
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 1411072 Publisher : lshi

ARM开发实例,实验板是LPC系列。里面有十多个常见的应用例子。包括串口、实时时钟RTC、步进机、时钟LCD显示、I2C等等。是学习ARM嵌入式开发的好资料,大力推荐-ARM development of examples of experimental board is LPC series. There are more than 10 examples of common applications. Including the serial port, real-time clock RTC, stepper machine, clock LCD display, I2C and so on. ARM Embedded Development to learn good information, highly recommended
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 3240960 Publisher : 00

This function synthesizes a (speech) signal based on a LPC (linear- % predictive coding) model of the signal.-This function synthesizes a (speech) signal based on a LPC (linear- predictive coding) model of the signal.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 2048 Publisher : 张小娅

LPC arm7 声音播放程序源代码,确认在keil下编译没问题,LPC2132、2148下使用没问题。-LPC arm7 sound player source code, to confirm in the next keil compiler no problem, LPC2132, 2148 to use no problem.
Update : 2024-04-30 Size : 108544 Publisher : 蔡明
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