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dvd播放filter, 该例子演示了播放dvd的过程,需要安装directx9.0-DVD player filter, the example demonstrates the process of dvd players need to install directx9.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 32857 Publisher : gfs

本文提供的视频捕捉类CcaptureVideo和示例,在Win2K + DirectX9 SDK + VC6 环境下调试通过。注意:编译时需要Strmiids.lib Quartz.lib两个库文件(DirectX9 SDK自带)。 -This paper provides video capture and category CcaptureVideo example, in Win2K DirectX9 SDK VC6 through debugging environment. Attention : Build need Strmiids.lib Quartz.lib two libraries (DirectX9 SDK own).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3917 Publisher : kang

Drectx 3D图形游戏编程实例源代码,包括directx9初始化、图形的着色、顶点缓冲及3D效果等-Drectx game 3D graphics programming source code examples, including directx9 initialization, graphics rendering, a vertex buffer and 3D effects
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1560927 Publisher : 张文广

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DirectX9.0 编程基础 点光源-DirectX 9.0 basis points Source Programming
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 34845 Publisher : wy

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DirectX9 SDK开发的一个程序,它初始化了DX9系统并载入了3D模型。-DirectX9 SDK development of a procedure, it initialization of the system and DX9 included in the 3D model.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 249740 Publisher : 张朋

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利用directx9实现火球的爆炸-use directx9 achieve fireball explosion!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 28165 Publisher : 微微

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编程教你绘制一个扇行,directx9下面-mapping program to teach you a fan trip directx9 Below
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18372 Publisher : 微微

编程小小恐龙从左跑到右,directx9下面实现-programming tiny dinosaur evaluated went right, below achieve directx9
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 152937 Publisher : 微微

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在directx9.0安装上之后才可以运行和调试,在.net2003下进行-in directx9.0 installed after running and debugging,. Under net2003
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16541 Publisher : wht

在VC下利用directX9.0写的很好的3D图形编程的例子,包括.x文件的读取,纹理的加载!适合初学者练手!-in VC directX9.0 write using a good 3D graphics programming examples, including. X document read, texture loading! For beginners to practice hands!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 158348 Publisher : icefly

一个用于演示planar算法的阴影显示例子方便易学,需要directx9.0支持.-a planar algorithm for demonstrating the shadow shows examples easy. Need directx9.0 support.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 48046 Publisher : chen

介绍使用VC+Directx9做3D游戏开发的书籍,写得还是相当不错的,还可以帮你补补数学知识,只是是英文的!-Directx9 VC on the use of 3D game developers to do the books, written or fairly good, also can help you constantly mathematical knowledge, the only English!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4361124 Publisher : penbin123

经典的directx入门书籍,e文的,有兴趣可以看一下-DirectX entry classic books, e-wen, are interested can look at the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2090746 Publisher : 望打开

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capture the webcam video and sound, use visual c++ 6.0 with directx9.0b-capture the webcam video and sound, use visual c 6.0 with directx9.0b
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10072 Publisher : 李偉

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Directx9例程 关于多层纹理贴图的例子,有详细注释!-Directx9 routines on the multi-storey textures example, a detailed notes!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 586006 Publisher : 王五

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一个基于DirectX9.0C的三维显示程序.效果为一个蝙蝠,来源于DirectX SDK中-a 3D display program. The effect of a bat. DirectX SDK from China
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 248141 Publisher : 张斌

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关于DIRECTX9.0C的一个小场景的编程,AABB碰撞盒检测,.X文件骨骼动画的导入-DIRECTX9.0C on the scene of a small programming, AABB box collision detection, . X-bones document into animation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5584076 Publisher : ritter

用csharp编写的视频帧提取源代码,需要directx9.0支持- The video frequency frame compiles which with csharp withdraws the source code, needs directx9.0 to support-csharp prepared with the video frame from the source code, directx9.0 need support - The video frame frequency com csharp with piles which withdraws the source co de, needs to support directx9.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 22291 Publisher : 玩一玩

用csharp编写的视频帧提取源代码,需要directx9.0支持- The video frequency frame compiles which with csharp withdraws the source code, needs directx9.0 to support-csharp prepared with the video frame from the source code, directx9.0 need support - The video frame frequency com csharp with piles which withdraws the source co de, needs to support directx9.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 197878 Publisher : 玩一玩

用csharp编写的视频帧提取源代码,需要directx9.0支持- The video frequency frame compiles which with csharp withdraws the source code, needs directx9.0 to support-csharp prepared with the video frame from the source code, directx9.0 need support - The video frame frequency com csharp with piles which withdraws the source co de, needs to support directx9.0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25701 Publisher : 玩一玩
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