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VOIP和网络通信中使用ETUN、TURN和CIE穿越NAT防火墙-NAT Traversal for VoIP and Internet Communications using STUN, TURN and ICE
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1541120 Publisher : 徐敏

DL : 0
仅供学习,研究技术,不得搞非法,违法,后果自负,冰河源码 木马 木马源码 冰河源码 木马 木马源码 -Only for study, research techniques, may not engage in illegal, the consequences of its own costs, glacier ice source source source Trojan Trojan Trojan Trojan Trojan Trojan source source source glacier ice source Trojan Trojan Source
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 25600 Publisher : 范欣

Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 116736 Publisher : 老甘

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大名鼎鼎的冰河木马,不多说了上代码,-Trojan Source Code
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 28672 Publisher : 天天向上

本书是一本介绍Windows核心技术及高级技巧的专著。从系统内核编程出发,使用大量的例子帮助读者理解这些编程技术,讲述了线程同步及隐藏、系统钩子深入分析、读写物理磁盘的关键技术、读写物理内存和其他进程内存的核心技术、Windows 9x下调用16位实模式和保护模式代码的核心技术、直接读写端口技术、可执行文件加壳的技巧、PE结构分析、Ring0的实现、Windows API截取技术、屏幕取词技术等方面的内容。全书对热点源代码进行了深入剖析和讲解,同时本书汇聚了作者利用Soft-ICE跟踪调试经验,作者多年的编程心得和技巧一览无遗。随书附送的光盘提供了书中涉及的程序源代码。-This book is an introduction Windows core technology and advanced techniques monographs. Starting from the system kernel programming, using a large number of examples to help readers understand the programming techniques described thread synchronization and hidden, system hooks in-depth analysis of the physical disk read and write the key technology, reading and writing physical memory and other processes memory the core technology, Windows 9x next call 16-bit real mode and protected-mode code, the core technology, direct read and write port technology, executable packers skills, PE structural analysis, Ring0 realization, Windows API interception technology, Capture Characters from Screen Technology and other aspects. The book on the hot source code in-depth analysis and explanation, while the book brings together authors tracked the use of Soft-ICE debugging experience, the author many years of programming experience and skills at a glance. CD-ROM supplied with the book provides the p
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 49120256 Publisher : 龙文

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冰影小秘书.一个vb写的桌面小程序.有记事本,定时提醒,asc码查询等功能.界面比较有意思,值得一看.-Shadow Secretary of ice smaller. A vb to write desktop applets. There Notepad, from time to time to remind, asc yards query. Interface is interesting, worth a visit.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 331776 Publisher : 张利

播放声音的嵌入式程序,ADS调试器,ICE仿真器环境。-Play a sound of embedded programs, ADS debugger, ICE emulator environment.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 279552 Publisher : qiujia

DL : 0
ice入门的 hello world例子 对入门有很大的帮助-ice entry to the entry of the hello world examples of great help to
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 84992 Publisher : moon

Ice 是一种面向对象的中间件平台。从根本上说,这意味着Ice 为构建面向对象的客户-服务器应用提供了工具、API 和库支持。Ice 应用适合在异种环境中使用:客户和服务器可以用不同的编程语言编写,可以运行在不同的操作系统和机器架构上,并且可以使用多种网络技术进行通信。无论部署环境如何,这些应用的源码都是可移植的。 这个是我练习使用ICE时候的一个demo,很值得参考。-ICE
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 27648 Publisher : lizhi

书名:AVR JTAG ICE仿真器使用手册。-Title: AVR JTAG ICE emulator manual.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 568320 Publisher : Andrew Pan

程序说明: 一、开发环境 1、开发板:AT91SAM7X256-EK 2、仿真器:SAM-ICE(ATMEL) 3、开发软件:IAR4_30A-1_2(IAR) 二、程序功能 1、程序目的:介绍AT91SAM7X256 ADC的基本用法: 2、 功能说明: ADC测试--用ADC0_AD3作为模拟开关 三、开发板设置 1、依据AT91SAM7X256-EK使用向导,设置好开发板(最小系统). 2、J13的1、2脚短接,选用MN2的输出电压作为ADC的参考电压 3、运行程序,用导线将J26的2端口与地相连 (模拟输入0V电压),可见LED0灭,LED1亮。 2端口与1端口相连(模拟输入3V电压)可见LED1灭,LED0亮。-Procedure Description: First, a development environment, development board: AT91SAM7X256-EK 2, emulator: SAM-ICE (ATMEL) 3, development of software: IAR4_30A-1_2 (IAR) 2, the program features one, the program Objective: To introduce AT91SAM7X256 ADC' s Basic Usage: 2, Function Description: ADC test- with ADC0_AD3 as analog switch 3, the board set up one, based on AT91SAM7X256-EK using the wizard, set a good development board (minimum system). 2, J13 1,2 feet shorter then , choose the output voltage of MN2 as the ADC' s reference voltage 3, run the program, using wire to J26 of the two-port connected with the ground (0V analog input voltage), we can see LED0 eliminate, LED1 light. 2-port with a port connected to (3V analog input voltage) can be seen LED1 eliminate, LED0 bright.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 614400 Publisher : Tina

DL : 0
[struts+hibernateOA.rar] - the procedures used to achieve the Apache struts oa office system, a partial function, has ye in the above experiments, compilation of language, the process is transferred links. :) [] - TI s MSP430 connection with the SD Card Drivers test version [multi-ice-ddd.tar.gz] - in Linux and multi-ice connectivity, used to debug the Linux source code [at91sam7s64mp3.rar] - atmelsam7s64 do mp3 decoding of the source [Mp3.rar] - mp3 decoder detailed algorithm flow, as well as the mp3 file format specific introduction [Program-Keil.rar] - arm7 lpc2132+ VS1003+ sdcard produced MP3 in KEIL3 under this program to compile
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 47104 Publisher : sasa

DL : 0
[struts+hibernateOA.rar] - the procedures used to achieve the Apache struts oa office system, a partial function, has ye in the above experiments, compilation of language, the process is transferred links. :) [] - TI s MSP430 connection with the SD Card Drivers test version [multi-ice-ddd.tar.gz] - in Linux and multi-ice connectivity, used to debug the Linux source code [at91sam7s64mp3.rar] - atmelsam7s64 do mp3 decoding of the source [Mp3.rar] - mp3 decoder detailed algorithm flow, as well as the mp3 file format specific introduction [Program-Keil.rar] - arm7 lpc2132+ VS1003+ sdcard produced MP3 in KEIL3 under this program to compile Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, s
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 46080 Publisher : sasa

支持S3C2410等ARM芯片的Multi-ICE Server的安装文件,以及升级包。-Support the ARM chip S3C2410 and other Multi-ICE Server installation files, and updates.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 17073152 Publisher : ghy

DL : 0
ICE传送文件功能 实现远程数据传送 ICE传送文件功能 实现远程数据传送-for ice for ice for ice for ice
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 128000 Publisher : 刘源

ICE分布式系统程序设计。包括ICE服务、Slice语言-ICE distributed system programming. Including the ICE service, Slice languages, etc.
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 2896896 Publisher : 明少

Multi-ICE 用户手册 2.2-Multi-ICE User Guide
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 1333248 Publisher : dfxy521126

MCHP的FLASH芯片,由于出品时间跨度漫长,早年的设计没有充分考虑到中国市场以及低功耗系统开发的特殊要求,配合ICD2/PICKIT2/ICD3/REAL ICE等在线调试型产品使用时会存在以下一些问题-MCHP' s FLASH chip, due to the long span of time produced, the design of the early years did not fully take into account the Chinese market and low-power systems development special requirements, such as online debugging with ICD2/PICKIT2/ICD3/REAL ICE products will exist when using the following problem
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 3072 Publisher : Jenny

DL : 0
这是三菱FX系列PLC通用的MODBUS RTU从站源码,用GX ICE DEP打开-This is the Mitsubishi FX Series PLC MODBUS RTU slave common source, Open with GX ICE DEP
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 269312 Publisher : 李明

jtag ice mk2 ALL files in one attachment
Update : 2024-04-28 Size : 9216 Publisher : roro rorov
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