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生物识别技术在科研领域取 得了极大的重视和发展。由于生物特征是人的内在属性,具有很强的自身稳定性和个 体差异性,因此是身份验证的最理想依据川。其中,利用人脸特征进行身份验证又是 最自然直接的手段,与指纹、虹膜、掌纹等其他人体生物特征识别系统相比,人脸识 别系统更加友好,方便,易于为用户所接受,有广阔的应用领域。-Biometric technology in the research field of great importance and development. Biological characteristics as a result of the inherent human attribute, has a strong individual differences in their stability and, therefore, is based on authentication of the best Sichuan. Among them, the characteristics of human face authentication is the most natural and direct means, and fingerprint, iris, palm prints and other biometric identification system, the human body as compared to face recognition system more friendly, convenient and easy for users to accept, there are broad fields of application.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 446464 Publisher : 付采

matlab数字图像处理教程有友好的GUI操作界面,学习使用均方便-iris location Matlab source code, using a round, the method of testing a friendly GUI interface
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 15360 Publisher : jevons

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Computational Intelligence IRIS dataset Classification
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 57344 Publisher : ahmar

虹膜识别程序,经典程序,别人,可以共同参考-Iris recognition procedure, the classical procedures, others may be a common reference
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 19456 Publisher : 张伟龙

DL : 0
matlab写的自己设计的自适应网络做iris聚类分析并分类的实验,算法不是很稳定,有一定参考价值-matlab write ,adaptive cluster analysis and classification of iris experiment, the algorithm is not very stable and have a certain reference value
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : legendsino

这个是虹膜识别系统,实现身份认证,在目前这还是一个十分先进的识别系统.-This is iris recognition system for authentication, in the present this is a very advanced identification system.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 405504 Publisher : 向南

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利用bp算法对鸢尾花数据进行分类的matlab实现程序-Bp algorithm using iris data classification procedures to achieve matlab
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7168 Publisher : 王银

基于虹膜的模式识别VC++源代码(图像处理),用于学习图像处理是有很大的帮助-Iris recognition based on the VC++ source code (image processing) for learning image processing is of great help
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 8301568 Publisher : 吕强

在虹膜识别系统中,质量较差的虹膜图像可能被系统拒识,导致身份识别或身份认证的失败。-In the iris recognition system, low-quality iris image rejection may be the system, leading to identification or authentication failure.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 190464 Publisher : ZT

虹膜归一化的代码,只要给出定位好的虹膜图片,就可以很好的进行归一化,使用的极坐标变换。-Normalized iris code, as long as the position is given a good iris image, you can be a good uniform, the use of the polar coordinate transformation.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : xiaozhang

DL : 0
Detection of Iris with segmentation and dilatation, Not performant algorithm, better with hough transform
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : zepek

DL : 0
是虹膜的定位和特征提取的代码,对于虹膜定位有一定的帮助。-Is the positioning of the iris code and feature extraction for iris location will certainly help.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 19456 Publisher : 成琳

设计一种BAYSE 分类器完成对IRIS 数据库的分类-Bayes classifier for iris database
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1024 Publisher : 张敏

DL : 0
用matlab实现iris数据分类,适合初学者的一个很有用的算法-Using matlab to achieve iris data classification, suitable for beginners of a useful algorithm
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1649664 Publisher : 晓晓

Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 133120 Publisher : mannou

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Wavelet Network Based Approach for Iris Localization
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4315136 Publisher : mannou

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this source code use to recognize iris using ANN method
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 62464 Publisher : Adhi Buwana

识别虹膜和眼毛位置程序。使用方法: 1.载入眼睛图片。 2. 定位实验->虹膜定位:确定虹膜圆心,以及虹膜内外环半径。 3. 定位实验->眼毛检测:结果为两条圆心为端点的折线段,标明没有眼毛的虹膜区域。-Identify iris and eye hair location. Use: 1. Loading eye picture. 2. Positioning Experimental->Iris Location: identification of the iris center and radius of the iris inside and outside the ring. 3. Positioning Experimental->eyes hair detection: the results are the two lines, indicating no eye hair region of the iris.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 742400 Publisher : glory

用于对IRIS数据进行分类的各种分类器,用于对多维采样点进行无监督分类。可根据类别数修改分类器,模式识别作业的部分代码。-IRIS data for the various classification categories, for sampling points on the multi-dimensional non-supervised classification. Can be modified in accordance with several types of classifiers, pattern recognition part of the operating code.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 36864 Publisher : 王兵

DL : 0
这是以Iris数据集为例,用朴素bayes方法分类的程序.matlab编程-This is the Iris data set as an example, using the simple bayes methods of classification procedure. Matlab programming
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5562368 Publisher : 王兵
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