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、把网站程序传到您的空间或者服务器中,在浏览器中输入您的网站,既可看到安装提示信息。 2、根据提示信息进行网站安装,安装共分为三步。第一步:安装数据库,此步您可以使用默认设置,而且使用默认设置也是最好的选择。第二步:填写您网站的名称,网盟ID,网盟加密字符串等必填信息,其他可以使用默认设置。第三步:设置您的网站后台密码,建议您的网站后台路径不要使用默认设置。 3、如果您的空间支持伪静态,您可以登录后台在网站设置中打开伪静态功能,如果您的主站已经使用伪静态,您需要把您的主站伪静态规则添加到我们的伪静态规则里,然后删除您原有的httpd.ini然后再打开网站伪静态。-qiangdadejidianguanlixitong
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2470912 Publisher : 我晕死

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版权所有:GESCMS.NET Copyright 2010-2011 - All Rights Reserved. 版权声明:   本程序及相关文档的版权及其他权利都归GESCMS官方所有并保留一切权利。除了GESCMS官方授权许可协议所提供的明确书面许可外,拥有本程序及相关文档并不赋予您任何有关这些专利、版权或其他知识产权的许可。 ************************************************************************ 系统安装步骤: 1,将"GESCMS_v1.0"文件夹下的所有文件上传到你的服务器上。 2,运行http://你的网址/install/,根据提示步骤进行系统安装。 3,运行http://你的网址/admin/,进入系统后台进行系统设定和数据管理。 我们建议您在系统成功安装好后,进行如下设置: 1,先进入"网站设置" - > "全局设置"设置网站基本信息, 2,再进入"网站设置" - > "系统标签设置"进行数据库/字段别名设置,以便于模板中标签进行数据调用。 3,若在虚拟主机中运行本程序,需要将httpd.ini文件提供给主机运营商,以便于程序进行URL地址重写。-Copyright: GESCMS.NET Copyright 2010-2011 All Rights Reserved. Copyright: The procedures and documentation copyright and other rights owned by the Crown and GESCMS All rights reserved. In addition to GESCMS official license agreement provided by the express written permission, but with the procedures and related documentation does not give you any of these patents, copyright or other intellectual property. ************************************************************************ Installation steps: 1, "GESCMS_v1.0" folder of all files uploaded to your server. 2, run http:// to your URL/install /, according to the steps for installation tips. 3, run http:// to your URL/admin /, set the system back into the system and data management. We recommend that you successfully installed the system after the set as follows: 1, first go to "Site Settings"-> "Global Settings" to set basic information website, 2, then enter the "Site Settings"-> "Sy
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 758784 Publisher : efunet

本手册一共分五个步骤完成介绍如何利用PHP、Apache、MysqL的安装包搭建一个php的开发环境。文档中附上了详细的步骤视图,简单易懂。 Apache的安装文件为:httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi; PHP版本采用; Mysql选用mysql-installer- -This manual was divided into five steps on how to use PHP, Apache, MysqL installation package to build a php development environment. Attached document details the steps in the view, easy to understand. Apache' s installation file: httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi PHP version using Mysql use mysql-installer-
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 2443264 Publisher : zh

Bleeding Life 2 is an exploit pack that affects the web browsers on the Microsoft Windows operating system with remote code execution buffer overflows. Features Bleeding Life 2 has a variety of exploits and statistics features. Exploits Adobe CVE-2008-2992 CVE-2010-1297 CVE-2010-2884 CVE-2010-0188 Java CVE-2010-0842 CVE-2010-3552 Signed Applet Statistics Statistics by Exploit Statistics by Browser Statistics by OS Version Server Requirements MySQL PHP HTTPD (apache, lighttpd, nginx, etc)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 547840 Publisher : n3d

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淘宝画报小偷程序,淘画报(出品,淘宝门户画报为您提供看图购物。 淘宝画报小偷程序 2.2 使用说明: 本程序支持根目录以及子目录使用,无需修改程序。 所以请根据需要使用指定规则,如程序放在根目录运行,则无需更改任何规则。 如程序需要放在子目录运行,请按以下操作修改。(注意一定要把伪静态文件放根目录,如果根目录已经有了,可以整合) Windows主机用户请将 “子目录规则.rar” 中的 “httpd.ini” 解压出来并做以下修改。 RewriteRule ^/huabao/index.htm /huabao/index.php [I] RewriteRule ^/huabao/ /huabao/index.php [-淘宝画报小偷程序,淘画报(出品,淘宝门户画报为您提供看图购物。 淘宝画报小偷程序 2.2 使用说明: 本程序支持根目录以及子目录使用,无需修改程序。 所以请根据需要使用指定规则,如程序放在根目录运行,则无需更改任何规则。 如程序需要放在子目录运行,请按以下操作修改。(注意一定要把伪静态文件放根目录,如果根目录已经有了,可以整合) Windows主机用户请将 “子目录规则.rar” 中的 “httpd.ini” 解压出来并做以下修改。 RewriteRule ^/huabao/index.htm /huabao/index.php [I] RewriteRule ^/huabao/ /huabao/index.php [
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 271360 Publisher : 阿文

目前可找的最新apache windows源码-the latest apache windows src
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 12877824 Publisher : 梁龙

Apache是世界使用排名第一的Web服务器软件。它可以运行在几乎所有广泛使用的计算机平台上,由于其跨平台和安全性被广泛使用,是最流行的Web服务器端软件之一。同时Apache音译为阿帕奇,是北美印第安人的一个部落,叫阿帕奇族,在美国的西南部。也是一个基金会的名称、一种武装直升机等等。 -Ranked first in the world to use Apache Web server software. It can run on almost any computer platform widely used, because of its cross-platform and safety are widely used, is the most popular Web server software. Apache also transliterated as Apache, a tribe of North American Indians, called Apache tribe in the southwestern United States. Is also the name of a foundation, one kind of helicopter gunships and so on.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6125568 Publisher : ykhzmzjx

lunix下apache安装软件,用于对应用地址进行分发。对应用地址进行统一管理。-The Lunix Apache installation software
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 7445504 Publisher :

http,一种网络协议,可以实现网络的多平台支持-http, a network protocol that can support multi-platform network
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6451200 Publisher : 王元达

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可以使用apache,安装可以使用在redhat,使用的平台为linux-You can use apache, installation can be used in redhat, use platform for linux
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6029312 Publisher : pxwws

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基于C++的http服务器实现代码,开源框架-http server source code based on c++ programming language,It is a open source project.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6853632 Publisher : ronghailiin

一个代理服务器,不知道是不是你想要的那样,我说的就这么多-l love you
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 5100544 Publisher : 何俊杰

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httpdASM is a simple web server (httpd). The main features of this server are: - supports HTTP 1.1 (reusable connections) - supports ISAPI extensions. (source code is MASM-compatible JWasm)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 56320 Publisher : storedproc9

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先下载伪静态文件,在本文章最下面 本地使用: 解压文件到C盘根目录下 在要启用Rewrite的IIS站点的Isapi上添加这个筛选器 筛选器名称Rewrite 可执行文件选择 c:\Rewrite\Rewrite.dll 即可以了 httpd.ini是配置文件 如果你想对个别站点不防盗链的话或者你的论坛和supesite是分开的两个域名的话。以上方法会导致双方相互防盗链!不能正常调用 请按下面的方法改动 RewriteCond Host: (.+) RewriteCond Referer: (?!http://\1.*).* RewriteRule .*\.(?:gif|jpg|png|) /block.gif [I,O] 请把上面代码第二行改为: RewriteCond Referer: (?!http://(?:www\.lbhao\.com|www\.hx2015\.net)).+-First download the pseudo static file, in this article the following Local use: Unzip the file to the root directory of the C Add this filter to the Isapi on the IIS Rewrite site. Filter name Rewrite Executable file selection c:\Rewrite\Rewrite.dll that can be Httpd.ini is a configuration file If you want to the individual site is not the security chain or your forum and SupeSite are separated the two domain name. The above method will lead to mutual security chain! Can t be normal. Please change the following method. RewriteCond Host: (1) RewriteCond Referer: (http://\1.*?!). RewriteRule.*\. (?: gif|jpg|png|) /block.gif [I, O] Please change the above code second lines to: RewriteCond Referer: (http:// (?!?: www\.lbhao\.com|www\.hx2015\.net) 1)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 105472 Publisher : ampudn76

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1.修护了百度搜索有时候搜索的时候乱码! 2.紧急修护分页代码是首页的问题! 3.首页增加了淘宝搜索,请在JS文件里修改,位置在(home/js/do.min.js),修改相应的计费ID! 4.首页增加了小游戏推荐(免更新的),自动更新, 5.如果大家的空间支持伪静态的话,可以把泛解析到到www主域名,请在目录的httpd.ini修改相应的配置! 6.数据库了做了防下载处理让你的后台更安全!-1 repair time Baidu search search sometimes garbled! 2 emergency repair paging code is the problem of the home page! 3 home increase the search, please modify the JS file, the location in (home/js/do.min.js), modify the corresponding billing ID! 4 increase the home page of small games recommended (free update), automatic updates, 5 if you have the space to support pseudo static, you can put the pan resolution to the WWW domain name, please modify the corresponding configuration in the directory httpd.ini! 6 to do the anti download processing to make your background more secure!
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 3030016 Publisher : eepudn32

45IT.COM多用户留言系统安装包 系统环境 1、可用的httpd服务器(如 Apache、IIS、Nginx 等) 2、支持ASP即可 3、采用ACCESS数据库 开放程度:完全开放免费 安装方法 请参考下面的步骤进行集成包的安装: 1. 通过ftp工具,所有文件上传。无需修改,默认即可使用 2. 在浏览器中访问: http://本程序访问URL/即可 3. 管理员帐号admin 密码123456 4. 配置文件dbpath.asp,可修改数据库路径,和数据访问方式,如asp或者mdb等。 5.管理文件admin.asp,管理方式http://本程序访问URL/dmin.asp 6.如需过滤设置,见addsave45itcom.asp文件 7.数据库文件book.asp,如需修改AC数据库将文件扩展名改为mdb即可。-45IT.COM multi user message system installation package System environment 1, available httpd server (such as Apache, IIS, Nginx, etc.) 2, support ASP 3, the use of ACCESS Open degree: fully open for free Installation method Please refer to the following steps for the installation of integrated packages: 1 through the FTP tool, all file upload. Without modification, you can use the default 2 in the browser to access: http:// this program to visit URL/ 3 administrator account admin password 123456 4 configuration file dbpath.asp, can modify the path, and data access methods, such as ASP or MDB, etc.. 5 management file admin.asp, management mode http:// this program access URL/dmin.asp 6 if you need to filter settings, see the addsave45itcom.asp file 7 file book.asp, such as the need to modify the AC file extension to mdb.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 851968 Publisher : bmpudn4

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apache2.2+php5.apache2.2的httpd.conf,直接替换掉apache的httpd.conf,并且修改apache的位置,php的位置,即可搭建php的开发环境。-Apache2.2+ php5. The HTTPD apache2.2. Conf, directly replace apache HTTPD. Conf, and modify the location of the apache, PHP, you can build PHP development environment.
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 6144 Publisher : 小甲

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Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 1381376 Publisher : Kan Lenou

php语言开发环境,很适合想学习php的同学,安装简便好用。(PHP language development environment,It is very suitable for students who want to learn PHP. It is easy to install and use)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4976640 Publisher : 木子手辰

PHP运行环境~需要的可以下载,非常适合我们使用(PHP running environment,What you need can be downloaded, so it's very suitable for us to use)
Update : 2024-04-29 Size : 4976640 Publisher : 幻叶
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