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一种模糊卡尔曼滤波器的设计- One kind of fuzzy kalman filter design
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 413696 Publisher : 李江

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In fuzzy cluster analysis, many algorithms have been developed. In general, the most widely used is the Fuzzy c-Means Algorithms (FCMA).-fuzzy cluster analysis, many algorithms have been developed. In genera l the most widely used is the fuzzy c- Means Algori thms (FCMA).
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : 李兵

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模糊数学里的聚类分析,很有用的,做模糊数学试验一定会用到-Fuzzy Mathematics in the cluster analysis, very useful, so fuzzy mathematics test will be used
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 储啸天

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这是关于模糊K聚类的pdf文件,供大家学习-This is on the K fuzzy clustering pdf document for everyone to learn
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 71680 Publisher : zhs

FCM算法是一种基于划分的聚类算法,它的思想就是使得被划分到同一簇的对象之间相似度最大,而不同簇之间的相似度最小。模糊C均值算法是普通C均值算法的改进,普通C均值算法对于数据的划分是硬性的,而FCM则是一种柔性的模糊划分。-FCM algorithm is a clustering algorithm based on the division of its thinking is that it is making is divided into clusters with the greatest similarity between the object, and different similarity between the smallest cluster. Fuzzy C-means algorithm is an ordinary C-means algorithm, the general C-means algorithm for data delineation is rigid, while the FCM is a soft fuzzy partition.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 368640 Publisher : Alpha

DL : 0
FCM算法是一种基于划分的聚类算法,它的思想就是使得被划分到同一簇的对象之间相似度最大,而不同簇之间的相似度最小。模糊C均值算法是普通C均值算法的改进,普通C均值算法对于数据的划分是硬性的,而FCM则是一种柔性的模糊划分。在介绍FCM具体算法之前我们先介绍一些模糊集合的基本知识。-FCM algorithm is a clustering algorithm based on the division of its thinking is that it is making is divided into clusters with the greatest similarity between the object, and different similarity between the smallest cluster. Fuzzy C-means algorithm is an ordinary C-means algorithm, the general C-means algorithm for data delineation is rigid, while the FCM is a soft fuzzy partition. FCM in the introduction prior to the specific algorithm we first introduce some basic knowledge of fuzzy sets.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1713152 Publisher : zhourl

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Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 16384 Publisher : Yang Le

Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2137088 Publisher : xdlongyuan

Fuzzy C means to segmentate an image whit skin cancer
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 161792 Publisher : tonatiuh

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K-means Fuzzy Clustering file
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 57344 Publisher : cnabro

DL : 3
遗传算法改进的模糊C-均值聚类MATLAB源码 模糊C-均值算法容易收敛于局部极小点,为了克服该缺点,将遗传算法应用于模糊C-均值算法(FCM)的优化计算中,由遗传算法得到初始聚类中心,再使用标准的模糊C-均值聚类算法得到最优分类结果。 -Value algorithm (FCM) of the optimization calculations, by the genetic algorithm is the initial cluster centers, and then use the standard fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm to obtain the optimal classification result.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : 孙准

DL : 0
模糊C-均值算法容易收敛于局部极小点,为了克服该缺点,将遗传算法应用于模糊C-均值算法(FCM)的优化计算中,由遗传算法得到初始聚类中心,再使用标准的模糊C-均值聚类算法得到最优分类结果。-Fuzzy C-means algorithm converges to local minimum points easily, in order to overcome the shortcomings of genetic algorithm is applied to fuzzy C-means algorithm (FCM) of the optimization calculations, by the genetic algorithm is the initial cluster centers, and then use the standard Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm to obtain the optimal classification result.
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1024 Publisher : zsy

DL : 0
java写的模糊c均值聚类算法和k均值聚类算法-fuzzy c means clustering algorithm and K means cluster in java
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2048 Publisher : june

matlab编程设计之人脸图形模糊性算法源码matlab Programming for face graphics Fuzzy algorithm source code-matlab Programming for face graphics Fuzzy algorithm source code matlab Programming for face graphics Fuzzy algorithm source code
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 14336 Publisher : jf

锅炉燃烧系统的模糊预测控制,完整的程序设计流程图-Boiler combustion system of fuzzy predictive control, complete the program flow chart
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 1690624 Publisher : primer

基于控制图的模糊资料判别研究Control chart based on identification of fuzzy data-Control chart based on identification of fuzzy data
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 113664 Publisher : zhejiang001

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模糊控制程序,告诉我们怎么编写一个模糊控制程序-Fuzzy control procedures, to tell us how to write a fuzzy control program
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 3072 Publisher : MS zhou

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基于支持向量机和模糊系统的机器学习方法及其应用研究 文档 写的很好-SVM Fuzzy SYSTEM
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 2169856 Publisher : china

在MATLAB环境下,实现模糊控制,在必要的地方都有注释,适合研究模糊控制-In the MATLAB environment, fuzzy control, where necessary, have the notes for the fuzzy control
Update : 2024-04-27 Size : 4096 Publisher : 张国鹏

Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a method of clustering which allows one piece of data to belong to two or more clusters
Update : 2017-10-26 Size : 3156 Publisher : Mustafa_92
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